- December 18`2003 Human Rights Watch HERE
- August 15`2005 : Chronology of Important events in Indonesia`s - Aceh HERE
Free Aceh (Aceh
Merdeka), Free Aceh Movement [Gerakin Aceh Merdeka (GAM)] Aceh Security Disturbance Movement (GPK)
Aceh (Ah-chay), located in the northern tip of Sumatra, is considered one of Indonesia's three most "troubled areas" along with East Timor and Irian Jaya. Over 2,000 deaths that are believed to have been caused by local security forces have occurred in the area since 1989, and more than 10-thousand people have died in sporadic fighting between the two sides since 1976. The Aceh Merdeka (Free Aceh) movement has been fighting for a independent and Islamic state in Aceh since the 1970s and its activities surged in the late 1980s. Reports by the media and NGOs and complaints by families of victims point to the occurrence of a human rights tragedy in Aceh in the period 1986-1993. More than 1,600 people have been declared missing. They were accused of membership in a rebel organization, without a trial. Most of them were found dead. Reportedly, not only men but women were among the victims. Aceh, also known as Acheh, Atjeh or Achin, is the western most part of Sumatra and the part of Indonesia where the Islamic character of the population is the most pronounced. The Acehnese demand for autonomy, expressed in support for the 1950s Darul Islam rebellion, was partially met by the central government's acceptance of a "special region" status for the province in 1959, allowing a higher-than-usual official Indonesian respect for Islamic law and custom. This special region status, together with growing prosperity, brought Aceh into the Indonesian mainstream. This change was reflected in the growing support among Acehnese for the central government, as indicated by votes for Golkar in national elections. In 1971, Golkar won 49 percent of the region's vote; in 1977, 41 percent; and in 1982, 37 percent. By 1987, however, with 51.8 percent of the vote, Golkar obtained its first majority, increasing it in 1992 to 57 percent.Separatists who sought to establish an independent Islamic state in the Special Region of Aceh in northern Sumatra and combined their religious and nationalist appeal with exploitation of social and economic pressures and discontent, continued to cause unrest in portions of the region. Many Acehnese perceived themselves as disadvantaged in Aceh's major industrial development projects because income flowed out of the region to the center, and outsiders--especially from Java--were perceived as receiving better employment opportunities and the economic benefits of industrialization than did the resident Acehnese. A criminal element involved in cannabis cultivation and trafficking and other illicit activities was also involved in the unrest. During the early 1990s, the idea of an independent Islamic state was kept alive by the Free Aceh (Aceh Merdeka) movement, known to the central government as the Aceh Security Disturbance Movement (GPK). Thought to have been crushed in the mid-1970s, the guerrilla campaign of the insurgents, under the leadership of European-based Hasan di Tiro and with Libyan support, renewed its hit-and-run warfare in the late 1980s, hoping to build on economic and social grievances as well as on Islamism. But moderately pro-Golkar 1992 election results suggested there was no widespread alienation in Aceh. Aceh was put under Operational Military status in 1991 after a resurgence of separatist activity. Special permission is necessary for foreign journalists to travel to Aceh. Indonesian Armed Forces [ABRI] reacted with crushing force and, as it sought to root out the separatists, civil-military relations were imperiled. Soldiers fighting separatists have been accused of human rights abuses. Rights groups, citing local residents, say military abuses have involved abductions, tortures, rapes and mass killings.As of late 1996 the Government claimed that the "Aceh Merdeka" movement had been eliminated, although Aceh was still officially listed as one of Indonesia's three "trouble spots" (along with East Timor and Irian Jaya), and the Government issued public calls for the "rebels" to come home to their families. The Aceh Merdeka movement still exists, but its activities were underground as of 1996. Early in 1998, several caches of foreign arms were discovered, which raised the fear of separatist rebellion developing in Aceh. The incident resulted in the arrest of suspected rebels who were imprisoned and threatened with torture. In addition, criminal suspects continue to be shot and killed by police in suspicious circumstances and disappearances and extrajudicial executions of alleged political opponents occur often. On 07 August 1999 armed forces chief General Wiranto announced a troop pullout and apologized for any excesses. With the revocation of the military operations area status, said Wiranto, the term "security-disturbing movement" (GPK) [government terminology for the Acehnese Muslim-oriented separatist rebels] is no longer relevant, and will be replaced by the term "unauthorized agitation movement" (GPL) or an agitation movement named after its leader.The tide of violence in Indonesia's northern province of Aceh almost never seems to recede. Local media report nearly daily on the deaths of civilians, allegedly at the hands of the Indonesian military, and hit-and-run ambushes, allegedly carried out by separatist rebels on Indonesian police and soldiers.The government in Jakarta has approved three separate plans to broaden the scope of military action in Aceh since 2001, and, so far, none has been able to crush the guerrilla Free Aceh Movement.In late July 2002 the Indonesian government said it may send thousands of extra troops to the northern province of Aceh, in a new effort to end 20 years of separatist fighting. But the idea came under fire, both in- and outside government circles, amid worry the plan may only worsen the conflict. Indonesia's senior political and security affairs minister proposed eight-thousand more troops be deployed to the province to join the 25-thousand there now. To end the conflict with Aceh's separatist guerrillas, Minister Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said the government should also consider imposing a state of civil emergency in Aceh. The proposal to increase troop-strength in Aceh came days before Indonesia's highest legislative body convenes for its annual session. The People's Consultative Assembly has the power to remove a president from office -- and one purpose of its annual meeting is to judge how well the administration has performed. The security situation in Aceh had vastly improved in the first half of 2002, and observers