- However, pineal gland activation is possible if you know how. But why should we care about pineal gland activation?
- What are the benefits of pineal gland activation?
There are seven Chakras in our bodies and the pineal gland is the 6th one. All of the chakras should be balanced for the optimal performance of the body and the mind. Pineal gland activation will help the 6th Chakra reach its potential, which includes clairvoyance, psychic abilities, imagination, and dreaming.
Pineal gland activation will awaken our minds ability for prophecy. A person who has achieved pineal gland activation will experience increased psychic awareness and psychic talents. Some people believe that supernatural powers will be initiated with pineal gland activation.
Besides increased psychic awareness, pineal gland activation will help the pineal gland, or the third eye, to act as a stargate that can see beyond space and time. It also acts as a link between the physical world and the spiritual world.
That’s not all. Other benefits of pineal gland activation include telepathy and a greater level of perceptiveness that can go beyond this three dimensional world. There are three crystals in the pineal gland which help with this ability of visionary capacity. The three crystals are apatitie, calcite, and magnetite. Apatitie helps with inspiration, spiritual oneness, and psychic enhancement, while calcite is for the expansion of one’s powers. Magnetite aids with mediation, visionary purpose, and establishing our experiences in the physical world. Together, all these three crystals create a cosmic antennae, which aids the transfer of signals between the different dimensional planes.
All these benefits have caused some people to believe that the most famous prophets of our history all have undergone pineal gland activation.
If all these benefits sound like something you want to experience, the next step is to learn how to achieve pineal gland activation. The most important step in activating the pineal gland is to raise the frequency in the body. This can be done through meditation, visualization yoga, chanting, dancing, drum sounds, Tai Chi postures, Qigong positions, and using stereo grams. Any of these methods will open the third eye (the pineal gland) and help you to be able to see beyond the physical world. This process takes practice – with practice, you will be able to do this faster and more often.Producing certain sounds can activate your pineal gland. One method is to make the sound’nnnn’ while covering your ears. Then sound ‘mmm’ for a few minutes, and then say ‘ngngng’ for the same amount of time. These sounds will put a light pressure on the pineal gland, which stimulates it and activates it.Light is one of the stimulators for the pineal gland. You can do a mediation that includes a beam of light. One method is to close your eyes and focus all of your thoughts on the pineal gland (remember, it is in the middle of your brain). Send beams of light to the following locations, all in this order: your front side, the back of your head, to the left of you, to the right of you, straight up, and straight down. Breathe in deeply thought your nose, and then exhale through your mouth. Repeat all the steps several times before relaxing and opening your eyes.MelatoninIn humans, melatonin is produced by the pineal gland, a small endocrine gland located in the center of the brain but outside the blood–brain barrier. The melatonin signal forms part of the system that regulates the sleep-wake cycle by chemically causing drowsiness and lowering the body temperature, but it is the central nervous system (specifically the suprachiasmatic nuclei, or SCN) that controls the daily cycle in most components of the paracrine and endocrine systems rather than the melatonin signal (as was once postulated). Infants' melatonin levels become regular in about the third month after birth, with the highest levels measured between midnight and 08:00 (8 AM).In humans, 90% of melatonin is cleared in a single passage through the liver, a small amount is excreted in urine, and a small amount is found in saliva.Human melatonin production decreases as a person ages. It is believed that as children become teenagers, the nightly schedule of melatonin release is delayed, leading to later sleeping and waking times. Source : Wikipedia
Serotoninor 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) is a monoamine neurotransmitter. Biochemically derived from tryptophan, serotonin is primarily found in thegastrointestinal (GI) tract, platelets, and in the central nervous system (CNS) of animals including humans. It is popularly thought to be a contributor to feelings of well-being andhappiness. Approximately 90% of the human body's total serotonin is located in the enterochromaffin cells in the alimentary canal (gut), where it is used to regulate intestinal movements.The remainder is synthesized in serotonergic neurons of the CNS, where it has various functions. These include the regulation of mood, appetite, and sleep. Serotonin also has some cognitive functions, including memory and learning. Modulation of serotonin at synapses is thought to be a major action of several classes of pharmacological antidepressants. Serotonin secreted from the enterochromaffin cells eventually finds its way out of tissues into the blood. There, it is actively taken up by blood platelets, which store it. When the platelets bind to a clot, they disgorge serotonin, where it serves as a vasoconstrictor and helps to regulate hemostasis and blood clotting. Serotonin also is a growth factor for some types of cells, which may give it a role in wound healing. Serotonin is mainly metabolized to 5-HIAA, chiefly by the liver. Metabolism involves first oxidation by monoamine oxidase to the corresponding aldehyde. This is followed by oxidation by aldehyde dehydrogenase to 5-HIAA, the indole acetic acid derivative. The latter is then excreted by the kidneys. One type of tumor, called carcinoid, sometimes secretes large amounts of serotonin into the blood, which causes various forms of thecarcinoid syndrome of flushing, diarrhea, and heart problems. Because of serotonin's growth-promoting effect on cardiac myocytes, persons with serotonin-secreting carcinoid may suffer a right heart (tricuspid) valve disease syndrome, caused by proliferation of myocytes onto the valve. In addition to animals, serotonin is found in fungi and plants.Serotonin's presence in insect venoms and plant spines serves to cause pain, which is a side effect of serotonin injection. Serotonin is produced by pathogenic amoebae, and its effect on the gut causes diarrhea. Its widespread presence in many seeds and fruits may serve to stimulate the digestive tract into expelling the seeds.
