Earth Day
is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which events are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection. In 2013 the day is 43 years old. It is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and is celebrated in more than 192 countries every year.
In 1969 at a UNESCO Conference in San Francisco, the date proposed was March 21, 1970, the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. This day of nature's equipoise was later sanctioned in a Proclamation signed by Secretary General U Thant at the United Nations. A month later a separate Earth Day was founded by United States Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in first held on April 22, 1970. Nelson was later awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award in recognition of his work. While this April 22 Earth Day was focused on the United States, an organization launched by Denis Hayes, who was the original national coordinator in 1970, took it international in 1990 and organized events in 141 nations. Numerous communities celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of activities focused on environmental issues. MORE : HERE
Earth day in Pagan
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(from Late Latin paganus, meaning "country dweller", "rustic", "civilian", "non-combatant") is a broad term typically pertaining to indigenous and historical polytheisticand non-theistic religious traditions - primarily those of cultures known to the classical world.
In a wider sense, it has been used as a label for any non-Abrahamic folk/ethnic religion. It was historically used as one of several pejorative Christian counterparts to "gentile" (גוי / נכרי) as used in the Hebrew Bible - comparable to "infidel" or "heretic". Modern ethnologists often avoid this broad usage in favour of more specific and less potentially offensive terms such as "polytheism", "shamanism", "pantheism", or "animism" when referring to traditional or historical faiths.
Since the 20th century, "Paganism" (or "Neopaganism") has become the identifier for a collection of new religious movements attempting to continue, revive, or reconstruct historical pre-Abrahamic religion. | MORE : HERE
Updated April 07, 2011
Islam and Earth DayAs American Muslims join in celebrating the 35th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, they can recall with pride Islam's stance on environmentalism.
In the Quran, Islam's revealed text, men and women are viewed as God's vicegerents on Earth. (2:30) God created nature in a balance ("al-mizan") and mankind's responsibility is to maintain this fragile equilibrium through wise governance and sound personal conduct.
The Quran also describes the believing men and women as those who "walk on the Earth in humility." (25:63) Scholars have interpreted this verse, and others like it, to mean that Muslims are to protect nature's many bounties given to them by the Almighty. Preservation is therefore more than a good policy recommendation - it is a commandment from God.
There are more than 700 verses in the Quran that exhort believers to reflect on nature.
For example, the Quran states: "And it is He who spread out the earth, and set thereon mountains standing firm and (flowing) rivers; and fruit of every kind He made in pairs, two and two; He draweth the night as a veil over the Day. Behold, verily in these things there are signs for those who consider." (13:3)
According to Islamic beliefs, the Earth is a sanctuary in which mankind was made to dwell in comfort. The vast oceans, forests and mountains that make up this bountiful planet have been subdued by God for our enjoyment and productive use.
Further, God compels Muslims in the Quran to respect and revere the environment when He says,
"Greater indeed than the creation of man is the creation of the heavens and the earth." (40:57)
The Prophet Muhammad told his followers they would be rewarded by God for taking care of the Earth. He said: "If any Muslim plants any plant and a human being or an animal eats of it, he will be rewarded as if he had given that much in charity." (Sahih Al-Bukhari, 8:41) He also compared Muslims to a "fresh tender plant" that bends, but does not break, when afflicted with life's inevitable calamities. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, 7:547)
Another tradition of the Prophet Muhammad, or hadith, quotes him as saying: "If the Hour (Judgment Day) is about to be established and one of you is holding a palm shoot, let him take advantage of even one second before the Hour is established to plant it."
An example of Muslims taking ownership of their divine obligation to protect the environment was seen recently when the people of Tanzania reversed a growing trend toward ecological destruction through a policy of sustainable fishing and environmental preservation based on the principles of the Quran.
Prior to implementation of the educational program, over-harvesting by fishermen on the Muslim-majority island of Misali had threatened the area's aquatic ecosystem. But thanks to an indigenous campaign to remind local inhabitants of Islam's respect for nature, those who earn their living from the sea learned the benefits of protecting the region's biodiversity.
In Islamic history, Ottoman civilization provides us with another example of the seriousness with which Muslims have traditionally taken their environmental obligations. Ottoman viziers, or ministers, advising the sultan on matters of administration and policy regularly encouraged moratoria on matters deemed potentially damaging to future generations.
Innovations in technology, for example, were hotly debated among scholars, all of whom recognized the importance of considering the long-term impact on both society and the environment.
In Islam, even the Earth has inalienable rights endowed by its Creator.