were not sure why the government has proposed deploying more troops. Some Indonesian legislators, along with international and domestic human rights groups, said the proposal to increase troop strength in Aceh would only worsen the violence. Highly secretive negotiations between the two sides have been held in Geneva, Switzerland, since 2000. In addition to the military campaign, the Indonesian government has tried to appease demands for independence by passing special autonomy legislation. The law would give Aceh's provincial legislature increased powers over local affairs. The law also allows the province to keep 70 percent of the revenue derived from Aceh's natural gas reserves, which could amount to almost 200-million dollars a year. Local media report nearly daily on the deaths of civilians, allegedly at the hands of the Indonesian military, and hit-and-run ambushes, allegedly carried out by separatist rebels on Indonesian police and soldiers. In April 2002 rebel leaders in the Indonesian Province of Aceh said they were not satisfied with an Indonesian offer of "special autonomy" for the province. Indonesia's security minister had been in Sweden discussing the peace offer, but leaders of the main rebel movement in Aceh said it is not enough.In addition to the military campaign, the Indonesian government has tried to appease demands for independence by passing special autonomy legislation. The law would give Aceh's provincial legislature increased powers over local affairs. The law also allows the province to keep 70 percent of the revenue derived from Aceh's natural gas reserves, which could amount to almost 200-million dollars a year. But many Acehnese object to the government in Jakarta deciding what may or may not be good for them. They want the right to self-determination.Foreign observers arrived in Aceh in mid-November 2002 to monitor a plan to end 26 years of civil war. The observers arrived as Indonesian troops continued a week-long siege of a rebel camp. The rebels say they support the peace plan in principle, but they say the troops must withdraw or the rebels will start shooting instead of talking peace. Hundreds of Indonesian troops have been besieging the rebel camp in Cot Trieng, North Aceh, for a week. They say they will stay until the rebels surrender and sign the peace plan. The plan was brokered by Switzerland's Henri Dunant Center. It aimed to end 26 years of bloodshed and civil war, which has cost some 12-thousand lives in the past decade. The plan offered more autonomy for the province's four million people, elections for a provincial legislature and administration, and a cessation of violence. The peace plan would mark an end to the bloodshed in the gas and oil rich province, which earns the central government in Jakarta millions of dollars in revenue each year. Many in Aceh claim that not enough of that money has been returned to the province for development. The peace plan calls for the setting up of a 150-member team of monitors, including 50 mostly ex-military representatives from Europe and Southeast Asia. This team would be operational within a month after the accord is signed, and would monitor security, investigate violations and be the point of reference for all complaints. The rebels and the government both signed the peace agreement on 09 December 2002, but the two sides have very different interpretations of what it means. The government is willing to grant Aceh considerable autonomy, but says the rebels have to drop their demands for full independence. The rebels say they retain the right to break free of Indonesian rule in the future.By mid-May 2003 the chances of salvaging the peace process in Indonesia's Aceh Province seemed remote, as international cease-fire monitors began leaving the country. The government and rebels met in Tokyo for negotiations, the meetings were fruitless and peace talks were halted on the 19th. President Megawati Sukarnoputri declared a six month period of martial law the same day, and on the 20th of May the Indonesian army launched an offensive. The offensive brought 35,000 troops to the Aceh region, which represents the largest such deployment of Indonesian troops since the occupation of East Timor in 1975. Several dozen rebel casualties were reported. The rebels set schools a blaze, and continued their guerrilla attacks. The Indonesian Red Cross reported 12 civilian deaths. Later that month, the Indonesian government announced their intention to make all occupants of the Aceh region carry ID cards in an effort to distinguish between rebels and civilians. NGOs and aid organizations were told to halt operations and exit the country. The government announced all aid was to be coordinated through Jakarta, and distributed through local government and the Indonesian Red Cross.In May 2004 the Indonesian government downgraded the status of its restive northern province of Aceh from martial law to civil emergency. Indonesia's acting security minister Hari Sarbono announced the much-anticipated move after a regular cabinet meeting 13 May 2004. The government imposed martial law in Aceh just under a year earlier in an effort to wipe out guerrillas who have been fighting for a separate state for more than a quarter of a century. The government claimed several significant advances, with thousands of members of the Free Aceh Movement killed, captured or surrendered. Critics of the military operation countered that most of those killed were civilians, and say the heart of the separatist movement, known as GAM, is still relatively untouched.In August 2005 GAM rebels and the Indonesian government signed a comprehensive peace accord bringing an end to fighting that during the first half of the year claimed approximately 180 lives. The early phases of the peace accord were implemented by both sides. This accord led to the passage of a bill by the Indoensian government in 2006 granting considerable autonomy to the Aceh province.Under the 2006 Law Onon the Government of Aceh, on December 11, 2006, Aceh held its first direct elections. In an unprecedented act, the Indonesian government allowed separatist parties in the province to run. Aceh was the first and only province in Indonesia to have such an authorization. On 12 December, Irwandi Yusuf, a former rebel leader, was the frontrunner for governor with 39% of the vote. Violent clashes between the Indonesian government and the GAM rebels were minimal in 2006, and while certain steps towards resolution of the conflict, such as the formation of an ad hoc human rights court that could investigate severe human rights violations that occurred before 2000, have not occured.under the 2006 Law, it now seems that the conflict in Aceh has ended.
