Kamis, 04 April 2013


I) 10 Ways To Prevent and Slow Cancer Naturally
   Prevent Or Slow Cancer Naturally: HERE

  • Get plenty of vitamin D - between 50 and 70 ng/ml.
  • Get a healthy amount of omega-3 fats. 
  • You can get most of your antioxidants from organic foods sources like: blueberries, beans, cranberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries and artichokes. 
  • Try to ONLY eat fresh organic vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables have been identified as having powerful anti-cancer properties. 
  • Avoid chemicals, pollutants, and toxins. This also means you might even want to even get rid of household cleaners, certain soaps, air fresheners, insect sprays, pesticides, and insecticides. 
  • Replace them if you must with non-toxic alternatives. 
  • Learn to manage stress – Stress has a serious impact on inflammation, which can activate underlying chronic diseases that kill people prematurely and it can be avoided. 
  • Maintain a healthy body weight.
  • Get high-quality sleep.
  • Reduce cell phones and other wireless technology usage.
  • Boil, poach or steam your foods, rather than frying or charbroiling them. (Eat as many of your foods raw as you can.) .HERE

March 24, 2013
Vitamin D supplements influence genes in healthy individuals, could stop cancer, heart disease
 by: Sherry Baker, Health Sciences Editor
Learn more: HERE
(NaturalNews) Mounting research shows that huge numbers of people are deficient in vitamin D - and that a deficiency of that vitamin could be linked to all sorts of health problems, many of them serious. But could taking vitamin D supplements benefit people who appear to be healthy? The answer is a resounding "yes." 
Research from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) concludes that increasing the level of vitamin D in the blood could have a myriad of important health benefits. The study, just published online in PLOS ONE, reveals that upping vitamin D status in healthy adults significantly impacts genes involved with a number of biologic pathways associated with cancer, cardiovascular disease (CVD), infectious diseases and autoimmune diseases. 
Although it's true that earlier studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk for the these diseases, the new study is the first to provide direct evidence that improvement in vitamin D status plays a large role in improving immunity and lowering the risk for many serious and potentially deadly diseases. 
Vitamin D can be taken orally and is also synthesized by the body with sun exposure. A person's level of vitamin D in the body is measured by a blood test that shows the level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the blood. Vitamin D deficiency, usually defined as a status of less than 20 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, has long been recognized as causing number of health problems such as rickets and other musculoskeletal diseases. But in recent years, as Natural News has previously reported, scientists have found a link between vitamin D deficiency and other major illnesses including MS, breast cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. 
For the new BUSM study, the researchers conducted a randomized, double-blind trial involving eight healthy men and women with an average age of 27. All the research subjects were vitamin D deficient or insufficient at the start of the trial. Three study participants took 400 International Units (IU) of vitamin D per day and five received 2,000 IU each day for two months. Samples of white blood cells, part of the body's immune system, were collected at the beginning of the study period and also at the end. In addition, a broad gene expression analysis was conducted on these samples. In all, over 22,500 genes were studied to see if their activity increased or decreased as a result of taking vitamin D. 
The results of the study showed that the research subjects who took 2000 IU achieved a vitamin D status of 34 ng/mL, which is considered sufficient, while the group that received 400 IU achieved an insufficient status of 25 ng/mL. The investigation of gene expression analysis found having enough vitamin D in the body sparked statistically significant alterations in the activity of 291 genes that are related to 160 biologic pathways -- and these alterations could be key in preventing cancer, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases and cardiovascular disease (CVD). 
"This study reveals the molecular fingerprints that help explain the non-skeletal health benefits of vitamin D," Michael F. Holick, PhD, MD, professor of medicine, physiology and biophysics at BUSM and the study's corresponding author, said in a media statement. "While a larger study is necessary to confirm our observations, the data demonstrates that improving vitamin D status can have a dramatic effect on gene expression in our immune cells and may help explain the role of vitamin D in reducing the risk for CVD, cancer and other diseases." 
March 28, 2013
Apple extract kills colon cancer cells better than chemo drug in latest study
by: Ethan Evers