---------Warning :
The mechanism of toxicity involves the combination of the fluoride anion with the calcium ions in the blood to form insoluble calcium fluoride, resulting in hypocalcemia; calcium is indispensable for the function of the nervous system, and the condition can be fatal. Treatment may involve oral administration of dilute calcium hydroxide or calcium chloride to prevent further absorption, and injection of calcium gluconate to increase the calcium levels in the blood.
Hydrogen fluoride is more dangerous than salts such as NaF because it is corrosive and volatile, and can result in fatal exposure through inhalation or upon contact with the skin; calcium gluconate gel is the usual antidote.In the higher doses used to treat osteoporosis, sodium fluoride can cause pain in the legs and incomplete stress fractures when the doses are too high; it also irritates the stomach, sometimes so severely as to cause ulcers.
Slow-release and enteric-coated versions of sodium fluoride do not have gastric side effects in any significant way, and have milder and less frequent complications in the bones.In the lower doses used for water fluoridation, the only clear adverse effect is dental fluorosis, which can alter the appearance of children's teeth during tooth development; this is mostly mild and is unlikely to represent any real effect on aesthetic appearance or on public health.
The effects of aluminium in antiperspirants has been examined over the course of decades with little evidence of skin irritation.Nonetheless, its occurrence in antiperspirants, dyes (such as aluminium lake), and food additives is controversial in some quarters. Although there is little evidence that normal exposure to aluminium presents a risk to healthy adults,some studies point to risks associated with increased exposure to the metal. Aluminium in food may be absorbed more than aluminium from water.Some researchers have expressed concerns that the aluminium in antiperspirants may increase the risk of breast cancer, and aluminium has controversially been implicated as a factor in Alzheimer's disease.The Camelford water pollution incident involved a number of people consuming aluminium sulfate. Investigations of the long-term health effects are still ongoing, but elevated brain aluminium concentrations have been found in post-mortem examinations of victims, and further research to determine if there is a link with cerebral amyloid angiopathy has been commissioned. According to the Alzheimer's Society, the medical and scientific opinion is that studies have not convincingly demonstrated a causal relationship between aluminium and Alzheimer's disease. Nevertheless, some studies, such as those on the PAQUID cohort, cite aluminium exposure as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. Some brain plaques have been found to contain increased levels of the metal.Research in this area has been inconclusive; aluminium accumulation may be a consequence of the disease rather than a causal agent. In any event, if there is any toxicity of aluminium, it must be via a very specific mechanism, since total human exposure to the element in the form of naturally occurring clay in soil and dust is enormously large over a lifetime. Scientific consensus does not yet exist about whether aluminium exposure could directly increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease Source : Wikipedia
Alkaline Phosphatase
One common use in the dairy industry is as a marker of pasteurisation in cows' milk. This molecule is denatured by elevated temperatures found during pasteurisation, and can be tested for via colour change of a para-Nitrophenylphosphate substrate in a buffered solution (Aschaffenburg Mullen Test). Raw milk would typically produce a yellow colouration within a couple of minutes, whereas properly pasteurised milk should show no change. There are of course exceptions to this in the case of heat-stable alkaline phophatases produced by some bacteria.
In humans, alkaline phosphatase is present in all tissues throughout the entire body, but is particularly concentrated in liver, bile duct,kidney, bone, and the placenta. Humans and most other mammals contain the following alkaline phosphatase isozymes:
- ALPI – intestinal
- ALPL – tissue non-specific (liver/bone/kidney)
- ALPP – placental (Regan isozyme)
Diagnostic use
The normal range is 20 to 140 IU/L. High ALP levels can show that the bile ducts are obstructed.Levels are significantly higher in children and pregnant women. Also, elevated ALP indicates that there could be active bone formation occurring as ALP is a byproduct of osteoblast activity (such as the case in Paget's disease of bone). Levels are also elevated in people with untreated Celiac Disease.