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2004 Aceh Tsunami - "AGUNG" Mosque |
Al-Jazeera's tsunami conspiracy theories
Arab news service reports chatter about plots, India-Israel nuke test
Posted: January 6, 2005
6:32 p.m. Eastern © 2005 WorldNetDaily.com
Everyone knows a magnitude 9.0 earthquake triggered the massive tsunamis that have killed more than 150,000 in South Asia, right? Wrong, reports Al-Jazeera, the popular Arab news service. Some think the U.S. and Indian militaries deliberately caused the tsunamis with electromagnetic pulse technology. Some of the theories reported on seriously by Al-Jazeera include: The U.S. government knew of the disaster ahead of time and failed to warn Asians in affected countries, as evidenced by the American Navy base situated on the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia that was alerted and escaped unscathed from the effects of the tsunamis; Indian and U.S. military testing of weapons using electromagnetic waves triggered the earthquake; Aliens caused the disaster as a way to correct the planet's "wobbly" rotation;
The Australian and Thai governments deliberately failed to respond to warning of the impending earthquake. Dr. Bart Bautisda, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology's chief science research specialist, categorically rejects any claim of foul play having been the reason behind the disaster. The weapons-testing theory holds no water, he says, because of the amount of energy needed to cause such a quake. "You would need a very huge amount of energy. It's impossible. A billion tons could not do it," he told Al-Jazeera. Bautisda admits that wave activity might be triggered very close to the scene of a giant explosion, but the effect would only be a tiny fraction of the tsunamis that hit the Asian coastline on Dec. 26. "It's possible to cause vibration, but not sufficient to cause disruption," he said. "We can tell the difference between an artificial explosion and an earthquake. The mechanisms are different."But what about a nuclear explosion?An Egyptian magazine today claimed the tsunami "was possibly" caused by a secret Indian nuclear experiment in which "Israeli and American nuclear experts participated," the Jerusalem Post reported. According to Al-Osboa', India, in its heated nuclear race with Pakistan, has received sophisticated nuclear know-how from the U.S. and Israel, both of which "showed readiness to cooperate with India in experiments to exterminate humankind." The magazine claimed geologists have warned about holding nuke tests "in the region of the Indian Ocean known as 'the Fire Belt,' in which the epicenter of the earthquake lies." The Fire Belt includes dangerous terrain that can move at anytime, without human intervention, Al-Osboa' reported.
Comments :
Yep ... and HAARP is just for broadcasting Air Force AM radio with. This is the latest post on HAARP/Tsunamis/Aceh oil and Exxon - found in the Conspiracy Corner forum. If you guys want to discuss the facts instead of make facitious comments, I'll be there waiting for you. Or you can believe the Defence Department spends millions of dollars developing a system that can send BILLIONS of watts of energy anywhere on the planet ... for .... for .... for fun.
"I haven't dismissed your theory, I've spent several hours analyzing and commenting on it." I've shown you pictures of the US HAARP - you've dismissed the possibility of Exxon/US Air Force using it on many occations, this time using the (non-existant) "Aceh/terrorist HAARP" theory to do so. You ended this session with "...so maybe we can wrap up the HAARP capability portion of the discussion." - another way to dismiss what was said. I appreciate all your effort going over the facts, but be honest, 95% of your comments are "dismissive" in nature. "I don't believe motive has been proven."
Exxon wants the oil in the Aceh region.
Exxon has already participated in genocide of the local population for that oil. Exxon has business ties to Cold Spring Harbor (they control HAARP's website) and ARCO (the original creators of HAARP). HAARP CAN cause earthquakes. Abnormal siesmic activity is recorded just before the earthquake that caused the tsunami.
- The hardest hit region?
- Aceh. Why to you refuse to entertain the obvious conclusion?
- Why is it impossible for you to connect the dots?
- What's wrong with this theory?
- "Motive on whose part?
- Was Exxon not already in control of something that they're re-establishing control of now?"
There are 80,000 less people there they have to steal the oil from now. I'd say their job just got easier.
"Was depopulation not already occuring under the Indonesian military?" You must admit, if you wanted to kill 80,000 people and blame it on an act of God, this would be the cheapest and most effective way to do it. "The motives you offer were already being carried out before the tsunami. If anything this tsunami has disrupted them."It would be interesting to find out how many Exxon workers died in the tsunami ?? .
As an aside, EVERY LAST ONE of the 3500 Morgan Stanley employes escaped the WTC tragedy, even though they were the largest renters (50 floors) in the Trade Center: The Financial Markets - Cockburn and St. Clair report, "In addition to what we have previously reported about heightened security at the World trade center itself in the weeks leading to the attack and at the Picatinny Arsenal in Rockaway, New Jersey, Counterpunch has also learned that internal memo was sent around Goldman Sachs in Tokyo on September 10 advising all employees of a possible terrorist attack. It recommended all employees to avoid any American government buildings." Morgan Stanley, the largest tenant of the WTC complex lost none of its 3500 employees occupying some 50 floors according to The Washington Post. Neither did Oppenheimer Funds. HERE Morgan Stanley, the World Trade Center's biggest tenant, reportedly lost none of its 3,500 employees spread over some 50 floors. Neither did Oppenheimer Funds. SEC officials are still probing why Morgan Stanley, with a daily average of 27 "put" contracts betting on the movement of its share prices, saw 2,157 "put" options purchased three days before "Black Tuesday". These financial futures contracts bet the company's stock would fall by October. Benefiting from advance knowledge of the WTC attacks, their purchasers stood to make at least $1.2 million. REVISITIN 9-11
Why on earth would the rebels want more troops in the area to fight?
"Not to fight . . . to drown with their quake machine. It wasn't offered as a serious theory on my part, it was offfered as conjecture. I like to break away from the intensity of the discussion from time to time and just have some fun." I'm all for fun, but I would also appreciate it if you held yourself to the strict rules of credability that you hold me to. Then this would go alot quicker ... we would be discussing what is real, not the Secretary of Defense's excuses for putting money into HAARP.
Your speculation isn't pointed in a reasonable direction.