(NaturalNews) Oligosaccharides from apples killed up to 46 percent of human colon cancer cells in vitro, and outperformed the most commonly used chemo drug by a wide margin at every dose level tested. And unlike toxic chemo drugs, oligosaccharides are natural, health-promoting compounds widely present in fruits and vegetables. 
A natural solution for a leading cause of cancer death?
Colon cancer is currently the second leading cause of cancer-related death for women worldwide, and the third leading cause for men. The standard-of-care chemo drug used for colon cancer has seen limited success, and can have serious side effects such as coronary spasm, neurotoxicity, anemia, and immunosuppression. Researchers focused on apples as a natural means for treating and preventing colon cancer because they are the most widely consumed fruit in many countries, and have already demonstrated activity against breast cancer, ovarian cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, and colon cancer. Apple oligosaccharides were used in this study because their anti-cancer properties have been established in previous studies, and they can be cheaply derived from apple pomace - a widely available waste product left over from the apple juice processing industry. 
Apple oligosaccharides are more effective than chemo drug at killing colon cancer cellsUniversity researchers in Xi'an, China isolated polysaccharides (pectin and other fibers) from apple pomace and treated them with natural pectinase to break down their molecules into smaller oligosaccharides (which have only three to ten sugar units per molecule). The oligosaccharides were then added to cultured human HT29 colon cancer cells at various concentrations, and compared with the most commonly used chemo drug for colon cancer. 
For every concentration tested, the oligosaccharides outperformed the chemo drug at inducing programmed cell death (apoptosis). For example, at just 0.9 micrograms per mL (about 0.9 PPM), oligosaccharides killed 17.6 percent of the colon cancer cells after 36 hours, while the chemo drug killed only 10.9 percent (at a higher concentration of 1.3 micrograms per mL). More importantly, because the apple oligosaccharides are non-toxic to healthy cells, they can be used at higher concentrations than possible with the chemo drug. At 9.0 PPM, the oligosaccharides killed 46 percent of the colon cancer cells (the chemo drug was not tested at this level). 
Oligosaccharides - Functional food with multiple health benefits 
Oligosaccharides have been gaining increasing attention recently as general health-promoting functional foods, and are probably used to enrich several foods you already eat (i.e. as fructo-oligosaccharides). They have been found in studies to promote healthy intestinal flora, control blood sugar, and modulate the immune system. Oligosaccharides occur naturally in many plants (fruits, vegetables and algae) as well as in honey and milk. They can also be formed by breaking down the fruit's more complex carbohydrates (i.e. pectin) by pectolytic enzymes, as was done by the researchers in this study. To some extent, this reaction may also occur when eating the raw fruit, since apples naturally contain about 1.5 percent pectin as well as the pectinase enzyme. However, it should be noted that most commercially processed apple juice contains virtually no pectin or active enzymes, and also contains only about 10 percent of the health-giving polyphenols compared to raw apples. As usual, eating raw and fresh is far healthier than consuming the processed version. 
This new study adds further evidence to the health-promoting effects of apples and the potent anti-cancer effects of their oligosaccharides, even at low concentrations. The fact that these oligosaccharides can be derived from a widely available waste product of the apple juice industry (about four million tons of pomace are produced annually) offers promise for a low-cost natural medicine in the future. 

Sources for this article include: | HERE | HERE | HERE |HERE | Apple extract kills colon cancer cells better than chemo drug in latest study - 3/28/2013

Friday, March 29, 2013
Researchers discover natural protein in fish that inhibits prostate cancer cell spread
by: Sherry Baker, Health Sciences Editor
(NaturalNews) University of Maryland School of Medicine scientists have identified a peptide, or protein, derived from Pacific cod which appears to inhibit prostate cancer and possibly other cancers from spreading -- a process known as metastasis. This is extremely important because people who die from cancer usually do so when tumor cells invade the surrounding tissue and migrate into the nearby blood and lymph vessels. For example, prostate cancer typically metastasizes to the bones, lungs and liver. When cancer cells metastasize to other parts of the body, they grow new blood supplies and eventually overcome the person's organ systems, causing death. 
The research, just published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), is an example of a growing number of studies zeroing in on ways to fight the spread of cancer naturally. "The use of natural dietary products with anti-tumor activity is an important and emerging field of research,"Hafiz Ahmed, Ph.D., assistant professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and scientist at the Institute for Marine and Environmental Technology (IMET), said in a media statement. 
Ahmed and his team studied TFD (Thomsen-Friedenreich disaccharide) antigen found in cod protein. TFD is hidden in normal human cells but it becomes exposed on the surface of malignant cells. Scientists believe TFD plays a key role in how cancer spreads. It turns out that fish from cold waters, such as northern cod, contain glycoproteins in their bodies that are rich in the TFD antigen, which works as a kind of natural antifreeze that keeps the fish from freezing to death in frigid waters. 
To study TFD, the researchers developed a special form of TFD, called TFD100, that was purified from Pacific cod. Then, in animal experiments, the scientists found that TFD100 binds to a protein called galectin-3 (gal3). Gal3 is over-expressed in prostate cancer cells and enables cancer cells to adhere to the walls of blood vessels. It also kills activated T-cells -- and that spurs cancer cells to spread throughout the body and evade the immune system. 
However, the breakthrough research found that fish-derived TFD100 kept cancer cells from attaching to the vessel walls, suppressed T-cell death and boosted the immune response. 
"This research breaks new ground in our ongoing quest to discover new ways to prevent cancers from metastasizing to distant parts of the body," E. Albert Reece, M.D., Ph.D., M.B.A., Vice President for Medical Affairs at the University of Maryland and dean of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, said in a media statement. "If we could one day offer patients a natural dietary supplement, derived from fish proteins, which could help to block that process, we could have a significant impact on improving patients' outcomes and survival." 