Lowered levels of ALP are less common than elevated levels.Elevated levelsIf it is unclear why alkaline phosphatase is elevated, isoenzyme studies using electrophoresis can confirm the source of the ALP. Heat stability also distinguishes bone and liver isoenzymes ("bone burns, liver lasts"). Placental alkaline phosphatase is elevated inseminomasand active form of Rickets.
A study investigating the effects of personal calcium supplement use on cardiovascular risk in the Women’s Health Initiative Calcium/Vitamin D Supplementation Study (WHI CaD Study) found a modestly increased risk of cardiovascular events, particularly myocardial infarction in postmenopausal women. A broad recommendation of calcium/vitamin D supplements is therefore not warranted Compared with other metals, the calcium ion and most calcium compounds have low toxicity. This is not surprising given the very high natural abundance of calcium compounds in the environment and in organisms.Calcium poses few serious environmental problems, with kidney stones the most common side-effect in clinical studies. Acute calcium poisoning is rare, and difficult to achieve unless calcium compounds are administered intravenously. For example, the oral median lethal dose (LD50) for rats for calcium carbonate andcalcium chloride are 6.45 and 1.4 g/kg,respectively.
Calcium metal is hazardous because of its sometimes-violent reactions with water and acids. Calcium metal is found in some drain cleaners, where it functions to generate heat and calcium hydroxide that saponifies the fats and liquefies the proteins (e.g., hair) that block drains. When swallowed calcium metal has the same effect on the mouth, esophagus and stomach, and can be fatal.
Excessive consumption of calcium carbonate antacids/dietary supplements (such as Tums) over a period of weeks or months can cause milk-alkali syndrome, with symptoms ranging from hypercalcemia to potentially fatal renal failure.
What constitutes “excessive” consumption is not well known and, it is presumed, varies a great deal from person to person. Persons consuming more than 10 grams/day of CaCO3 (=4 g Ca) are at risk of developing milk-alkali syndrome, but the condition has been reported in at least one person consuming only 2.5 grams/day of CaCO3 (=1 g Ca), an amount usually considered moderate and safe. Oral calcium supplements diminish the absorption of thyroxine when taken within four to six hours of each other. Thus, people taking both calcium and thyroxine run the risk of inadequate thyroid hormone replacement and thence hypothyroidism if they take them simultaneously or near-simultaneouslySource: Wikipedia
Calcium Phospat
Overuse of certain forms of calcium phosphate can lead to nutrient-containing surface runoff and subsequent adverse effects upon receiving waters such as algal blooms and eutrophication.Source : Wikipedia
Chlorine is a toxic gas that irritates the respiratory system. Because it is heavier than air, it tends to accumulate at the bottom of poorly ventilated spaces. Chlorine gas is a strong oxidizer, which may react with flammable materials. Chlorine is detectable with measuring devices in concentrations of as low as 0.2 parts per million (ppm), and by smell at 3 ppm. Coughing and vomiting may occur at 30 ppm and lung damage at 60 ppm. About 1000 ppm can be fatal after a few deep breaths of the gas.
The toxicity of chlorine comes from its oxidizing power. When chlorine is inhaled at concentrations above 30 ppm, it begins to react with water and cells, which change it into hydrochloric acid (HCl) and hypochlorous acid (HClO).When used at specified levels for water disinfection, the reaction of chlorine with water is not a major concern for human health.Other materials present in the water may generate disinfection by-products that are associated with negative effects on human health, although the health risk is far lower than drinking undisinfected water.Breathing lower concentrations can aggravate the respiratory system, and exposure to the gas can irritate the eyes.