APRIL 22, 2009Sound ecological principles are not limited to Islam, and should be acted upon by practitioners of other faiths. Together we can tackle the environmental problems that besiege our planet.On this year's Earth Day, people of all faiths should take time to examine their own faith tradition's advice for taking care of the Earth that we share. HERE
Earth Day and Torahby RABBIFINK
Happy Earth day everyone.
- Wait. Is that the correct salutation?
- Is Earth Day a “happy” day?
I’m not so sure. Sometimes, it seems that Earth Day is marked by doom and gloom about the environment. It used to exclusively be an opportunity to lambaste those who were not as concerned with the environment. Tempers have generally cooled but there is still some tension on Earth Day. I think this is the wrong approach to Earth Day.
To me Earth Day is a celebration of Planet Earth. It is a day to appreciate the beauty of our planet. It is a day to reflect on the wonders of our existence. Done properly, we all will make an effort to conserve and exercise care in our relationship with Earth.
To capitalize on, celebrate Earth Day, Disney has released their foray into greentertainment (© Eliyahu Fink 2009). It is called Disney Earth (click to watch the trailer, it looks awesome) and is a film about 3 families of wild animals over the course of one year. Disney has been met with some criticism for the film. To me, the value of the film is its beauty and grandeur. The world in which we live is beautiful. It is easy to forget when we spend our lives in cement buildings and driving congested streets. Disney Earth can take us around the world to see just how special our planet truly is.
My issue with the film, is that reportedly, 40 -60% of the footage is taken from the Planet Earth, which is have seen several times already. Planet Earth is epic and I recommend that everyone see it, at least once.
For some wonderful video of our planet from outer space check out the video below.All this talk about our planet brings to mind the Torah’s approach to our planet.
The Torah is very concerned with our environment. The Torah rule is that one is not permitted to cut down a fruit bearing tree unless one will plant a new tree in its stead. In addition to this particular rule, there is a general rule that one may not waste. The Torah requires that we use our resources wisely and that we care for our world.
This creates a harmonious relationship between man and his environment. There are many other Mitzvos which foster this harmony. The Torah forbids killing or harming animals. The exception for eating meat is only to provide sustenance for man and must be used in the most respectful way possible. The Torah also reminds us to respect the instincts of motherhood in the animal world. Also, the Torah requires us to respect our bodies and the natural needs of humanity.
Living a Torah lifestyle is a world where every day is Earth Day.
The Talmud illustrates this attitude with a great piece of advice. If one has a container used to store fine wheat flour and it gets a small crack or a hole, one should instead use the container fora coarser flour that will not seep through the cracks. If the hole gets a little to big for coarse flour, then one should use it for whole grains, if the hole gets larger, then one should store nuts in the container. The Talmud goes on to describe a use for the container up to the point where one is filling the container with large pomegranates. Only at this point does the Talmud say that the vessel may no longer be fit for use and should be disposed of.
The lesson is profound, eternal and my message for Earth Day. Use what we have carefully, conserve our resources, be mindful of our consumption and respect our environment. This message comes naturally (no pun intended) to one who can appreciate the beauty and complexity of our natural world. An understanding and appreciation for man’s place on this gorgeous planet among its other inhabitants will make every day an Earth Day. | HERE
, Monday at 1:32 pm
10 Reasons Why Christians (and everybody else) Should Love
Earth Day
By Sister Christian
by Amy Jackson
On a recent road trip through central Illinois, I noticed all the new wind turbines that have gone up over the past year. In one field alone, I counted over a hundred. Seeing those giant pinwheels spinning in the wind brought loads of joy to my heart because I knew God loved that sight.
I went to school in the ‘90s, so I heard countless presentations on the importance of the three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. But late in high school, when I started following Christ, my green lifestyle took on new meaning, and new urgency. The three Rs were no longer simply good things to do—they became essential tomy life as a Christian
.One Christian writer, Charles Colson, wrote that “Christians should be the most ardent ecologists” because we know the creator, and we’ve been given the job of caring for his creation. God created everything we see, and he calls it good. Our first picture of God in Scripture is a creator proud of his work (Genesis 1).
Plus, the majesty of creation shows God to us in a way little else can. As we stand at the edge of the Grand Canyon or at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro or even on the shores of Lake Michigan, we’re drawn to the beauty, majesty, and greatness of God.
