Multiple Criminal Investigations Zero In On Rothschild’s Banking Cabal.
The fascist cabal known as The Bilderbergers, CFR, committee of 300 etc., is desperately and without hope trying to start WW3 and install a fascist world government in an attempt to pre-empt criminal investigations closing in on them from all sides. Their efforts will fail because the Pentagon and the agencies in the US (with the exception of homeland Gestapo) are preparing to remove them from power, according to CIA and other sources. For example, multiple investigations are closing in on alleged President Obama, including one for illegally declaring war on Libya. A count among US representatives show the votes necessary to impeach him are there, US law enforcement officials say. In addition, evidence of bribery and other forms of illegally tampering with government is being compiled against George Soros, among others. There is also a lot going on under and on the surface in Europe, Japan and the Middle East. Mitt Romney’s Father Was A Mexican Citizen When Mitt Was Born. In Europe, an agreement was reached by most countries, including the 17 in the Eurozone, to agree to cede national sovereignty over fiscal policy in order to protect the Euro. This is all part of a long planned central power grab by unelected secret Khazarian groups that was meant to be a major milestone on the road to a global fascist regime. Create the crisis, offer the solution. In the US, as mentioned last week, the Obama regime has asserted the right to murder and imprison Americans without due process, meaning he has declared the US to be a fascist dictatorship. Again, it looks on the surface like the plans for a world fascist government are proceeding smoothly. Fortunately for the rest of the human race, the fascist power grab is really just a sign of desperation. The EU, agreement, for example, is like a dead-beat borrower promising to be good in the future saying: “Now that I have agreed to German autocratic control could I have some money please?” The answer remains, “sure, just borrow from the Germans.” The Germans, of course, do not have enough money. As mentioned before, the Euro zone still needs money from the rest of the world in order to stabilize its financial situation and that money will not be forthcoming until more fundamental problems with the global system, such as 1.1 billion hungry people and rampant environmental destruction, are dealt with. The upcoming belt-tightening, however, is a healthy process that will be good for Europe in the medium to long term. Living within your means is always a wise policy for both individuals and nations. The fact of the matter is that the European financial elites have been hogging the world’s financial assets since the end of World War 2 and have been plotting genocide so they are not going to get any money. End of story. The UK was the only nation to veto the new EU treaty because the interests of the City of London financial district and the average citizen happened to coincide. The City did not want a financial transaction tax because it would gut their business and the average Britton was not willing to surrender to the Germans. The situation in the US is a bit more complicated. The problem is that almost the entire leadership structure in Washington D.C. is corrupt and compromised but people in the pentagon and the agencies are so used to taking orders they do not know what to do when their leaders become dysfunctional. For example, there are enough votes in the US Congress and Senate now to impeach Obama but the problem is nobody can agree on a replacement. The various corruption investigations against the Obama regime can remove him from power but nobody knows what to do next. The only answer is for the military to set up a temporary government headed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff until the garbage can be removed from Washington D.C. and Wall Street. The military rightly claim that armies are not good at governing. However, they are good at cleaning up a mess and restoring constitutional order.
- Military Coup Could Oust Obama & NYC Bloomberg!
- BREAKING==> TREASON: Obama Drill There Drill Now ~ Stimulates Brazil ~ Do We NeedAnymore Reasons To Convene Nuremberg Principles Against This Bastard?!?
- LessonsFor The United States: Honduras Military In Protecting Their Constitution,Removes Obama Supported President Manuel Zelaya! We Have The Same Option ToOust Obama!
The US military also worry about being able to meet the payroll but the backers of the new financial system have already promised generous financing to ensure a restoration of US economic might and a gradual transition of the military industrial complex into something that can be self-supporting and good for the planet. In any case, the Khazarian (aka; Teutonic Zionists aka; Fake Jews) Satanic bankers in both Europe and the US are being cut off from their credit by the rest of the world. Since the only product they know how to create is debt, that means that without somebody gullible enough to provide them with credit, they have nothing but illusion to offer. These debts they claim the rights to are not owed by the people of Europe or the US because they were never anything but illusions placed upon them by rapacious bankers. No matter how many zeros and how many astronomical numbers they invent to put into their banking computers, there is simply nothing in the real world to back them up.
- TrueCost Of Debt Ceiling Alone By ‘Too Big To Fail Bailout’ ~ From $700 Billion To$12.8 Trillion.
