3/13/2013 3/12/2013
- ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS | Protecting Yourself From Electromagnetic Fields
- SCIENCE OF HAPPINES | The surprising science of happiness
- HEALTH LIFE SAVING | Six health-boosting, life-saving practices to start today
- FOLATE , VIT B12 | Folate and vitamin B12 treat schizophrenia symptoms
- HAND SANITIZER | 11-year-old girl spontaneously combusts in hospital bed due to hand sanitizer, olive oil
- APPLES AND PEARS | There are antibiotics in your organic apples and pears: Sign the petition to stop this common practice
- BREAST TUMOER | Breast Tumor Seaweed extract outperforms chemo drug in shrinking breast tumors - but without the toxic side effects
- LOSING WEIGHT | Ten ways hot peppers help you be healthy and lose weight
- NON HYBRID HEIRLOOM SEEDS | What's missing in your preparedness plan? A way to grow self-replicating food using non-hybrid heirloom seeds
- ALZHEIMER DISEASE | Green tea catechins block the formation of plaques to help prevent Alzheimer's disease
- ANTI DEPPRESANT INFO | Top-selling antidepressants double your bone fracture risk
- SCARY FOOD LABEL | Ten food label entries that should send you running
- SUCRALOSE | Not so sweet? Sucralose is polluting North Carolina waterways
- RADIOACTIVE RECLINER | Radioactive recliner chairs, apartment buildings and household goods are not as unusual as you may think - and it's about to get worse
- SITTING DEADLY | More evidence suggests that desk jobs and excessive sitting are deadly
- IMMUNITY FOOD | Five ways to strengthen your immunity using simple food choices
- APPLES AND PEARS | Antibiotic use on organic apples and pears proves unnecessary -- Here's how to end the madness and protect yourself
- SMALLPOX Federal government purchases two million doses of smallpox drug in preparation for bioterrorism attack
- TRUTH The truth is out: These 'bad' things are actually really good for you
- ACUPUNCTURE | Acupuncture proven to decrease dysmenorrhea, painful PMS
- HEALTHY | Top ten natural remedies that burn fat
- CHOCOLATE | Chocolate really does lower your blood pressure
- JUNK FOOD | Junk food is engineered to addict you to chemical ingredients
- BEETROOT JUICE | Beetroot juice is proven remedy for increased stamina
- DIABETES | Study finds that turmeric prevents diabetes
- AUTISM , ALZHEIMERS | The hoax at the bottom of Autism and Alzheimer's
- MARIJUANA | BLAZIN’ BOOMERS: More Senior Americans Are Using Marijuana
- UNHEALTHY BRAIN FOOD | FEED YOUR MIND: Unhealthy Brain Foods To Avoid
- TUBERCULOSIS Health experts warn untreatable tuberculosis threatens world
- INSULIN | Study shows insulin injections more than double risk of death in Type II diabetics
- NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS | Eight nutritional supplements you should be taking
- RADIOACTIVE WASTE | More than 250 employees axed from Washington nuclear power facility leaking 1,000 gallons per year of radioactive waste - 3/28/2013
- KIDNEY STONES | How to prevent kidney stones with everyday foods
- HIGH BLOOD SUGAR | Dangers of high blood sugar can be alleviated with cinnamon, chromium and bitter melon - 3/29/2013
- ALZHEIMER | How extra virgin olive oil protects against Alzheimer's - 4/1/2013
- AQUAPONICS | Aquaponics and other 'liberty technologies' the focus of the Health Ranger on the Alex Jones Show this Thursday
- ANTIBIOTIC | Antibiotic resistance poses 'catastrophic threat' to mankind over next 20 years: Breaking report
- CLIMATE CHANGE | An inconvenient truth about climate change - Grazing livestock may hold the secret to preventing environmental annihilation
- MEDICAL HISTORY | Medical History and the ‘Monster’
- SPRING ALLERGIES | Effective natural remedies to cure spring allergies
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