A naturally-derived treatment that can block the spread of cancer would be good news for countless prostate cancer patients who are now subjected to some therapies that possibly contribute to metastasis. For example, according to earlier findings also published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Chawnshang Chang, PhD, director of the George Whipple Laboratory for Cancer Research at the University of Rochester Medical Center, and colleagues, a common form of hormone therapy for prostate cancer can cause a revving up of prostate cell growth and may lead to a proliferation of cancer cells in the future. 
Editor's note: NaturalNews is opposed to the use of animals in medical experiments that expose them to harm. We present these findings in protest of the way in which they were acquired.

Sources: | HERE | HERE | HERE | Learn more: | HERE | Researchers discover natural protein in fish that inhibits prostate cancer cell spread - 3/29/2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Garlic Oil Kills cancer
In this video here is a man named Lester, he had a cancer on his neck. Garlic and garlic oil killed the cancer. This video shows what occured in the month that followed. Barry W. Bittinger says garlic also killed his cancer. He is trying to show people what to do to kill cancer by the use of Garlic Oil (1000 mg or stronger) and by eating garlic bulbs | HERE

Tuesday, February 5, 2013
The Sour Sop Can Kill Cancer

The Sour Sop or the fruit from the graviola tree is a miraculous natural cancer cell killer 10,000 times stronger than Chemo. The Catholic University of South Korea reports that Graviola was shown to selectively target the cancer cells, leaving healthy cells untouched. Unlike chemotherapy which is great news. Natural cures not medicine!

Read more about the people fighting to get this known! | HERE

In laboratory studies, graviola extracts can kill some types of liver and breast cancer cells that are resistant to particular chemotherapy drugs. But there haven’t been any large scale studies in humans. Source: Cancer Research UK. | HERE | HERE