Organochlorine compounds as pollutants
Some organochlorine compounds are serious pollutants. These are produced either as side products of industrial processes or as end products which are persistent in the environment, such as certain chlorinated pesticides and chlorofluorocarbons. Chlorine is added both to pesticides and pharmaceuticals to make the molecules more resistant to enzymatic degradation by bacteria, insects, and mammals, but this property also has the effect of prolonging the residence time of these compounds when they enter the environment. In this respect chlorinated organics have some resemblance to fluorinated organics. Source : Wikipedia
Methyl Bromide
Expression of toxicity following exposure may involve a latent period of several hours, followed by signs such as nausea, abdominal pain, weakness, confusion, pulmonary edema, and seizures. Individuals who survive the acute phase often require a prolonged convalescence. Persistent neurological deficits such as asthenia, cognitive impairment, optical atrophy, and paresthesia are frequently present after moderate to severe poisoning. Blood or urine concentrations of inorganic bromide, a bromomethane metabolite, are useful to confirm a diagnosis of poisoning in hospitalized patients or to assist in the forensic investigation of a case of fatal overdosage. Source : Wikipedia
Mercury and most of its compounds are extremely toxic and must be handled with care; in cases of spills involving mercury (such as from certain thermometers or fluorescent light bulbs), specific cleaning procedures are used to avoid exposure and contain the spill.Protocols call for physically merging smaller droplets on hard surfaces, combining them into a single larger pool for easier removal with an eyedropper, or for gently pushing the spill into a disposable container. Vacuum cleaners and brooms cause greater dispersal of the mercury and should not be used.Afterwards, fine sulfur, zinc, or some other powder that readily forms an amalgam (alloy) with mercury at ordinary temperatures is sprinkled over the area before itself being collected and properly disposed of. Cleaning porous surfaces and clothing is not effective at removing all traces of mercury and it is therefore advised to discard these kinds of items should they be exposed to a mercury spill.Mercury can be absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes and mercury vapors can be inhaled, so containers of mercury are securely sealed to avoid spills and evaporation. Heating of mercury, or of compounds of mercury that may decompose when heated, is always carried out with adequate ventilation in order to avoid exposure to mercury vapor.The most toxic forms of mercury are its organic compounds, such as dimethylmercury and methylmercury. Inorganic compounds, such as cinnabar are also highly toxic by ingestion or inhalation.Mercury can cause both chronic and acute poisoning.
VaksinThe efficacy or performance of the vaccine is dependent on a number of factors:
- the disease itself (for some diseases vaccination performs better than for other diseases)
- the strain of vaccine (some vaccinations are for different strains of the disease)
- whether one kept to the timetable for the vaccinations (see Vaccination schedule)
- some individuals are "non-responders" to certain vaccines, meaning that they do not generate antibodies even after being vaccinated correctly
- other factors such as ethnicity, age, or genetic predisposition.
The following are important considerations in the effectiveness of a vaccination program:
- careful modelling to anticipate the impact that an immunization campaign will have on the epidemiology of the disease in the medium to long term
- ongoing surveillance for the relevant disease following introduction of a new vaccine and
- maintaining high immunization rates, even when a disease has become rare.
The importance of vaccines has been noted:
"The impact of vaccination on the health of the world's peoples is hard to exaggerate. With the exception of safe water, no other modality, not even antibiotics, has had such a major effect on mortality reduction and population growth."
ExcipientsBeside the active vaccine itself, the following excipients are commonly present in vaccine preparations:
- Aluminum salts or gels are added as adjuvants. Adjuvants are added to promote an earlier, more potent response, and more persistent immune response to the vaccine; they allow for a lower vaccine dosage.
- Antibiotics are added to some vaccines to prevent the growth of bacteria during production and storage of the vaccine.
- Egg protein is present in influenza and yellow fever vaccines as they are prepared using chicken eggs. Other proteins may be present.
- Formaldehyde is used to inactivate bacterial products for toxoid vaccines. Formaldehyde is also used to kill unwanted viruses and bacteria that might contaminate the vaccine during production.
- Monosodium glutamate (MSG) and 2-phenoxyethanol are used as stabilizers in a few vaccines to help the vaccine remain unchanged when the vaccine is exposed to heat, light, acidity, or humidity.
- Thimerosal is a mercury-containing preservative that is added to vials of vaccine that contain more than one dose to prevent contamination and growth of potentially harmful bacteria.
Vaccine development has several trends:
- Until recently,most vaccines were aimed at infants and children, but adolescents and adults are increasingly being targeted.Combinations of vaccines are becoming more common; vaccines containing five or more components are used in many parts of the world.
- New methods of administering vaccines are being developed, such as skin patches, aerosols via inhalation devices, and eating genetically engineered plants.
- Vaccines are being designed to stimulate innate immune responses, as well as adaptive.
- Attempts are being made to develop vaccines to help cure chronic infections, as opposed to preventing disease.
- Vaccines are being developed to defend against bioterrorist attacks such as anthrax, plague, and smallpox.
- Appreciation for sex and pregnancy differences in vaccine responses "might change the strategies used by public health officials".