I wasn't intending to point it in a reasonable direction. I was throwing it out there for my own entertainment because T raised an interesting point; anyone with earthquake inducing technology could be a culprit in the tsunami starting business." Show me pictures of the "other HAARP" and I'll agree that it's interesting. Otherwise let's just call it distracting.
"I recommend you read my history of Big Chem (really read it, not skim for
weak points but soak up the whole thing) and then you tell me what your gut
instinct is regarding who can and would set off an earthquake and kill tens of
thousands for oil."
"Some day maybe, but my hands are already full reading everything here. I'm curious to hear your explaination as to why Exxon would kill for oil they already had though." I think I've already mentioned "peak oil". This is a well-known theory these days - even National Geographic did a cover story on it recently. The basic theory is, the world is due to run out of cheap oil sometime between 2007 and 2012. Then there will be blackouts and mayhem and anyone who's job depends on fossil fuel energy (most people) will be totally fuct. The one way out of this nightmare would be to legalize cannabis and grow industrial hemp for biodiesel oil - if you grow for seed, 1/2 the plant's weight is in seed. That may help us replace the missing fuel. We'll never know unless we try, and time is running out. For more on peak oil, check here: www.copvcia.com, and/or type in "peak oil" into google. "If Exxon and the Indonesian military already had this oil, and they were already killing off Indonesians all the tsunami did was disrupt their system.how would you explain the motive behind that?" Like I said, there are 80,000 less independence-minded Acehians to negotiate with for that oil - the rest of the population is "softened-up" and dependent upon aid for their very survival. If you already stand accused of bulldozing hundreds of Aceh folks into mass graves, why not hit them hard and quick and blame it on the weather?
You need lots and lots of money to build a HAARP. You can't keep it a secret
from anybody.
"This operates under the assumption that HAARP is the only technology that can cause quakes . . . or that HAARP itself can cause quakes." I'm convinced of that - re-read the Air Force quotes and the Defence Secretary's quotes and the following quote: Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 "A number of methods have been explored or proposed to modify the ionosphere, including injection of chemical vapors [Chemtrails - DML] and heating or charging via electromagnetic radiation or particle beams (such as ions, neutral particles, x-rays, MeV particles, and energetic electrons [HAARP - DML]).45 It is important to note that many techniques to modify the upper atmosphere have been successfully demonstrated experimentally."
"Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves [HAARP - DML] ... So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations... It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts." --- Secretary of Defense William Cohen at an April 1997 counterterrorism conference sponsored by former Senator Sam Nunn. Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens, Apr. 28, 1997.The military implications of combining these projects is alarming. Basic to this project is control of communications, both disruption and reliability in hostile environments. The power wielded by such control is obvious. The ability of the HAARP / Spacelab/ rocket combination to deliver very large amount of energy, comparable to a nuclear bomb, anywhere on earth via laser and particle beams, are frightening. The project is likely to be "sold" to the public as a space shield against incoming weapons, or , for the more gullible, a devise for repairing the ozone layer.
Further References:
C.L. Herzenberg, Physics and Society, April 1994.
R. Williams, Physics and Society, April 1988.
B. Eastlund, Microwave News, May/June 1994.
W. Kofman and C. Lathuillere, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 14, No. 11, pp
1158-1161, November 1987 (Includes French experiments at EISCAT).
November 5, 1996
Background on the HAARP Project By Rosalie Bertell Earthpulse Press HERE
The reason I wrote [HAARP-DML] like that can be explained by the post at the top of the 6th page of this thread - HAARP has to do with "electromagnetic waves" and "energetic electrons" according to many sources. The Air Force AND Cohen are both talking about HAARP, although neither of them name the facility specifically.
You told me that sources were credible if they had a name, an address and were
backed up by another source. The Air Force and the Secretary of Defence meet
that criteria. Why ignore what they have said?
"I haven't. In both case you inserted HAARP into their comments. Once when the AF was quoted as saying
or particle beams (such as ions, neutral particles, x-rays, MeV particles, and
energetic electrons [HAARP - DML]).
. . . and once when Cohen was quoted as
eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes,
volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves [HAARP - DML]
"In both quotes the assumption is made by you that the people are talking aabout HAARP. Your assumption may be right or wrong, but until it's supported as correct it would be a mistake to assume that's what they are talking about." That's why I put those google searches and the other quotes at the top of page 6 of this thread - re-read that post, please. This comes directly from the HAARP website:
Can I visit HAARP?
The HAARP Observatory is a facility that is still under development and there is insufficient on-site staff to allow routine tours of the facility. Entry to the facility is normally restricted to those having a need to conduct business at the facility. We recognize that there is great interest in the scientific work of the facility and, as a result, we hold an annual open house, generally of two days duration, at which any and all are invited to visit the site and take photographs of the buildings and instruments located there. Several scientists are usually present at these open houses so that visitors can talk directly with those who will eventually use the observatory. Open houses have been held since 1995 and have proven to be a popular event.
How can I find out about the Open
Open Houses are generally held at the end of the summer season and the dates and times are announced in advance on the HAARP Home Page.
"HAARP is opened up yearly to the public for anyone who wants to take a look at it. That doesn't seem to be a responsible way to treat a weapon capable of the destruction described by your sources. We don't open out nuclear weapon facilities to the public and just let anyone wander through them." You can't hide the function of a Nuclear Bomb by lying about them. They were always understood as weapons. HAARP, unlike the nukes, has a cover-story. If you wish to hide something, "in plain sight" is the best place to do it (if you can have a cover story, that is).
Is HAARP a classified project?