Marijuana cures cancer – US government has known since 1974

The term medical marijuana took on dramatic new meaning in February 2000 when researchers in Madrid announced they had destroyed incurable brain cancer tumors in rats by injecting them with THC, the active ingredient in cannabis. 
The Madrid study marks only the second time that THC has been administered to tumor-bearing animals; the first was a Virginia investigation 26 years ago. In both studies, the THC
shrank or destroyed tumors in a majority of the test subjects. Most Americans don’t know anything about the Madrid discovery. Virtually no U.S. newspapers carried the story, which ran only once on the AP and UPI news wires, on Feb. 29.
The ominous part is that this isn’t the first time scientists have discovered that THC shrinks tumors
In 1974 researchers at the Medical College of Virginia, who had been funded by the National Institute of Health to find evidence that marijuana damages the immune system, found instead that THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice — lung and breast cancer, and a virus-induced leukemia. 
The DEA quickly shut down the Virginia study and all further cannabis/tumor research, according to Jack Herer, who reports on the events in his book, “The Emperor Wears No Clothes“
In 1976 President Gerald Ford put an end to all public cannabis research and granted exclusive research rights to major pharmaceutical companies, who set out — unsuccessfully — to develop synthetic forms of THC that would deliver all the medical benefits without the “high.” 
The Madrid researchers reported in the March issue of “Nature Medicine” that they injected the brains of 45 rats with cancer cells, producing tumors whose presence they confirmed through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). On the 12th day they injected 15 of the rats with THC and 15 with Win-55,212-2 a synthetic compound similar to THC. 
“All the rats left untreated uniformly died 12-18 days after glioma (brain cancer) cell inoculation … Cannabinoid (THC)-treated rats survived significantly longer than control rats. THC administration was ineffective in three rats, which died by days 16-18. Nine of the THC-treated rats surpassed the time of death of untreated rats, and survived up to 19-35 days. Moreover, the tumor was completely eradicated in three of the treated rats.” The rats treated with Win-55,212-2 showed similar results. 
The Spanish researchers, led by Dr. Manuel Guzman of Complutense University, also irrigated healthy rats’ brains with large doses of THC for seven days, to test for harmful biochemical or neurological effects. They found none. 
“Careful MRI analysis of all those tumor-free rats showed no sign of damage related to necrosis, edema, infection or trauma … We also examined other potential side effects of cannabinoid administration. In both tumor-free and tumor-bearing rats, cannabinoid administration induced no substantial change in behavioral parameters such as motor coordination or physical activity. Food and water intake as well as body weight gain were unaffected during and after cannabinoid delivery. Likewise, the general hematological profiles of cannabinoid-treated rats were normal. Thus, neither biochemical parameters nor markers of tissue damage changed substantially during the 7-day delivery period or for at least 2 months after cannabinoid treatment ended.” 
Guzman’s investigation is the only time since the 1974 Virginia study that THC has been administered to live tumor-bearing animals. 
(The Spanish researchers cite a 1998 study in which cannabinoids inhibited breast cancer cell proliferation, but that was a “petri dish” experiment that didn’t involve live subjects.) 
In an email interview for this story, the Madrid researcher said he had heard of the Virginia study, but had never been able to locate literature on it. Hence, the Nature Medicine article characterizes the new study as the first on tumor-laden animals and doesn’t cite the 1974 Virginia investigation. 
“I am aware of the existence of that research. In fact I have attempted many times to obtain the journal article on the original investigation by these people, but it has proven impossible.” Guzman said.In 1983 the Reagan/Bush Administration tried to persuade American universities and researchers to destroy all 1966-76 cannabis research work, including compendiums in libraries, reports Jack Herer, who states, “We know that large amounts of information have since disappeared.” 
Guzman provided the title of the work — “Antineoplastic activity of cannabinoids,” an article in a 1975 Journal of the National Cancer Institute — and this writer obtained a copy at the UC medical school library in Davis and faxed it to Madrid. 
The summary of the Virginia study begins, “Lewis lung adenocarcinoma growth was retarded by the oral administration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinol (CBN)” — two types of cannabinoids, a family of active components in marijuana. 
“Mice treated for 20 consecutive days with THC and CBN had reduced primary tumor size.” 
The 1975 journal article doesn’t mention breast cancer tumors, which featured in the only newspaper story ever to appear about the 1974 study — in the Local section of the Washington Post on August 18, 1974. Under the headline, “Cancer Curb Is Studied,” it read in part: 
“The active chemical agent in marijuana curbs the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice and may also suppress the immunity reaction that causes rejection of organ transplants, a Medical College of Virginia team has discovered.” 
The researchers “found that THC slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent.” 
Guzman, writing from Madrid, was eloquent in his response after this writer faxed him the clipping from the Washington Post of a quarter century ago. In translation, he wrote: 
“It is extremely interesting to me, the hope that the project seemed to awaken at that moment, and the sad evolution (lastimosa evolucion) of events during the years following the discovery, until now we once again draw back the veil over the anti-tumoral power of THC, twenty-five years later. Unfortunately, the world bumps along between such moments of hope and long periods of intellectual castration.” 
News coverage of the Madrid discovery has been virtually nonexistent in this country. The news broke quietly on Feb. 29, [2000] with a story that ran once on the UPI wire about the Nature Medicine article. This writer stumbled on it through a link that appeared briefly on the Drudge Report web page. 
The New York Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times all ignored the story, even though its newsworthiness is indisputable: 
a benign substance occurring in nature destroys deadly brain tumors. HERE

Monday, March 18, 2013
Fungal chemicals kill cancer cells
by: David Gutierrez, staff writer
(NaturalNews) A family of chemicals naturally produced by fungi are phenomenally effective at killing human cancer cells, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and published in the journal Chemical Science. 
"What was particularly exciting to us was to see, across various cancer cell lines, that some of them are quite potent," lead researcher Mohammad Movassaghi said. 
The study was funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. 
Researchers have known for some time that a fungal chemical known as 11,11'-dideoxyverticillin demonstrates cancer fighting properties, but the chemical occurs in such small quantities that it was impossible to test its potency. Then a few years ago, MIT scientists successfully synthesized the chemical in the lab. 
11,11'-dideoxyverticillin is just one of a family a fungal chemicals known as epipolythiodiketopiperazine (ETP) alkaloids. Scientists believe that fungi use ETP alkaloids to prevent other organisms from moving into the territory where they are living. In the new study, the researchers artificially synthesized 60 different ETP alkaloids and related chemicals in order to test them against different cancer lines. 
"There's a lot of data out there, very exciting data, but one thing we were interested in doing is taking a large panel of these compounds, and for the first time, evaluating them in a uniform manner," Movassaghi said.