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Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
EDTA is used to bind metal ions in the practice of chelation therapy, e.g., for treating mercury and lead poisoning.It is used in a similar manner to remove excess iron from the body. This therapy is used to treat the complication of repeated blood transfusions, as would be applied to treat thalassaemia. The U.S. FDA approved the use of EDTA for lead poisoning on July 16, 1953, under the brand name of Versenate, which was licensed to the pharmaceutical company Riker. Alternative medical practitioners believe EDTA acts as a powerful antioxidant to prevent free radicals from injuring blood vessel walls, therefore reducing atherosclerosis. The U.S. FDA has not approved it for the treatment of atherosclerosis.Dentists and endodontists use EDTA solutions to remove inorganic debris (smear layer) and lubricate the canals in endodontics. This procedure helps prepare root canals for obturation. Furthermore, EDTA solutions with the addition of a surfactant loosen up calcifications inside a root canal and allow instrumentation (canals shaping) and facilitate apical advancement of a file in a tight/calcified root canal towards the apex.It serves as a preservative (usually to enhance the action of another preservative such as benzalkonium chloride or thiomersal) in ocular preparations and eyedrops.In evaluating kidney function, the complex [Cr(edta)]- is administered intravenously and its filtration into the urine is monitored. This method is useful for evaluating glomerular filtration rate.EDTA is used extensively in the analysis of blood. It is an anticoagulant for blood samples for CBC/FBEs.Laboratory studies also suggest that EDTA chelation may prevent collection of platelets on the lining of the vessel [such as arteries] (which can otherwise lead to formation of blood clots, which itself is associated with atheromatous plaque formation or rupture, and thereby ultimately disrupts blood flow). These ideas have so far been proven ineffective;however, a major clinical study of the effects of EDTA on coronary arteries is currently (2008) proceeding. EDTA played a role in the O.J. Simpson trial when the defense alleged that one of the blood samples collected from Simpson's estate was found to contain traces of the compound.EDTA is a slime dispersant, and has been found to be highly effective in reducing bacterial growth during implantation of intraocular lenses (IOLs).
The first intentional addition of fluoride in drinking water occurred in the early 1930′s in Nazi Germany. Marketing it as supposed helping children’s teeth, the actual sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and force the masses into a calm docile state of submission and declining health-state. Control of the population through this manner was easily achievable.Research chemist Charles Perkins was sent by the U.S. government to ascertain the truth on water fluoridation and found: ”The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass control that was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff. This plan was to control the population of any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies... In this scheme of mass control, ‘sodium fluoride’ occupied a prominent place... However, and I want to make this very definite, the real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children’s teeth... The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty... Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluorine will in time gradually reduce the individual’s power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narco-tizing this area of the brain tissue, and make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him... I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of the great Farben chemical industries and was prominent in the Nazi movement at the time... I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spend nearly 20 years researching in chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, and pathology of fluorine... Any person who drinks artificially fluoridated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person, mentally or physically.”Fluoride from water in our drinking water, food, and showers, enters our bloodstream and has a half-life of over 20 years, causing massive brain damage to unborn fetuses and gradually impairs IQ, as well as depressing cell growth rate. Most of the fluoride accumulates in the pineal gland which is the 2nd highest organ which receives blood-flow in the body.Besides ratfish or skatefish liver oil which has been found to gradually help decalcify the pineal gland over time, the natural rootbark of Iboga has been shown to do wonders on the pineal gland and overall fluoride and mercury detoxification. At an Iboga treatment center, there have been several patients who have come for mercury poisoning specifically and many showing signs of toxic poisoning. Many of these people have said they feel disconnected from themselves without enough will or strength to break free. Some call this depersonalization disorder.After two iboga treatments, the first of which is meant to detox the body of fluoride and other toxins including candida, herpes, and other viral and bacteria loads which “officially” are incurable, the second iboga journey is meant to take you on a psycho-spiritual journey to face yourself and clear your mind in an even greater way. Most people receive this experience in some form or another, but some may require additional treatment, especially if they do not surrender to the experience or have many years of toxic bodies and minds.The miracles that are experienced with Iboga include having an inner silence that has been lost by many for a number of years. Resetting receptor sites on cells in your body and brain and resetting the mind of cellular memory and overstimulation from marketing, EMFs, and the world in general has an immense and empowering effect in only a few short days.The shaman at an Iboga center, is a 10th generation Nganga from the jungles of Gabon who like most indigenous tribes, knows all about the third eye through spiritual experience, even though the Bwiti have been secluded from other tribes all over the world. Through the supplemental use of Moungouli, the secret recipe of the Pygmies, which is a paste made up of over 50 rare herbs, this paste is applied to your third eye during your second treatment to open up your third eye in as little as 15 seconds. Most people who are tapped by the shaman claim to see his finger with their eyes closed and some say it goes through their head and opens up their visionary sight.This is because the pineal gland is not just a physical organ but is also the seat of the soul, which for many is locked. There has been specific programs put in place to keep this locked because without clear access to the soul, a human being is simply run by programs which are too powerful and too engrained to be broken free of. The movie the matrix is actually a powerful wake-up call to how most humans are being used. As sad as this may seem, it is a beautiful time to be alive because all these chemicals and false information is causing us to wake up faster and evolve with greater pressure.Besides potentially decalcifying your pineal gland and detoxing your body in a large way, Iboga takes those who are ready to the spiritual world, in a way that is fully conscious, clear and direct. This allows you to be fully aware the entire time, gain the truth to your questions, and have no translation issue, enabling you to remember all or most of your insights in the spirit world without the boomerang effect of coming back where you started once the effects where off.