The HAARP program is completely unclassified. There are no classified documents pertaining to HAARP. The Environmental Impact Process (EIP) documents have always been, are now, and will always be completely descriptive of the program in its entirety. The EIP documents are a matter of public record.
"They claim that everything about HAARP is declassified and available for review. Of course, if it were a terrible secret weapon they would certainly lie to the public about this . . . but if that were the case they wouldn't be letting the public walk through it every year." If you were on the tour, do you think you could figure out how much power the thing had by looking at it? One website says that: "The HAARP system intends to beam 3.6 Gigawatts of effective radiated power of high frequency radio energy into the ionosphere ..." HEREA "Gigawatt" is a BILLION watts. Sounds pritty powerful to me. As well, I had presented a link to a photo of what may be ANOTHER, BIGGER HAARP in Alaska - our little HAARP may just be the prototype for a bigger version: HERE
Is HAARP capable of affecting the weather?
The HAARP facility will not affect the weather. Transmitted energy in the frequency ranges that will be used by HAARP is subject to negligible absorption in either the troposphere or the stratosphere - the two levels of the atmosphere that produce the earth's weather. Electromagnetic interactions only occur in the near-vacuum of the rarefied region above about 70 km known as the ionosphere. The ionosphere is created and continuously replenished as the sun's radiation interacts with the highest levels of the Earth's atmosphere. The downward coupling from the ionosphere to the stratosphere/troposphere is extremely weak, and no association between natural ionospheric variability and surface weather and climate has been found, even at the extraordinarily high levels of ionospheric turbulence that the sun can produce during a geomagnetic storm. If the ionospheric storms caused by the sun itself don't affect the surface weather, there is no chance that HAARP can do so either.
"This is where the HAARP site disagrees with you. Their claim is that the ionosphere does not affect weather, as weather is manifested in the troposphere or stratosphere. Of course, I recognize government bias on this information. If HAARP is indeed a terrible weapon they wouldn't tell us that. I'm also inclined to believe they wouldn't conduct tours of it, or publish it's location."
Hidden in plain sight.
Some have claimed that the HAARP facility may be similar in operation to the Wardenclyffe Tower, developed by Nikola Tesla as a communications facility. Though never completed successfully in Tesla's lifetime due to lack of funding, and finally dismantled for scrap during wartime, people who draw parallels between HAARP and Wardenclyffe contend that its principles are currently being implemented by the HAARP project. While Tesla's tower was to be his supreme test of the applicability of transmitted power, HAARP is being used to study ionospheric effects on radio communication. Wardenclyffe also provides a basis for a current search for practical applications for focused wave and particle beams, such as the laser and maser, which according to some could have allowed wireless transceiving to any distance with negligible loss due to radiation. Tesla claimed that the Wardenclyffe tower could have produced explosive releases of energy, transmitting weaponized impulses of electromagnetic energy. The likelihood of this working was, however, never satisfactorily established, and at the time Tesla was in outright rivalry with Thomas Edison and both were making rather extreme claims.
In August 2002, support for the critics' conspiracy theories came from an unexpected direction – the State Duma (parliament) of Russia. The Duma published a critical report on HAARP written by the international affairs and defense committees, signed by 90 deputies and presented to President Vladimir Putin. The report claimed that "the U.S. is creating new integral geophysical weapons that may influence the near-Earth medium with high-frequency radio waves ... The significance of this qualitative leap could be compared to the transition from cold steel to fire arms, or from conventional weapons to nuclear weapons. This new type of weapons differs from previous types in that the near-Earth medium becomes at once an object of direct influence and its component." However, given the timing of the Russian intervention, it is likely that it was related to a controversy at the time concerning the US withdrawal in June 2002 from the Russian-American Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. HERE
Check the above links out for the "weather modification" and "earthquake"
"I have to dig back through the thread to see where your quote about HAARP being capable of causing a blast equivalent to a nuke is." Here it is again: The HAARP Program is jointly managed by the US Air Force and the US Navy, and is based in Gakona, Alaska. It is designed to "understand, simulate and control ionospheric processes that might alter the performance of communication and surveillance systems". The HAARP system intends to beam 3.6 Gigawatts of effective radiated power of high frequency radio energy into the ionosphere in order to:...-generate ionospheric lenses to focus large amounts of high frequency (HF) energy, thus providing a means of triggering ionospheric processes that potentially could be exploited for Department of Defence purposes,...It would be rash to assume that HAARP is an isolated experiment which would not be expanded. It is related to fifty years of intensive and increasingly destructive programs to understand and control the upper atmosphere. It would be rash not to associate HAARP with the space laboratory construction which is separately being planned by the United States. HAARP is an integral part of a long history of space research and development of a deliberate military nature. The military implications of combining these projects is alarming. Basic to this project is control of communications, both disruption and reliability in hostile environments. The power wielded by such control is obvious. The ability of the HAARP / Spacelab/ rocket combination to deliver very large amount of energy, comparable to a nuclear bomb, anywhere on earth via laser and particle beams, are frightening. The project is likely to be "sold" to the public as a space shield against incoming weapons, or , for the more gullible, a devise for repairing the ozone layer.
Further References:
C.L. Herzenberg, Physics and Society, April 1994.
R. Williams, Physics and Society, April 1988.
B. Eastlund, Microwave News, May/June 1994.
W. Kofman and C. Lathuillere, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 14, No. 11, pp
1158-1161, November 1987 (Includes French experiments at EISCAT).HERE
"I'll try to post an analysis of that source next, so maybe we can wrap up the HAARP capability portion of the discussion." I'm glad you used the term "maybe" - there is no "wrapping up" unless one of us gives up or we both agree that there is or is not enough evidence to support the theory. So far .... I'm more and more convinced of "foul play ala Exxon" every time we look into it.