- WarsOf The British Banking Cabalists.
- SorryTommy Coburn: Obama & The Banking Cartel Already Cut Education AssistanceBy $100 Billion, Already Cut Food Stamps By $2.2 Billion, & Health Care By+$6.6 Billion.
Their efforts to take over the rest of the world outside of the EU and the US are also failing big time. The sham attempt to sabotage Russian Parliamentary elections with paid saboteurs got nowhere. Efforts to start World War 3 in Iran continue to be blocked.
- U.S.‘Ashamed’ Of Gorbachev Lies: Putin Pulling Russia ‘Back Into the Past’ ~ TruthIs ~ Putin Kicked Out Rothschild From Russia And Is Now Sovereign!
- Weekend Reflections: What Happens To Nations When The Banks Dump The Markets By ThePump/Dump Scheme Of Keynesian Economics. ~ Edelman Was There!
- TheNWO aka; Council On Foreign Relations Blew It , REVEALED Their Plans To StartWorld War 3!
Attempts to get money from Asia to finance the Satanic cabalists are also going nowhere. According to a CIA representative, a senior member of the Du Pont family and a Rothschild representative are in Indonesia trying to get access to rights for Asian treasure but are getting nowhere. In Japan too, there is a desperate attempt to re-establish Khazarian control.
- WhereAre The Rothschilds? The Felonious Teutonic Zionists!
- JapanHas Thrown Liberal Democrats Out Of Office: Sending Warnings To NWO
- JapanWas On The Eve Of Throwing Out The U.S. Military & The NWO: Tectonic PlatesThru HAARP Was Rothschild’s Response. Iceland Stops Rothschild Cold!
- RockefellerClan Have NOW moved To Underground Shelter In India: While The Rest Of HumanityBurns!
- JapanWas On The Eve Of Throwing Out The U.S. Military & The NWO: Tectonic PlatesThru HAARP Was Rothschild’s Response. Iceland Stops Rothschild Cold!
Democratic Party of Japan power broker and Rockefeller stooge Ichiro Ozawa, police corruption beneficiary Shizuka Kamei and corrupt Tokyo mayor Shintaro Ishihara are trying to drum up support for a new political party. They have been sucking up to recently elected and very popular Osaka mayor ToruHashimoto. The plan seems to be to use the nuclear fear they are fanning in Tokyo to promote a shift of government functions to Osaka. That, of course, would mean a lot of construction contracts and other means to bribe the Japanese political elite back into submission. It is such a pathetic plan that more than anything it shows how desperate these hoodlums have become.
New American legal action could result in abolition of Rothschild Crime
A lawsuit (’11CIV 8500 – Judge Holwell) was filed in New York on Wednesday 23rd November 2011 which could end the secret government that has ruled Western civilization for the last 300 years. The court papers can be accessed through PACER: Case 1:11-cv-08500-JFK Document 1 Filed 11/23/11. PACER is a US government restricted-access website. The acronym stands for Public Access to Court Electronic Records.The lawsuit claims that a sum in excess of $1 trillion was stolen by, among others, RayC. Dam, UN Secretary General BanKi-moon and the UN, former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the Italian government, Giancarlo Bruno and the Davos World EconomicForum syndicate and others believed to include many of the owners of the USFederal Reserve Board. The summons was filed in New York by Neil Keenan, acting as representative of The Dragon Family, a reclusive group of wealthy Asian dynasties. The legal filing is the result of extensive evidence gathering by international police and law-enforcement agencies including Interpol, the CIA, the Japanese Security Police and several Eastern European secret services. The action has the backing of the Pentagon and the armed forces of Russia and China. The ultimate defendants in this legal action are understood to be the cabal behind the assassination of US President JohnF. Kennedy, 911, and many other major international crimes and terrorist atrocities. The lawsuit was triggered by the illegal detainment of two Japanese citizens, Akihiko Yamaguchi and Mitsuyoshi Watanabe, and the seizure of $134.5 billion in bonds they were holding in Chiasso, Italy, on Wednesday 3rd June 2009. After the bonds were stolen, self-described 33rd degree Freemason LeoZagami contacted this writer (Benjamin Fulford, in Japan) and said that the Monte Carlo P2 masonic lodge could cash the bonds with the help of Vatican banker Daniel Dal Bosco. This writer forwarded the information, via a member of the UK Royal family, to The Dragon Family who entrusted a further $1 trillion worth of similar bonds to the plaintiff Neil Keenan. Keenan then, after much negotiation, entrusted the bonds to Dal Bosco. Dal Bosco subsequently absconded with the bonds and was followed 24-hours-a-day by various intelligence service agents to see what he would do with them. The Dal Bosco trail led to the Davos World forum, the UN, the Italian government and the Vatican, among other places. Following