But God's dream for the earth is disintegrating around us. For instance, there is a worldwide problem of honeybees disappearing. Honeybees pollinate over 80 percent of our crops. If they disappeared tomorrow, we would no longer have the majority of our food supply. We are part of an intricate ecological web that God has created, and we must take our rightful spot among creation, recognizing our dependence on it and our power to help restore the earth to God’s original dream for it.
Besides calling us to preserve and restore God's creation, God calls his followers to love others, and green living is a matter of loving our neighbors. About six years ago, when the concept of “organic” began to be mainstream, I was grappling with its importance. I understood that organic produce could mean more health for me and that it protected the soil from harsh chemicals, but as organic cotton sheets and towels popped up in stores, I was skeptical. What’s the point of buying organic blankets?
That’s when I learned that in America’s constant cry for more—especially more clothes—the rest of the world was forced to meet those needs by growing more cotton faster. But cotton is a finicky crop, and to keep up with the demand, more and more pesticides were produced. In fact, more pesticides are used on cotton today (over 84 million tons every year throughout the world) than any other crop. Every three t-shirts produced require a pound of these pesticides. The problem is that half of the most widely used pesticides have shown a link with causing major health concerns in people—from cancer to respiratory issues to sight problems. Even scarier, most cotton is produced in third-world countries with few laws that protect workers from these dangerous chemicals. Our need for more is literally killing our worldwide neighbors. When we choose to buy organic sheets, towels, and shirts, we invest in companies who are growing cotton without the use of these dangerous chemicals. We use our money to vote for safe working conditions for the workers as well as taking care of our earth by not using these harmful chemicals.
Amidst this gloom and doom, the beauty of Earth Day is that we—you and I—can make a difference. Lots of little things really do add up. Part of God’s mission is restoring creation to his original dream for it, and we have the privilege of joining him in that mission.
Here are ten ways you can make a difference:
- Come to terms with your need for more and decide to choose less. I recently did a clothing fast that showed me how much excess I have. We’re conditioned to want bigger, newer, and more. Decide to be content and only buy what you need.
- Reduce your waste: get rid of junk mail, pay your bills online, buy in bulk to reduce the amount of packaging, use real plates and glasses instead of paper and plastic, bring your own bag to the store, use a reusable coffee mug when buying your favorite drink, buy only what you need, and shave a few minutes off your shower.
- Buy items that can be reused and shared.Before you buy, consider how you’ll be able to use the item in the future. Make sure it’s something that will last. Share bigger items with neighbors, family, and friends.
- Recycle everything you can. I even take home bottles and cans from work and restaurants to ensure they're recycled. Otherwise they'll end up in a landfill.
- Buy products made with recycled material—especially paper products like paper towels and sticky notes. If we recycle everything in sight but never actually use the products made with that recycled material, what’s the point? And the more we demand recycled products, the more will be made.
- Use less gas. Walk, bike, or share a ride whenever possible.
- Buy from businesses that are making good decisions for the earth and our worldwide neighbors. Check out the ratings of major companies at
- Support local businesses and farms that are invested in fair trade and other environmentally friendly practices. Visit your farmers' market and enjoy the local flavors.
- Clean up your community. Pick up trash along a busy road, plant flowers in a community garden, get schools involved in recycling, help your church understand the importance of green living. Gain awareness of the ecological laws and movements in your community. Get involved when possible.
- Spend time in nature. Because the more time you spend outside in God’s creation, the more likely you’ll want to preserve and restore it.
What about you? How are you making a move to save the planet today?Source : HERE
22 April 2013 05:33
Earth Day: A Pagan HolidayWritten by J. D. Longstreet
Paganism and Christianity Forever At Odds
Today is being celebrated by modern pagans as "Earth Day." It is a date set aside to worship the earth (paganism). Today is also the birthday of Vladimir Lenin, (April 22nd 1870). Lenin was a Russian Marxist revolutionary, author, lawyer, economic theorist, and political philosopher among other things. Lenin created the Soviet Communist Party.
We agree with the folks at “TheBlogProf” who say:
“It is no coincidence that Earth Day, April 22, was chosen to coincide with the birthday of Vladimir Lenin. A day that celebrates communism as the gold standard of human civilization. Never mind that it has never worked as advertised, creating disorder rather than order. Environmentalism, the religion du jour of the 21st century, has very similar ends of government control under the guise of being good stewards of the planet.”
(We recommend you read the entire article) and read morePlease note how the writer at TheBlogProf refers to environmentalism:
“Environmentalism, the religion du jour of the 21st century … ”
In our opinion, the writer is spot on. Environmentalism has become a full-fledged religion.