In the PARS Project, Authors Inan and Bell (StarLab at Stanford University)
proposing a possible accompanying ionospheric effects due to induced precipitation of energetic electrons, generated by HAARP HF emissions, able to stimulate ELF/VLF signals as well as such ionospheric effects (6a). So manmade activity may excite (though unexpected) the needed overall condition in ionosphere and atmosphere, to get the one usually created by nature, to induce higher electron temperature and precipitation of energetic electrons toward the lower ionospheric as well as atmospheric layers. HERE
Egyptian paper: Israel-India nuke test caused tsunami
US island base given warning
Conspiracy theorists see dark forces behind tsunami disaster
Indonesia, Thailand given prompt warning of undersea quake: nuclear test
Why did US base escape tsunami?
Spanish military to deploy in tsunami-hit Asian nations: PM
Indonesia Starts Building Refugee Camps
12,600-Strong U.S. Military Team Aids Tsunami Relief
G. Metz and F.W. Perkins.
"Ionospheric Modification Theory: Past Present and Future", Radio
Science, Vol.9, No. 11, pp 885-888, November 1974. HERE
I believe she's more than qualified to say this: Rosalie Bertell
"A number of methods have been explored or proposed to modify the ionosphere, including injection of chemical vapors [Chemtrails - DML] and heating or charging via electromagnetic radiation or particle beams (such as ions, neutral particles, x-rays, MeV particles, and energetic electrons [type in "energetic electrons" and "HAARP" into google to see the relationship - DML]).45 It is important to note that many techniques to modify the upper atmosphere have been successfully demonstrated experimentally."
Tsunami tragedy is five years and the biggest natural disaster has killed hundreds of thousands of lives, millions of homes razed, the land in Aceh as a field containing only debris and bodies scattered garbage. The waves that seemed to destroy the life there. The whole world is the tragedy.
Most people assume that this is a natural disaster. Why are the plates of the earth, change in some parts of Sumatra and create fractures that there was a tsunami wave that starts with a magnitude of 6.87 earthquake on the Richter scale, according to the records of the World Meteorological and Geophysics Agency (BMG). In contrast to records provided by the U.S. NOAA said the strength of an earthquake at first and then converted to SR 8.0 to 8.5 and 8.9 HI HI to NOAA determined that the earthquake in Aceh, when the tsunami amounted to 9.0 SR.
Differences of this magnitude for a small portion of people on a suspicion. They assume that is the scenario behind the tsunami that hit the Gallery of Mecca. A professor at the Faculty of Engineering Unisba, M.Dzikron AM belong to the minority of people whodistrust the disaster that hit Aceh. Another accident was not the scenario of a superpower, the United States.
Besides the difference in the magnitude of the case, another factor that strengthens the Aceh tsunami is a tsunami made a difference in the epicenter location (epicenter in the earth’s surface). Australia recording the magnitude and position in accordance with specified epicenter of the earthquake in Jakarta Geophysical Office 6.4 on the Richter scale struck northern Sumatra. Point in the earthquake 155 kilometers south-southeast of the province. These different places 250 miles of the location specified by the American NOAA, which states that it is centered in the southwest of Aceh.
- Read more in Earth Sciences
- « Earthquakeand Tsunami Aceh Was Haarp Test Results?
- Tsunamis are The Result of The Engineering Thermonuclear Weapon Tested America »
In addition to Indonesia and India will also feel the strangeness of the absence of “warning” earthquake seismograph.
This means that the normal shock waves that always precede an earthquake there. NOAA states receive a “warning” on the replicas, but it was not. In short, an earthquake is always triggered by electromagnetic frequencies to 0.5 or 12 Hertz, and is not a process that occurs suddenly. Thus, when the resonance because the frequency of this happening, the heart begins to beat, and sends an alert to all earthquake seismograph in the form of transverse waves (vertical). If the waves are received by the seismograph is the P wave, the wave is found caused by the earthquake underground or underwater. In fact, this is the wave received by Indonesia and India. These waves are strikingly similar to the waves produced several years ago by a meter-scale nuclear weapons in Nevada. Realize the strangeness of the place, on 27 December, India refused to join Bush in an exclusive plan that will appeal to all nuclear power in Asia a new coalition with Russia, China and Brazil.Moreover, the peculiarities we can see in the eye is the bodies of tsunami victims are burned to death by the state. Could it be that the waves can cause the body to be burned, is ridiculous.