this, Keenan was approached by a Who’s Who of powerful figures including top Vatican officials, Wall Street bankers, European nobles and former US presidents, most offering him astronomical bribes to go away. He was also poisoned with ricin and nearly killed. According to Keenan: “The roots of this case go back to between 1927 and 1938, when, under arrangements made between T.V. Soong (Finance Minister of China) and Henry Morgethau, Secretary of the Treasury, The United States Government purchased some 50 million ounces of silver and leased vast amounts of gold from the Nationalist Chinese Government, known as Kuomintang. For all the treasure handed in, certificates were given to those who surrendered their precious metals.”Many of the bonds seized by Dal Bosco are backed with the Chinese gold taken by the Federal Reserve Board during those years and never returned to its legal owners. Other bonds seized were Kennedy bonds. These bonds were backed by gold held in trust for the people of the planet and were supposed to be used to finance the economic development of the world. Instead they have mostly been stolen and misused by members of the cabal that has seized control of the Western financial system on behalf of private interests. The original signatory to the Kennedy bonds was former Indonesian President, Ir Soekarno (1901-1970). Soekarno’s heir, Dr. Seno Edy Soekanto, has given Neil Keenan power of attorney to return to their rightful owners the Kennedy bonds and other property allocated to the people of the world via something known as TheGlobal Collateral Accounts. The lawsuit is only the first salvo in a legal battle to restore control of the global financial system to the people and governments of the world as well as the rightful owners of historical assets that have been seized by members of the banking cartel. The lawsuit (full text here) was filed as 2011 Civil Action 8500 at the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (Judge Holwell) on November 23, 2011.
Background information on the problems with the global financial system
summarised by Neil Keenan and Keith Scott:
The United States is a private corporation owned by the British Crown (Rothschilds), the Bank of England (Rothschilds) and the Vatican (Rothschilds again). It was previously called the Virginia Company until 3/9/33 when it was dissolved by Roosevelt under the Emergency Banking Act. On 5/5/33 Congress elected to dissolve the Gold Standard and Sovereign Authority of the U.S. and all of its official capacities including government offices, departments and officers. The U.S. is a corporation, not a nation. The Federal Reserve is neither Federal, nor a Reserve. It is a private counterfeiting organization run by Jewish bankers who lend the money they print out of thin air at interest while we keep on paying these criminals to fleece the People.That technology of theft and deception that has been exported from the United States through their promotion of this fraud as the paradigm of global finance is an obscenity that has set the seeds of its own destruction.This has been compounded by the refusal of ordinary people to realize, know and understand that it is the duplicity of Governments and the deceit and endless greed of bankers that combined to simply fleece them like the apathetic sheep they are. Apathy and ignorance of the truth, creates belief in the lie. The truth is self-evident, but most people choose to neither hear it nor understand it. The debts of the Federal Reserve are the debts of a private corporation that is robbing the people of the United States.The United States Dollar is a Federal Reserve Note and the obligations against the currency are the obligations of the Federal Reserve, not the people of the United States.
Background history:
- 1. Between 1927 and 1938, under arrangements made between T.V.Soong (Finance Minister of China) and Henry Morgethau, Secretary of the Treasury, The United States Government purchased some 50 million ounces of silver and leased vast amounts of gold from the Nationalist Chinese Government, known as Kuomintang. During this period China was partly occupied by Japanese troops and there was the fear of China being overrun by the Japanese.
- 2. For all the treasure handed in, certificates were given to those who surrendered their precious metals. The surrendered precious metals and gemstones were sent to the United States under a lease agreement made between T.V. Soong and Henry Morgenthau. The Certificates became the underlying funds of the Kuomintang and were good and accepted securities.
- 3. In 1934 a new Securities Act was promulgated in the United States, together with the Gold Act, which required all bullion gold and gold coin to be surrendered to the Federal Reserve, a private corporation chartered to operate as the Central Bank of the United States and to be the issuer of the currency known as the United States Dollar.