Alkaloids target cancer cells, ignore healthy ones
The researchers tested each of the 60 compounds against both lymphoma and cervical cancer, then took the 25 most effective chemicals and further tested them against breast, kidney and lung cancers. They found that the cancer-fighting chemicals were 1,000 times more likely to kill a cancer cell than they were to kill a healthy cell. 
Because the scientists had manufactured all 60 chemicals by systematically varying specific parts of their underlying chemical structure, they were then able to isolate the chemical properties that make these fungal compounds most effective against cancer. 
For example, the researchers found that two ETP molecules joined together were more effective than solitary ETP molecules, and that compounds containing two sulfur atoms were more effective than those containing fewer. 
Significantly, the researchers were also able to identify portions of the fungal molecules that can be changed without producing any reduction in cancer-fighting effectiveness. This may help scientists turn the naturally occurring ETPs into more potent anti-cancer drugs, by replacing these "neutral" sections of the molecule with antibodies or other molecules designed to specifically deliver the ETP to a cancer cell. 
The researchers now plan to use their findings to develop more precise cancer-fighting ETPs.
"We can go in with far greater precision and test the hypotheses we're developing in terms of what portions of the molecules are most significant at retaining or enhancing biological activity," Movassaghi said. 
Numerous drugs currently on the market have been derived from fungi. The most famous of these is penicillin, the first modern antibiotic, which was derived in 1929 from a species of mold known as Penicillium rubens.
Sources: | HERE | HERE
Learn more: HERE | Fungal chemicals kill cancer cells - 3/18/2013

Thursday, April 04, 2013
Discover a safe alternative to mammography and prevent cancer - naturally

by: Jonathan Landsman
(NaturalNews) Has your family doctor or GYN ever talked to you about "breast thermography"? This is a simple, non-invasive way of accessing your risk for breast cancer - yet most conventionally-trained physicians have no idea about its benefits. Although a surprising fact to most people, medical thermography has been around since the 1970's and approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1982 for breast cancer detection and risk assessment - as an adjunct to mammography. 
Unfortunately, the medical establishment; the American Cancer Society (ACS) and most women's organizations only push for mammography - which, due to radiation exposure, only increases your risk for breast cancer with every test. Find out how to prevent breast cancer - years before conventional testing procedures - by understanding the value of breast thermography and natural healthcare solutions. 
What is the difference between mammography and thermography? 