As I have said before: we have a hodge-podge of religions in America. Having said that, we have to admit that some are uplifting while others are, well, just plain goofy.
I learned early on in my education that one of the most interesting discoveries, made by anthropologists, is that the human animal will, somehow, create a religion – or religions. Scientists tell us the human animal must have belief in something that gives meaning to his, or her, existence. We human animals long for a power greater than our own. It seems to come in our wiring. I happen to believe that is true.
If I may be allowed to explain: If one believes in the divine creator, as I do, then one believes the human animal was created by that divine creator referred to simply as God. Just as a child will long for his parents I believe humans long for their parent – God.
Seems to me, that is an explanation for the yearning man has for a divine being and leads him to create an “idol” of practically anything that will provide him a focus point for that parent he instinctively knows is there -- yet remains unseen.
I am not a theologian. But, I must tell you I think my explanation for man’s endeavor to close the gap between man and God, existent since the Garden of Eden, is as good as any. Christians will tell you that Christ, God’s Son, came to this earth and closed that gap 2,000 years ago. He was perceived by the corrupt government of his day as a threat and, as a result, he was executed. Christians believe that three days later he rose from the dead and returned home but not before promising to return to earth and clean up the mess we have made.
As we said, that was around 2,000 years ago. Things have changed for the worst. In this century, and the last, so many have turned from the worship of the supreme being, we call God, to what we used to call “paganism”… the worship of nature, or the environment, or… more specifically…environmentalism.
Yes, environmentalism HAS become a religion. Well, actually, it always was, it has just come back into favor in the past 100 years, or so.
One thing I want to set straight before continuing, nature is not God. It is my belief that GOD created nature.
Now, we can continue.
Michael Crichton, in his “Environmentalism as Religion” remarks made before the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco in 2003, summed it all up rather nicely, I think:“The believers in environmentalism believe and preach that we should live in unity with nature, or the environment. They believe that in the beginning we did. They believe that we are now living in sin because we have polluted the earth. We will be visited with a judgment day and the judgment will be death, for the whole planet, unless we repent, (which means to turn around and go the other way) and make our way back to sustainability. You see, in the environmentalism religion, sustainability IS salvation.” … Michael Crichton. See Crichton’s remarks here.The environmental religionists are calling for us to repent. We are doomed, they say, as a result of pollution, global warming, running out of oil, the whole list of tribulations the environmentalist faithful are so sure are coming.
They believe that man and nature should coexist in one accord. Humans have never done that. Why … because it is impossible! Man has always been at nature’s mercy. Nature is unforgiving. Nature will kill you in a split second! The evidence is all around me as I sit here writing in North Carolina awaiting the annual hurricane season to begin (officially) on June 1st. Those of us who live in"Hurricane Alley" are well acquainted with nature's force and nature's fury. We learned, long ago, to respect nature, but not worship it! Believe me, those who find themselves praying to God for mercy in the midst of one of these horrific storms, is not the least bit confused as to who the Supreme Being is!
Today, we have all the preachers of the Church of Environmentalism, preaching at us non-stop. They preach fear. They preach gloom and doom. They preach forsaking progress and returning to the days when man lived in harmony with nature, even though no such period ever existed in the history of mankind.
Many feel that inside that outer shell of green, the environmentalists so proudly wear, is the red of communism. Like a watermelon, on the outside it is green. Conversely, on the inside it is red. And therein lies the connection with Earth Day’s observance on the birthday of Vladimir Lenin one of the founders of communism.
The environmental movement is in direct conflict with the Christian religion and, in this scribe's opinion, Christians should stir clear of any involvement with the "greenies," the “useful idiots” of the Marxists and communists, intent on the destruction of all those rights granted to man by God.
Earth Day is a pagan celebration, and I want no part in it.
J. D. Longstreet is a conservative “Carolina Boy.” A Southern American (A native sandlapper (South Carolinian) and an adopted Tar Heel -- A North Carolinian) with a deep passion for the history, heritage, and culture of the southern states of America. At the same time he is a deeply loyal American believing strongly in “America First.” J. D. Longstreet is a very proud direct descendent of several Confederate soldiers. He is a thirty-year veteran of the broadcasting business, as an “in the field” and “on-air” news reporter (contributing to radio, TV, and newspapers) and a conservative broadcast commentator. Longstreet is a veteran of the US Army and US Army Reserve. He is a member of the American Legion and the Sons of Confederate Veterans. A lifelong Christian, Longstreet subscribes to “old Lutheranism” to express and exercise his faith.
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