- 4. Domestically owned gold was purchased. Foreign Gold held by the Treasury was also surrendered to the Federal Reserve, so, was leased to the Federal Reserve. This began the series 1934 Notes issued by the Federal Reserve. These have never been redeemed and the interest cost was met by further issuances of the 1934 series FRN’s.
- 5. These 1934 FRN’s guarantee the lease payments and to allow the Chinese Government to continue financially. These came under the control of the Kuomintang, the Nationalist Government in China from whom the Gold had been received. Many were left in China when the Kuomintang had to flee to Taiwan. The Gold had been nationalized by the Kuomintang who moved much of the FRN’s (but not all) to Taiwan which was built on these notes. These Notes were the underlying wealth of Taiwan and they were good for value as they were backed by gold.
- 6. During the war in China, most owners of the depository notes issued by Chinese Banks were killed by the Japanese, others later being killed by both the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communists, thus the Gold became property of the Nation, especially so, the Kuomintang. In Europe, Jews who had owned wealth were stripped of that wealth through various means and were then eliminated. The gold was taken either by stealth or by force, that is a reality of history.
- 7. The Kuomintang appointed guardians of this Gold and the securities issued by the United States; they are euphemistically known as the Dragon Family. The Dragon Family is in fact an organization that operates between old families within China and Taiwan, and as such is above the political divide of the two independent Chinese Governments. Chinese are remarkable in this regard, that old family ties and functions supercede political arrangements which, though they might last for generations, are regarded as inconsequential over the passage of time to most Chinese. Attached to this is the wealth of several nations. The United States in support of the Kuomintang and resistance groups actually printed more of these FRN notes inside China itself. These operations were run by the CIA to buy loyalty of various factions in the fight against the communists, eventually being driven out into Burma around 1960. Largely due to the additional printing of these notes, the additional Notes were given in lieu of interest, but directed to specific persons and parties.
- 8 At the end of the World War II, with Communist and Kuomintang factions at war in China, the International Community and the Chinese assented to the Gold being placed under the overt control of Indonesian President Soekarno. Soekarno then, on August 17, 1945, came to be known as M1 under United Nations Approval No. MISA 81704 “Operation Heavy Freedom. This was because much of the world’s gold had been delivered into Indonesia and the Philippines. Canada, Australia, Great Britain, India and other British Colonies sent their gold to the so called “impregnable Singapore” The Japanese, as per the arrangements agreed to by Hirohito in the 1921 Pact Between Nations made in London, delivered much of this gold to Indonesia (Then a Dutch Colony) and to Philippines (Then a US Colony) into secret bunkers that had been mostly constructed by the Japanese between 1924 and 1945. This is why the Allied troops in Malaya had no air cover or sufficient supplies to that would have allowed them to resist the Japanese. Singapore had to fall so most of the global wealth could be “lost” into a secret system that made the gold standard redundant and fiat currencies a reality. This gold was documented into accounts through the Swiss Commercial Bank Union Bank of Switzerland, placed under protection of the Swiss Attorney General, registered through the Swiss National Bank into the Bank for International Settlements International Collateral Combined accounts and then from within the BIS, blocked to form the Institutional Parent Registration Accounts of the Federal Reserve System.Later President Marcos of the Philippines was appointed and held the position of M1 until 1987 and then the position was transferred to Dr. Ray C. Dam, in October of 1987, under Legal Decadency to Heir RCD1087 Far East Entire with formal Power of Attorney and Assignment of Indonesian Assets signed by Sarinah Soetiwi (holder of the assets on behalf of the Nation of Indonesia as assigned by President Soekarno) in 1992, Dam’s authority later promulgated January 20, 1995. Dam proved to be impossible for the entire system to work with, (either because he refused to allow those who placed him in authority to steal, or because of his personal arrogance…. Difficult to know which is correct) and his authority over the Institutional parent registration Accounts set aside and the system reverted to the three Nations who had controlled these accounts since World war II, United States, Great Britain and France, who systematically and illegally subverted the established system since 1996.
- 9. From this we can see that there are two functional operations. One was ownership and Depository control by the owners of the Gold and the other a control system set in place to administer and control the Collateral Combined Accounts as an independent Arbiter. Ownership rights are held by the signatory to the Depository Accounts in Commercial Banks and Control Rights have been held by M1.