According to Moshe Dekel, M.D., board certified in GYN and a specialist in breast thermography - "the difference between the two modalities is profound." 
"Mammography, like MRI and sonography, is an anatomical study; it looks at anatomical changes of the breast tissue. It may take up to ten years for the tumor to grow to a sufficient size to be detectable by either a mammogram or a physical examination. By that time, the tumor has achieved more than 25 doublings of the malignant cell colony and may have already metastasized." 
  • Do we really want to wait that long?  
  • And, do we really want to expose ourselves to all that radiation? 
Dr. Dekel goes on to say, "thermography is a physiological study. The infrared camera detects the heat (infrared radiation), which is emitted by the breast without physical contact with it (no compression) and without sending any signal (no radiation)." 
"Thermography shows small, unilateral temperature increases, which are caused by an increased blood supply to cancer cells. Cancer cells have an ability to create new blood vessels to the affected area (neoangiogenesis) in order to satisfy the increased demand for nutrients resulting from the higher rate of growth and metabolic demands of the new colony." 
Scientific proof that mammograms are ineffective at preventing breast cancer 
Back in 2000, a large, long-term Canadian study found that an annual mammogram was no more effective in preventing deaths from breast cancer than periodic physical examinations for women in their 50's. Half of the almost 40,000 women, ages 50 to 59, received periodic breast examinations alone and half received breast examinations plus mammograms. All learned to examine their own breasts as well. 
By 1993, 13 years after the study began, there were 610 cases of invasive breast cancer and 105 deaths in the women who received only breast examinations, compared with 622 invasive breast cancers and 107 deaths in those who received breast examinations and mammograms.
Let's be honest - mammograms do more harm, than good. Their ionizing radiation mutates cells, and the mechanical pressure on the breast increases the risk of spreading (undiscovered) cancer cells throughout the body. Want more scientific proof? 
In 1995, the British medical journal, The Lancet, reported that since mammographic screening was introduced in the 1970's, the incidence of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), which represents 12 percent of all breast cancer cases, had increased by 328 percent and that 200 percent of this increase was due to the use of mammography
Here's an interesting fact - 80 percent of the 1.6 million breast biopsies performed each year in the United States, because of a suspicious mammography, are negative. So why does conventional medicine keep pushing this ineffective test? The answer is clear - the conventional cancer industry is a multi-billion dollar business where profits are more important than people. 
Don't become a statistic of the dumbed-down, conventional medical system. Modern medicine is only concerned with "managing" disease. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman invites you to learn about how to prevent, even reverse breast cancer - naturally! 
This week's guest: Moshe Dekel, M.D., Board Certified GYN 
Learn about Thermography and Dr. Dekel's cancer prevention program 
Moshe Dekel, M.D. is a board-certified GYN - specializing in breast thermography, bio-identical hormone replacement and helping people recover from emotional stress issues, like anxiety and insomnia - to name a few. 
Since 2000, when he stopped performing surgeries and deliveries, Dr. Dekel has focused his efforts on helping his patients, both men and women, achieve better health using functional medicine, bio identical hormones, nutritional counseling and nutritional supplementation. 
Find out how to prevent breast cancer - years before conventional testing procedures - by understanding the value of breast thermography and natural healthcare solutions.
Spain Study Confirms Hemp Oil Cures Cancer without Side Effects
April 4, 2013 in Cannabis 
The International Medical Veritas Association (IMVA) is putting hemp oil on its cancer protocol. It is a prioritized protocol list whose top five items are magnesium chloride, iodine, selenium, Alpha Lipoic Acid and sodium bicarbonate. It makes perfect sense to drop hemp oil right into the middle of this nutritional crossfire of anti cancer medicines, which are all available without prescription. 
Hemp oil has long been recognised as one of the most versatile and beneficial substances known to man. Derived from hemp seeds (a member of the achene family of fruits) it has been regarded as a superfood due to its high essential fatty acid content and the unique ratio of omega3 to omega6 and gamma linolenic acid (GLA) – 2:5:1. Hemp oil, is known to contain up to 5% of pure GLA, a much higher concentration than any other plant, even higher than spirulina. For thousands of years, the hemp plant has been used in elixirs and medicinal teas because of its healing properties and now medical science is zeroing in on the properties of its active substances. 
Both the commercial legal type of hemp oil and the illegal THC laden hemp oil are one of the most power-packed protein sources available in the plant kingdom. Its oil can be used in many nutritional and transdermal applications. In other chapters in my Winning the War on Cancer book we will discuss in-depth about GLA and cancer and also the interesting work of Dr. Johanna Budwig. She uses flax seed oil instead of hemp oil to cure cancer – through effecting changes in cell walls – using these omega3 and omega6 laden medicinal oils. 
Actually there is another way to use medical marijuana without smoking the leaf. According to Dr. Tod H. Mikuriya, “The usual irritating and toxic breakdown products of burning utilized with smoking are totally avoided with vaporization. Extraction and inhaling cannabinoid essential oils below ignition temperature of both crude and refined cannabis products affords significant mitigation of irritation to the oral cavity, and tracheobronchial tree from pyrollytic breakdown products. 
Rick Simpson, the man in the documentary below, has been making hemp oil and sharing it with friends and neighbors without charging for it. In small doses, he says, it makes you well without getting you high. “Well you can’t deny your own eyes can you?” Simpson asks. “Here’s someone dying of cancer and they’re not dying anymore. I don’t care if the medicine comes from a tomato plant, potato plant or a hemp plant, if the medicine is safe and helps and works, why not use it?” he asks. 
When a person has cancer and is dying this question reaches a critical point. The bravery of Rick Simpson from Canada in showing us how to make hemp oil for ourselves offers many people a hope that should be increasingly appreciated as money dries up for expensive cancer treatments. We are going to need inexpensive medicines in the future and there is nothing better than the ones we can make reasonably cheaply ourselves. 
For most people in the world it is illegal so the choice could come down to breaking the law or dying. There is no research to indicate what advantages oral use of hemp oil vs. vaporization but we can assume that advantage would be nutritional with oral intake. Dr. Budwig Below work would sustain this point of view especially for cancer patients. 
The Science
According to Dr. Robert Ramer and Dr. Burkhard Hinz of the University of Rostock in Germany medical marijuana can be an effective treatment for cancer. 
Their research was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute Advance Access on December 25th of 2007 in a paper entitled Inhibition of Cancer Cell Invasion by Cannabinoids via Increased Expression of Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinases-1. 
The biggest contribution of this breakthrough discovery, is that the expression of TIMP-1 was shown to be stimulated by cannabinoid receptor activation and to mediate the anti-invasive effect of cannabinoids. Prior to now the cellular mechanisms underlying this effect were unclear and the relevance of the findings to the behavior of tumor cells in vivo remains to be determined.
Marijuana cuts lung cancer tumor growth in half, a 2007 Harvard Medical School study shows. The active ingredient in marijuana cuts tumor growth in lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread, say researchers at Harvard University who tested the chemical in both lab and mouse studies. 