One very important for us to know that the real tsunami waves are the waves of the bay and the name is derived from the Japanese tsu means harbor and nami meaning wave. So the enormity of the tsunami sedahsyat only hit the area around the port. Wave is not likely to go to urban areas like Aceh. Of course, we asked what are the sophisticated tools that can make "sedahsyat" tsunami disaster that struck us was the Gallery of Mecca. There is not one possible response, ie by using a bomb. The bomb that devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki had. Thermonuclear was none other than a nuclear explosion that could result and cause a tremendous increase in Aceh. It is true that the mastermind of all this is a superpower, the United States.3 months after the tsunami in Aceh, surrounded by U.S. aircraft carriers belonging to the researchers are not close to Aceh and can clean up the remains of the rest of the nuclear bomb. However, two months after the tsunami that hit Aceh away nukir found scattered in Somalia, as expressed by UNEP. But the claim that the VOA is the U.S. nuclear waste in Europe. While in 1972 the United Nations has passed a law not to dispose of nuclear waste at sea. Dzikron express an opinion on the existence of man-made tsunami was caused by several factors. That becomes the main factor is related to economic motivation. Aceh is a region that has the gas content greatly. Proven gas company after the tsunami in Aceh, which are controlled by the Americans. In addition to content-rich gas, Aceh, also store gold reserves. This region is known for being very rich in natural resources. The U.S., through the Exxon Mobil, of course, to maintain and expand " kekuasaannya ". "Salah" the path taken to eliminate the population of Aceh, which is considered a threat to the existence of the oil companies. Aceh continues to make demands to be given greater rights relating to "alamnya". "Tujuan" other goods, the U.S. want to get a new oil field to display the “artificial earthquake.” So complex that it falls, making it difficult to distinguish the tsunami in Aceh is a tsunami caused by a natural disaster or was created by hands that have a special interest. But take a moment to remember the promise of
Allah in the Quran Surat Ar-Rum verse 41,
God said, “it seemed to damage on land and at sea are caused by the works of human hands God "mengehendaki" to feel part of it’s the (result of) action, so that the return (on the right track). ” It was very clear that all the damage that occurs in nature is the act of hand-made-man who does not appreciate the grace of the Creator. God has arranged such that rotation of the earth and everything in it. Not a single person who can change the will of the Lord. From the beginning the wind is moving toward the sky, which later became the clouds and the clouds turned to rain, everything has been arranged in the Koran. God will not break your promise. So clearly all the damage is due to human nature and most likely also the tsunami disaster was designed by human hands.
Many people do not believe the tsunami that devastated Aceh and North Sumatra are due to the superpower of engineering. They do not believe that the United States was able to handle natural disasters "sedahsyat". Also skeptical about the use of nuclear energy would lead to other effects, the radiation carries a lot of negative effects on the environment and human beings in the disaster.
Who knows the effect of nuclear energy and before Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
The tsunami caused by the theory of nuclear matter can be addressed together. In theory, the W-53 thermonuclear warhead America with the power of 9 megatons (Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1000 tonnes) can easily be placed in containers that resemble diving chamber (in the diving equipment) commonly used in the oil exploitation. The container is well protected 10.000 pon pressure per square inch on the bottom of the deep trenches. The following container the total weight of less than five tonnes, so it can be launched from the stern of the ship supply offshore oil platforms "pengeboran".
In Asia there are over 300 platforms.
Who knows if one of the bridges was chosen as the point where the epicenter of the earthquake?
Secondly, a. More reasonable, which is used instead of nuclear weapons scalar "melainkan" This new technology is a potential weapon to manipulate natural phenomena to destroy the enemy. From earthquakes to hurricanes can be caused by a shot of high-power electromagnetic waves. More logical if the weapon used to inflict scalar massive earthquake that triggered the tsunami in Asia. People look at a series of natural disasters in Asia and Indonesia is a unique pattern.
Why is the location of an earthquake quake some areas that are social and political upheaval?
Note, in the area that should be a company largely owned by the United States to exploit the natural wealth. Nabire is located in Papua, an area that became the basis of separatist movements and the Freeport operation OPM. Aceh-based GAM separatist movement clear and functioning of Mobil Oil and Caltex.
Using a knife surgery analysis of conspiracy theories, no events that occurred by chance.
Why is “coincidence” the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln in the waters of Hong Kong and soon to Aceh?
Why “chance” are owned by Mobil Oil ports in Arun could "dilabuhi" aircraft carrier?
Too many “coincidences” that appeared in the series of natural disasters in Indonesia.
But it is clear that the scenario of using a weapon capable of modifying the environment and the manipulation of natural phenomena, is very sophisticated. By using a scalar, the tactics of “throwing stones invisible hand” can be transformed more effectively to “throw stones, come and be a gentleman.”
Technology based on the destroyer of electromagnetic waves is introduced for the first time the Russian scientist Nikola Tesla (for those who never play C & C Red Alert 2 should be familiar with the name “Tesla”).
This makes the earthquake scientists in several countries in 1937 as a research sample. Moreover, Tesla did research on the creation of tools that can cause high frequency waves that can trigger tectonic earthquakes and hurricanes. After some refinement, the tool was able to defeat nuclear energy. Later, weapons of mass destruction known as elektromangnetik climb.
In his book “The ultimate weapon of war” (2000), Dr. Rosalie Bertell, said the Earth could be used as new tools to win the “war”. The earth may be shaken by a high-tech tool. Bertell says expressly, in its current arsenal of weapons the U.S. military is the land and climate. “They’ll be ahead of the worst weapons of destruction, 2025,” he said. Electromagnetic weapons could lead to an explosion like an earthquake. Of course this is far beyond the power of nuclear weapons "kedashyatan "known as weapons of mass destruction. According to Bertell, as has been experienced for many years. Uncle Sam never uses electromagnetic waves and chemicals to the ozone hole in the atmosphere of air in several Asian countries.
When the U.S. was using barium and lithium are “sent” to the ozone layer with the aid of electromagnetic waves. No wonder that between the period 1980 to 1990, North American sky often appears phosphorescent light.
The trial was causing tremendous disruption to weather around the world. “Between 1960 and 1990, major natural disasters levels increased 10 times,” says Bertell.
El Niño between 1997 and 1998, the so-called experts as the cause of climate chaos around the world, in fact, preceded by a great disturbance and climate instability in the previous year.
In 1996, severe flooding in South Asia, Nepal, India and Bangladesh. Similarly, in China. Disaster occurred in Canada. Storm tornado struck the country and floods.
The theory is supported by Michel Chossudovsky Bertell, who works as an analyst of the world’s arsenals. Even openly accused the Pentagon Chossudovsky has been involved in the manipulation of the climate.