Sodium Fluoride and the Third Eye.The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the "third eye") is a small endocrine gland. It produces melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and photoperiodic (seasonal) functions. It is located near to the center of the brain between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join. Unlike much of the rest of the brain, the pineal gland is not isolated from the body by the blood-brain barrier system. It is reddish-gray and about the size of a pea (8 mm in humans).While the physiological function of the pineal gland has been unknown until recent times, mystical traditions and esoteric schools have long known this area in the middle of the brain to be the connecting link between the physical and spiritual worlds. Considered the most powerful and highest source of ethereal energy available to humans, the pineal gland has always been important in initiating supernatural powers. Development of psychic talents has been closely associated with this organ of higher vision.The third eye controls the various bio-rhythms of the body. It works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland which directs the body's thirst, hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock that determines our aging process. When it "awakens", one feels a pressure at the base of the brain and in the forehead..The pineal gland's location deep in the brain seems to intimate hidden importance. In the days before its function as a physical eye that could see beyond space-time was discovered, it was considered a mystery linked to superstition and mysticism. Today it is associated with the sixth chakra.It's about the Eye, Zero Point, focusing your consciousness and trusting what you see. You do it all the time and may not beware of the difference between your thoughts and those from higher frequency. I was told that the third eye has a lens that opens to see behind physical reality, so you might want to relate to that theory. When the third eye opens it can feels like a pressure at the base of the brain. We all want to be more psychic and increase the connection with the other side as our Consciousness Hologram closes and souls return to light. We want to empower and most of all to understand beyond the physical. Meditation, Visualization, Yoga, and all forms of Out of Body Experiences help.Watch this video to help you get a better understanding of the 'Third Eye' and the other chakras.WATCH : HERE
Fluoride is very harmful to your Pineal Gland (third eye chakra), which many consider to be (the seat of the soul) and the link to your multi-dimensional self. The importance of this gland can be seen in ancient cultures around the entire world. One of the theories of water fluoridation is that its original intention is to not only make you sick (slowly), but block the proper functioning of this gland. Which, in turn, blocks our spiritual awareness. Ingesting fluoride can not only affect us physically, but spiritually as well.The Importance of the Pineal GlandDuring the late 1990's in England, a scientist by the name of Jennifer Luke undertook the first study the effects of sodium fluoride on the pineal gland. She determined that the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain, was a target for fluoride. The pineal gland simply absorbed more fluoride than any other physical matter in the body, even bones.Because of the pineal gland's importance to the endocrine system, her conclusions were a breakthrough. Her study provided the missing link to a lot of physiological damage from sodium fluoride that had been hypothesized but not positively connected. A veritable root source for the chain reaction of blocked endocrine activity had been isolated.Frequent exposure to outdoor sunshine, 20 minutes or so at a time, will help stimulate a fluoride calcified pineal gland. Just make sure you take off your hat. This is more important than most realize, because the pineal gland affects so much other enzyme and endocrine activities, including melatonin production and the production of "Dimethytriptamine" DMT which get secreted when you born, when you dream, and when you die.Watch the video on FLUORIDE and the PINEAL GLAND:HERELearn more:HEREThe Pineal GlandThe pineal gland is one of the most mysterious glands of the human body because it has many mystical properties. Modern scientists define the pineal gland as a pine cone shaped gland located at the middle of the brain that produces melatonin, and helps regulate sleep patterns and influences sexual development. Modern scientists definition of the pineal gland is accurate but they are missing some of the most important features of the pineal gland. (hence the pine-cone shaped object depicted in many religions across the world)Besides regulating sleep patterns and sexual development, the pineal gland acts like an inner portal that connects us to other dimensions, such as the dream and spiritual planes. Some researchers believe that the pineal gland has the ability to connect us to other dimensions because of its mystical properties.We all know fluoride is bad for many things besides your Pineal gland. It makes your bones brittle and causes you to have lowered IQ and has been linked to many other different diseases. Regular fluoride use will completely calcify this gland by the time you reach adulthood.I have included several links with more information on how to detox from fluoride, a brand of non-fluoride toothpaste that can be purchased online or at whole foods, and how to filter it from your drinking water:
- Read Five Health Tips to Decalcify your Pineal Gland Of Fluoride:: HERE
- Video: Decalcify Your Pineal Gland! A guided meditation to unblock your Ajna Chakra, Third Eye. Sudevi:: HERE
- Pineal Gland Decalcification using Skate Fish Oil (Active X ) Works AWESOME! HERE
- Truth about your Pineal Gland: Video: HERE
- Fluoridation Risks: Pineal Gland Calcification Lowers Melatonin & Blocks Third Eye: HERE
- Government and Top University Studies: Fluoride Lowers IQ and Causes Other Health Problems:: HERE
- A Pediatrician Speaks Out on Fluoridation:: Video:: HERE
- Fluoride Is Poison, Says Dartmouth Doctor: | HERE
- The TRUTH About Fluoride
- Fluoride is Poison! | HERE
- Fluoride #1 cause of death in new research:: HERE
- Symptoms of Fluoride Poisoning (Fluorosis): HERE
Many bottled water brands also have fluoride, here is a list of brands that do not have it. HERE
Removing fluoride from your TAP water:Most people are aware that there is a controversy surrounding public fluoridation of drinking water. Here is a list of ways to obtain drinking water without fluoride. In addition, I've listed water purification methods which do not remove fluoride from water.
Ways to Remove Fluoride from WaterReverse Osmosis FiltrationThis is used to purify several types of bottled water (not all), so some bottled waters are unfluoridated. Reverse osmosis systems are generally unaffordable for personal use
Activated Alumina Defluoridation FilterThese filters are used in locales where fluorosis is prevalent. They are relatively expensive (lowest price I saw was $30/filter) and require frequent replacement, but do offer an option for home water filtration.
Distillation FiltrationThere are commercially available distillation filters that can be purchased to remove fluoride from water. On a related note: When looking at bottled water, keep in mind that 'distilled water' does not imply that a product is suitable for drinking water and other undesirable impurities may be present.Brita, Pur, and most other filters- These Do NOT Remove Fluoride::Some websites about fluoride removal state otherwise, but I checked the product descriptions on the companies' websites to confirm that fluoride is left in the water.HERE
Editor’s Note: This is an interesting method for awakening the Pineal Gland. Give it a try!Note: Original article edited for formatting and clarityAWAKENING IPlease read all of the following. If you wish to perform this exercise, you need to understand what you will be doing. It is important to follow the instructions as this is somewhat advanced:The Third Eye is directly related to the 6th chakra — the psychic chakra, located on the middle of the forehead above the brows. It is closely associated with the “pineal” gland. Thepineal gland is dormant in most people, as is the true Third Eye.French Philosopher Rene Descartes believed the pineal gland to be “the seat of the soul” where mind and body met.In the average person, the pineal gland is atrophied, [calcified] and dormant. The following exercise will change that. Please read this thoroughly, as much of the exercises I write of are very advanced and can cause problems if one does not do them correctly.The pineal gland is like a pea in size; like a shriveled raisin in most people where it remains dormant.Opening the Pineal Gland/Third EyeThis is done with a specific tone and chant. You only need to do this exercise for 3 days, afterwards, it is permanent.The mantra to be used is “Thoh,” pronounced “TOE.”It must be within the correct vibration.Not deep, not high pitched, inbetween, like alto range.You will feel it when you hit the correct tone. So play around and don’t second guess yourself. When you think you’ve got it, you probably do.1. Sit with your back straight.2. Breathe in through your nose and hold your breath as long as is comfortable.Open your jaws so there is a small space between your top and bottom teeth.Place the tip of your tongue between the space of your slightly parted teeth.3. Put a very light pressure onto the tongue with your teeth.This is like the same process of saying the “TH” part of the English word “the.”Once your tongue is in position, release your breath slowly through your mouth, saying T-H-H-O-H-H in one long exhale.Say the word one time per exhale. Your tongue will be vibrating between your teeth.You should feel the air moving past your tongue and teeth.If this technique is done properly, you will feel a pressure or sensation in your jaw and cheeks. The tone will also vibrate in your third eye.It may take a few seconds to adjust this, don’t worry, just keep going.4. Do the above 5 times in a row.5. It is very important the above exercise be done for 3 consecutive days, 24 hours apart. Then it is a done deal.What You Can ExpectOne of the first experiences is a headache or pressure in the center of the forehead. This sensation may also feel like it is originating from within, usually an inch or more beneath the surface of the forehead. This is a positive indication the pineal gland is awakening and beginning to function in a healthy manner.