This is the first set of experiments to show that the compound, Delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), inhibits EGF-induced growth and migration in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expressing non-small cell lung cancer cell lines. Lung cancers that over-express EGFR are usually highly aggressive and resistant to chemotherapy. THC that targets cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 is similar in function to endocannabinoids, which are cannabinoids that are naturally produced in the body and activate these receptors. 
“The beauty of this study is that we are showing that a substance of abuse, if used prudently, may offer a new road to therapy against lung cancer,” said Anju Preet, Ph.D., a researcher in the Division of Experimental Medicine. Acting through cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2, endocannabinoids (as well as THC) are thought to play a role in variety of biological functions, including pain and anxiety control, and inflammation. 
Researchers reported in the August 15, 2004 issue of Cancer Research, the journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, that marijuana’s constituents inhibited the spread of brain cancer in human tumor biopsies. In a related development, a research team from the University of South Florida further noted that THC can also selectively inhibit the activation and replication of gamma herpes viruses. The viruses, which can lie dormant for years within white blood cells before becoming active and spreading to other cells, are thought to increase one’s chances of developing cancers such as Kaposi’s Sarcoma, Burkitt’s lymphoma and Hodgkin’s disease. 
In 1998, a research team at Madrid’s Complutense University discovered that THC can selectively induce programmed cell death in brain tumor cells without negatively impacting surrounding healthy cells. Then in 2000, they reported in the journal Nature Medicine that injections of synthetic THC eradicated malignant gliomas (brain tumors) in one-third of treated rats, and prolonged life in another third by six weeks. 
Led by Dr. Manuel Guzman the Spanish team announced they had destroyed incurable brain cancer tumors in rats by injecting them with THC. They reported in the March 2002 issue of “Nature Medicine” that they injected the brains of 45 rats with cancer cells, producing tumors whose presence they confirmed through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). On the 12th day they injected 15 of the rats with THC and 15 with Win-55,212-2 a synthetic compound similar to THC. 
Researchers at the University of Milan in Naples, Italy, reported in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics that non-psychoactive compounds in marijuana inhibited the growth of glioma cells in a dose-dependent manner, and selectively targeted and killed malignant cells through apoptosis. “Non-psychoactive CBD produce[s] a significant anti-tumor activity both in vitro and in vivo, thus suggesting a possible application of CBD as an antineoplastic agent.” 
The first experiment documenting pot’s anti-tumor effects took place in 1974 at the Medical College of Virginia at the behest of the U.S. government. The results of that study, reported in an Aug. 18, 1974, Washington Post newspaper feature, were that marijuana’s psychoactive component, THC, “slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent.” 
Funded by the National Institute of Health to find evidence that marijuana damages the immune system, found instead that THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice — lung and breast cancer, and a virus-induced leukemia. The DEA quickly shut down the Virginia study and all further cannabis/tumor research even though the researchers “found that THC slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent.” 
“Antineoplastic Activity of Cannabinoids,” an article in a 1975 Journal of the National Cancer Institute reports, “Lewis lung adenocarcinoma growth was retarded by the oral administration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinol (CBN)” — two types of cannabinoids, a family of active components in marijuana. “Mice treated for 20 consecutive days with THC and CBN had reduced primary tumor size.” 
Marijuana relieves pain that narcotics like morphine and OxyContin
have hardly any effect on, and could help ease suffering from
illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes and cancer. 
According to Devra Davis in her book Secret History of the War on Cancer, 1.5 million lives have been lost because Americans failed to act on existing knowledge about the environmental causes of cancer. It is impossible to calculate the added deaths from suppressed ‘cancer cures’ but we do know of the terrible suffering of hundreds of thousands of people who have been jailed for marijuana use. 
Hemp oil with THC included has the making of a primary cancer treatment, which even alone seems to have a great chance of turning the tide against cancer tumors. It has the added advantage of safety, ease of use, lack of side effects and low cost if one makes it oneself. Surrounded by other medicinal anti-cancer substances in a full protocol it’s hard to imagine anyone failing and falling in their war on cancer. 
THC should be included in every cancer protocol. 
Sodium bicarbonate is another excellent anti tumor substance that reduces tumors but is much more difficult to administer than THC hemp oil. Cannabinoids are able to pass through all barriers in the body like Alpha Lipoic Acid so simple oral intake is sufficient. With bicarbonate we need intravenous applications and often even this is not sufficient, often we have to use catheters and few doctors in the world are willing to administer this way. 
In the end all cancer treatments that are not promoted by mainstream oncology are illegal. No licensed doctor is going to claim that are curing cancer with sodium bicarbonate though they will treat people with cancer explaining they are balancing pH or some other metabolic profile with this common emergency room medicine found also most kitchens of the world. More than several states have passed laws making medical marijuana legal but the federal government will not relax and let people be free to choose their treatments even if their lives depend on it. 
Davis notes that the cowardice of research scientists, who publish thoroughly referenced reports but pull their punches at the end, by claiming that more research needs to be done before action can be taken. Statements like these are exploited by industry that buys time to make much more money. It is a deliberate attempt that creates wholesale public doubt from small data gaps and remaining scientific uncertainties. 
They have done that with everything right up to and including sunlight. Everything is thought to be dangerous except the pharmaceutical drugs which are the most dangerous substances of all. Stomach wrenching chemotherapy and the death principle of radiation are legal yet safe THC laden hemp oil is not. 
It is legal for doctors to attack people with their poisons but you can go to jail for trying to save yourself or a loved one from cancer with the oil of a simple garden weed. Our civilization has put up with this insanity but there is a great price being paid. In a mad medical world people die that need not and this is a terrible sadness that has destroyed the integrity and ethics of modern medicine. 
The science for the use of hemp oil is credible, specific fact-based, and is documented in detail.[xiv] There is absolutely no reason to not legalize medical marijuana and create an immediate production and distribution of THC hemp oil to cancer patients. Unfortunately we live in a world populated with governments and medical henchmen who would rather see people die cruel deaths then have access to a safe and effect cancer drug. 
Meanwhile the Food and Drug Administration approved Genentech’s best-selling drug, Avastin, as a treatment for breast cancer, in a decision, according to the New York Times, “that appeared to lower the threshold somewhat for approval of certain cancer drugs. The big question was whether it was enough for a drug temporarily to stop cancer from worsening — as Avastin had done in a clinical trial — or was it necessary for a drug to enable patients to live longer, which Avastin had failed to do. Oncologists and patient advocates were divided, in part because of the drug’s sometimes severe side effects.” 
The differences between Avastin and hemp oil are huge. First Avastin will earn Genentech hundreds of millions where THC hemp oil will earn no one anything. Second there are no severe or even mild side effects to taking hemp oil and lastly it is not a temporary answer but a real solution. Certainly hemp oil will ensure a longer life.