April 1997, according to Defense Secretary William Cohen, Ace had to deal with climate change weapon attacks with similar weapons. Also, the use of electromagnetic waves trigger earthquakes. “Washington is applying the new order persenjataanya have the ability to change the climate.” Chossudovsky says. This in turn leads to why President George W. Bush would not sign the Kyoto protocol. An agreement between nations on the principle of prevention of global warming and natural recovery.
One of Phillips Geophysis experts who worked on the HAARP project (Project for Atmospheric Research High Altitude) has also revealed the presence of the investigation led to the creation of devices for activation of natural disasters.
To support its ability to scale, the U.S. using electromagnetic waves of very low frequency (ELF or extremely low frequency) that can penetrate the soil and the hundreds of miles of ocean in the bowels of the earth. Through a special modification, the wave was able to move the tectonic plates of the earth.
According to Dr. Rosalie Bertell, an analyst with unconventional weapons, earthquakes are caused by the FEB is associated with the ionosphere (the atmosphere within 80 to 600 km above the surface of the Earth).
No wonder the Tang Shan earthquake in China on July 28, 1976, came after a flash of light appeared in the skies of China. Phenomena that arise due to the ELF, which triggered the U.S., which heats the ionosphere.
The appearance of a flash of light also occurs in the earthquake in Aceh, Nias, Yogyakarta, and Pangandaran.
The same appeared on October 17, 1989, when a major earthquake struck San Francisco.
Similarly, an earthquake in California on September 12, 1989.
The Washington Times March 1992 released the news of the capture of a mysterious radio waves by a series of satellites and radar before the great earthquake in several countries between the years 1986-1989. Earthquakes that occurred in California, USA, and the earth shook Jepang. "Gempa" Los Angeles on January 17, 1994, also preceded by radio waves and hypersonic two eruptions.
Addressing the phenomenon of flashes of light that always precedes the earthquake, in 1997, the Pentagon issued the indication, there has been a security threat to the world the use of weapons "pemanipulasi" time, the creator of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions from a distance using electromagnetic waves. Before mid-July 1996, a number of countries affected by an earthquake. That is, the mountainous region Alpens France, Austria, southern Italy, northeast India, Japan, Indonesia, the Kamchatka Peninsula and southern Mexico. Even in New Zealand an erupting volcano.
According to sources, the U.S. had beaten North Korea and Cuba, with the Vandals of weather weapons. The goal, economic extinction, ecosystems and agriculture. This effort was successful. North Korea and Cuba has suffered a crisis due to climate changes.
How does this happen to Indonesia?
Conspiracy news sites, the reduction of the corresponding site Aceh. "Di" amazing lyrical disasters mentioned, the disaster in Aceh occurred nine days after the U.S. George Bush issued an instruction to master all the oceans of the world, for reasons of security and development in Aceh.
For the facts offered. Before the earthquake hit Aceh, Australia and the U.S. base Diego Garcia would have obtained the information about the earthquake and tsunami.
Therefore, when the tsunami hit, the military base where the unit super tanker KC-135 was not at all disturbed. Although obviously the base is inhabited by two thousand more military personnel in the Indian Ocean. Diego Garcia (island government hired the U.S. from the UK) which is not far from the epicenter reported a few waves of 6 feet.
In relation to acts of God America has also been said in the Qur’an that “When told,” do no harm on earth! “They said,” really just people who do the repairs. Remember, they are actually doing damage, but are not aware of. “(Surah Al-Baqarah: 11-12).
If we see further that the selected areas of the December 26 tsunami, is a Muslim majority area. It has been written in the Koran that Islam is the greatest enemy of the Jews, it is also stated in
Surah Al-Baqarah: 217, “to ask you (Muhammad) about the war in haram. Say,” fought in the month that it is haram (sin) of large size. But hinder (men) from Allah that they deny (the blocking of the entrance) to the Sacred Mosque and drive out of the surrounding population, a major sin in the eyes of God. While slander is more cruel than murder. They will not stop fighting until you depart (a) of religion, if they can. Who among you back from his religion, and died in disbelief, then he loses his works in the world and the Hereafter, and they are the dwellers of the Fire, to dwell in it. “
So no, if the Jews were trying by all means to overthrow Muslims and destroy the Muslims. Thus the U.S. is trying to kill Muslims in several ways. The Jews were behind the U.S. forces. As the media “terlansir” in Israel.
The world does not know the Prime Minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert, is proud to have made U.S. President George W. George W. Bush as a child with U.S. support ordered to cancel plans for a UN resolution ordered the cessation of Israeli attacks on Gaza if only Israel media not preach the Gospel. And the world will never know the Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, said: “We, the Jewish people control America. Americans know it!” If Israel does not claim to be the media.
Read more:
Tsunami Disaster or Engineering :
Most people assume Tsunami Aceh is a pure natural disaster, a few others to see "out of the box" that the tsunami was the result of engineering thermonuclear weapon tested America. One of them, M.Dzikron AM, professor Faculty of Engineering Unisba explain on this hypothesis,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, several times the magnitude and position of data modify the epicenter of the earthquake, as well as irregularities in the absence of a warning 'seismograph' in Indonesia and India. Simply put, an earthquake is always triggered by the so-called electromagnetic frequencies at 0.5 or 12 Hertz, and not a process that occurs suddenly like the tsunami in Aceh. Most of the bodies found motionless with solid black leather, deaths from drowning will not change color so quickly and so black, otherwise black bodies also appear after the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Triple-six symbols 666, One-Eye
& Sea Torn in Aceh Tsunami Museum.
* The meaning of the symbol 666,
One-Eye (Eye One) & Winding Snake
Jewish Symbols in Hermes Palace
Hotel Banda Aceh ...
Other sources can be
seen in www.pramukamandiri.com
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