*Some people can experience a migraine lasting several hours, so to be safe it is recommended that you try this in the evening when you do not have work to do. The severity of the side effects will depend on how atrophied/calcified your pineal gland is to begin with.After the occurrence of headache or pressure in the forehead, you may wake up one morning with a throbbing or tingling sensation in your forehead; it may feel like a goosebump.The feeling may be very intense, like something is there. The sensation of pulsing or throbbing will continue throughout the day, and you may “hear” sounds coming from within your head, such as light popping or crackling sensations.These are the final physiological events you may experience after opening up your third eye. It indicates your pineal gland is awakened, functioning and alive.Psychic EffectsYou may experience any or all of these to varying degrees:Faster, easier learning and retentionMarked increase in intuitionIncreased creativityPsychic gifts develop and become markedly stronger, along with more developed ability to see or sense human aurasClairvoyance (psychic vision) opens upClairaudience (psychic hearing) opens upClairsentience (psychic feeling/touching) opens upThis is a very powerful exercise, and as with all powerful practices, your body may go through discomfort in order to adapt.AWAKENING IIIn order for this to work properly, you must have already performed the Awakening I exercise.I included this above for those who are new.It is very important to wait for 10-14 days following Awakening I, before you go onto Awakening II, otherwise the exercises won’t be effective. Your body needs time to adapt and get the energy flow going.This exercise is completely euphoric and intensley pleasurable. Unlike Awakening I, this should be done once a week, and given the blissful effects that are lasting when done correctly, most people will enjoy doing so.Breath in deeply and hold your breath for a count of five.Repeat this three times.This helps you to be relaxed and focused.Now focus all of your attention upon your Third Eye.You should begin to feel a sensation similar to the effects of the Awakening I exercise — a slight pressure or awareness of the spot of your Third Eye.Now, take a deep breath as you did for the Awakening I exercise.Hold it for as long as comfortable — do not push this — and release your breath, vibrating the word “MAY.” This is pronounced like the English language word for the month of May.It should all come out at one time- M-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ay, gradually and slowly.It is ok to adjust your pitch. The tone should be alto.Breath in again, and repeat this five times.You need to hit a certain pitch. You will know when you do, for you will feel this in your head. Do the best you can.Now, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT:When vibrating the word “MAY,” feel the energy going into your head,first into your Third Eye area,then into the middle of your brain,and then to the top of your head where your crown chakra is located.REMEMBER: Concentrate on your forehead (Third Eye area),then the middle of your brainand finally the top of your head.This is done for the duration of each chant.1. Breath in.2. Begin to exhale, vibrating “MAY.”3. Concentrate on your Third Eye.4. Concentrate on the middle of your brain.5. Concentrate on the top of your head and finish exhaling the vibration.Repeat four more times.The effects of this exercise are extremely pleasurable.A feeling of lightness can occur immediately following the exercise.Some people may feel energy or tingling inside their heads, or completely covering their heads; a slight pressure in the crown area and intense euphoria is also common.The blissful state can occur hours and even days later.This will eventually become permanent and will greatly assist in void meditation, clairvoyance, and the development of other psychic and paranormal senses.
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As a sign of gratitude for how my husband was saved from pineal cyst , i decided to reach out to those still suffering from this.
BalasHapusMy husband was diagnosed of pineal cyst, and it was really tough and heartbreaking for me because he was my all and the symptoms were terrible, he had weakness of the body , and he always complain of ringing in ears (tinnitus) and headache . we tried various therapies prescribed by our neurologist but none could cure him.one faithful day i decided to go for a researched and i saw a testimony by someone who was cured and so many other with similar brain problem, and he left the contact of the doctor who had the cure to pineal cyst. I never imagine pineal cyst has a cure not until i contacted him and he assured me my husband will be fine. I got the herbal medication he recommended and my husband used it and in one months time he was fully okay even up till this moment he is so full of life. pineal cyst has a cure and it is a herbal cure contact the doctor for more info on drwilliams098675@gmail.com on how to get the medication. Thanks for reading my testimony