Cancer is, fundamentally, a relatively simple oxygen deficiency disease and the use of bicarbonate (baking soda) increases oxygen carrying and reaching capacity.   Oral sodium bicarbonate intake increased the pH of tumors (i.e., makes it more alkaline) and also reduces the formation of spontaneous metastases.  Cancer cells can only survive in an acidic pH environment.  Baking soda alkalinization kills not only cancer cells but bacteria and viruses.
What is the fuel for cancer cells? Research after research paper finds refined sugar is the fuel for all cancer. Cancer cells favorite fuel is regular and diet soft drinks. Soft drinks are among the most acid forming of all beverages, due to their added sugar or artificial sweeteners. According to the "Acid Alkaline Food Guide,” it takes 32 glasses of alkalizing (bicarbonate) mineral water to neutralize the acidifying effects of one soft drink. One teaspoon of sugar equals roughly 4.2 grams of sugar. so, in a 12 oz can of coke, with 39 grams of sugar, that comes out to over 9 teaspoons of refined sugar in each can. 1 Liter (34 oz) Bottle contains 108 grams of sugar or 25 teaspoons of refined sugar. 
All forms of refined sugar are highly acid forming in the body, making any food product that contains added sugar very acidifying. Coffee is another highly acidifying drink that’s made even more acidifying by adding refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, milk or cream. Cancer cells can only survive in an acidic pH environment. Refined sugar is cancer's fuel so common sense provides you with a simple cancer cure - eliminate its acidifying fuel. 
The Cancer Sugar Connection HERE

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