Minggu, 24 Maret 2013


#14 The Targeting Of Christian Groups

We are increasingly hearing from the Obama administration and some members of Congress that we need to be really concerned about "homegrown terrorists" and "Christian extremists". For example, during a recent Congressional hearing U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee warned that "Christian militants" might try to "bring down the country" and that such groups need to be investigated. In addition, according to a shocking document obtained by Oath Keepers, the FBI is now instructing store owners to report many new forms of "suspicious activity" to them. Accordingto the document, "suspicious activity" now includes making "extreme religious statements" and believing in "radical theology". 

Not only that, a Department of Homeland Security report on "right wing extremism" from April 2009 lists the following people as potential terrorists....

  • those that believe in "end times" prophecies 
  • those that believe abortion is wrong
  • those that stockpile food, ammunition or weapons
  • those that are against same-sex marriage
  • those that believe in "New World Order" conspiracy theories

I don't know about you, but when the federal government starts targeting people based on their religious beliefs, that makes me very nervous. This world is officially going crazy. So don't blame "conspiracy theorists" for wanting to dig around and get the facts. The mainstream media sure doesn't give us much of the truth. As the world continues to fall apart and as the propaganda from the mainstream media gets even more blatant, the hunger for the truth is only going to grow.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Likens Islamic Radicals to 'Christian Militants' in U.S. HERE
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D.-Texas) likened "Christian militants" to Islamic radicals in a hearing of the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday, suggesting they posed a comparable threat to the rule of law in the United States

Homeland Security Report Warns Of Rising Right-Wing Extremism
Huffington Post/AP   First Posted: 05/15/09 06:12 AM ET Updated: 05/25/11 02:15 PM ET

If you think the conservative "Tea Party"movement is daunting, take a look at a new report issued by the Department of Homeland Security that says right-wing extremism is on the rise throughout the country. In the report, officials warn that right-wing extremists could use the bad state of the U.S. economy and the election of the country's first black president to recruit new members to their cause. In the intelligence assessment issued to law enforcement last week, Homeland Security officials said there was no specific information about an attack from right-wing extremists in the works. The agency warns that an extended economic downturn with real estate foreclosures, unemployment and an inability to obtain credit could foster an environment for extremists to recruit new members who may not have been supportive of these causes in the past. In November, law enforcement officials were seeing more threats and unusual interest against then- President-elect Barack Obama than ever before. Think Progress notes some keytake-aways from the report:
“Rightwing extremist groups’ frustration over a perceived lack of government action on illegal immigration has the potential to incite individuals or small groups toward violence. If such violence were to occur, it likely would be isolated, small-scale, and directed at specific immigration-related targets.”
Recruiting returning vets: 
“Rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat.”
Gun-related violence: 
“Heightened interest in legislation for tighter firearms...may be invigorating rightwing extremist activity, specifically the white supremacist and militia movements.”

The report is getting a lot of push back from angry conservative bloggers like Michelle Malkin:
By contrast, the piece of crap report issued on April 7 is a sweeping indictment of conservatives. And the intent is clear. As the two spokespeople I talked with on the phone today made clear: They both pinpointed the recent "economic downturn" and the "general state of the economy" for stoking "rightwing extremism." One of the spokespeople said he was told that the report has been in the works for a year. My b.s. detector went off the chart, and yours will, too, if you read through the entire report -- which asserts with no evidence that an unquantified "resurgence in rightwing extremist recruitment and radicalizations activity" is due to home foreclosures, job losses, and...the historical presidential election.

Moe Lane from RedState.com asks "Are you a Rightwing Extremist, too?":
Why? Well, it's a document that discusses the potential threats that we can expect from "rightwing extremists" (no hyphen, for some reason) in the coming months; there's the usual stuff about guns, illegal immigration, and disgruntled war veterans, plus the new wrinkle of our having elected an African-American President. The report concludes, unsurprisingly, that we have to worry more about "lone wolves and small terrorist cells" than anything else.
The Tea Party movement  [1]
is an American political movement that advocates strict adherence to the United States Constitution, reducing U.S. government spending and taxes, and reduction of the U.S. national debtand federal budget deficit. The movement is generally considered to be partly conservative, partly libertarian, and partly populist.The movement has sponsored protests and supported political candidates since 2009. The name of the movement is derived from the Boston Tea Party of 1773, an iconic event in American history. Anti-tax protesters in the United States have often referred to the original Boston tea party for inspiration. References to the Boston tea party were part of Tax Day protests held throughout the 1990s and earlier.By 2001, a custom had developed among some conservative activists of mailing tea bags to legislators and other officials as a symbolic act.

Homeland Security [1]
Is an American umbrella term referring to the national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce the vulnerability of the U.S. to terrorism, and minimize the damage from attacks that do occur.The term arose following a reorganization of many U.S. government agencies in 2003 to form the United States Department of Homeland Security after the September 11 attacks, and may be used to refer to the actions of that department, the United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, or the United States House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security.Homeland defense (HD) is the protection of U.S. territory, sovereignty, domestic population, and critical infrastructure against external threats and aggression. (Definition will be incorporated into JP 3-26 upon its approval). Not to be confused with Homeland security. Homeland security is an American umbrella term referring to the national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce the vulnerability of the U.S. to terrorism, and minimize the damage from attacks that do occur.The term arose following a reorganization of many U.S. government agencies in 2003 to form the United States Department of Homeland Security after the September 11 attacks, and may be used to refer to the actions of that department, the United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, or the United States House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security. Homeland defense (HD) is the protection of U.S. territory, sovereignty, domestic population, and critical infrastructure against external threats and aggression. (Definition will be incorporated into JP 3-26[1] upon its approval). Not to be confused with Homeland security.

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