- 10. So it was, that the entire world supply of bullion and coinage gold was withdrawn and fiat currencies became the order of the day. However, underneath the notes and money issued by the Federal Reserve was the underlying wealth within a centralized system that Nations was intended to be used equitably, but Bankers determined they would use to raid national economies.
- 11. In 1963, President John F. Kennedy entered into an Agreement with President Soekarno to provide the funds to allow the United States Treasury to print its own currency, thus subverting the “right” to print the currency held by the Federal Reserve. The Agreement would have transferred some 59,000 tons of gold to underpin this currency. The problem with this was that the US domestic currency would have then been backed by gold which would have been a violation of international agreements meant to stabilize currencies. 11 days after signing this agreement, President Kennedy was assassinated. President Johnson the suspended EO11110 as issued by Kennedy and transferred the bullion to the Federal Reserve. The Green Hilton Agreement was not implemented until 1968 when Soekarno fell from office and when Global Trade made it imperative that the world have a Global Currency. As the Gold had been transferred to the US Treasury in 1968, a series of Bonds known as Kennedy Bonds were issued in order to honor the terms of the Green Hilton Agreement made between Kennedy and Soekarno, the 1968 terms of the gold delivery to the United States being different than made in 1934. When after 30 years, interest had not been paid as promised, a reissue of the bonds in an increased number were issued as commemorative notes and were accepted by the owners of the Gold, the Dragon Family.
- 12. From copies of Bank documents received by Neil Keenan, within the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement, the funds the amounts of gold and platinum are specified. These amounts of gold are certificated and the certificates and ledger copies with full and exact identification and recognition codes are available. These certificates are further proven by the bank reports, copies of which are now held by Neil Keenan. The truth of these instruments can be vigorously defended through documentation in our hands and further through interrogation of the Black Screens where the off ledger collateral is held, together with an interrogation of the grey and blue screens where we will find enormous fraud from the illegal use of these assets.
- 13. In the few documents we present with this complaint we can see that the assets have been deposited, the counter-assets created and presented to the depositors, the depositors have been cheated for over 70 years through the intentional and fraudulent failure of the Obligor to honor the Agreements.
- 14. In recent weeks we have come into possession of the books and records of the late President Soekarno, and all the codes and ledgers of the Global Accounts. The size of these accounts can be seen by reviewing the Collective Agreement between the Garuda Memorial Hilton Indonesia and the Green Memorial Hilton Geneva, established, structured and made operational between 1961 and final signature in 1972. Under this Agreement the assets of the international collateral combined were established and brought forward, then, within a short period of time misused to change the operating systems of banks.
- 15. Reviewing these books, we can now see that Banks set aside the notion of operating under the Charters they hold as banks, instead of being Banks they became like very poor casino operators and traders, selling what they do not own. The records in our possession, signed and registered by the receiving and managing commercial bank, show the underlying funds in numbers and amounts that stagger the imagination.
The Green Hilton and Garuda Memorial
Agreements demonstrate clearly the value of the global account system.
- a) Gold and Platinum Deposits ran into millions of tons.
- b) 1934 series Federal Reserve System Bonds, Notes issued in 1928 , Kennedy Bonds ran into Quadrillions of US Dollars, Dragon Bonds are all recorded and acknowledged within the Green Hilton and Memorial Hilton Collective Agreements. Both Assets in the form of Bullion surrendered to the Global Accounts through the United States Government and then entrusted to a private corporation, the Federal Reserve System.
Some more recent under-the-radar geopolitical activity is summarised
here (12.12.11), here (12.12.11), here (05.12.11), here(30.11.12),
here (28.11.11), here (21.11.11), here (15.11.11), here (08.11.11),
here (05.10.11), here (03.10.11), here(26.09.11), here (25.09.11),
here (22.08.11), here (19.08.11), here (15.08.11), here (09.08.11),
here (08.08.11), here(01.08.11), here (25.07.11), here (17.07.11) and
here (14.12.09).
- The Monaco Colloquium of August 2011, which intimately connects with the launch of US Civil Action #8500 cited above, is outlined here.
- The issue of the $47 trillion World Global Settlement Funds is referenced here.
- The increasingly urgent, and related, matter of Global Debt Forgiveness is summarised here.
- And preliminary indications about the international opening of Pandora’s Suitcase are assembled here. [1] [2]
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