Jumat, 19 April 2013


Islam and Magic
Magic is an old human practice. It is sometimes defined as deception by showing something to an audience, which is contrary to reality. In Islam this is part of magic, which is, however, defined as seeking the help of demons to perform something harmful against somebody. 
In the light of the above definition, Islam considers magic to be an act of blasphemy. Thus, the Holy Quran say:
"Suleiman (Solomon) did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved teaching men magic" (2:102)

In an authentic saying, the Prophet of Islam p.b.u.h. said: 

Whoever goes to a fortune teller (a soothe sayer) or a diviner and believes him, has, in fact, disbelieved in what has been revealed to Muhammad. 
Thus Islam condemns magic- even what is called the horoscope or luck or reading one's palm to foretell the future is also prohibited in Islam. This is based on the belief that no one knows the future or the unseen except God almighty. That is why the Quran asserts that even Muhammad does not know the unseen. Concerning this, it says:
"If I had the knowledge of the unseen, I should have secured abundance for myself, and no evil would have touched me" (7:188).

Again, God is described in the Quran as the knower of the unseen and the manifest (6:73) and as the holder of the keys of the unseen (6:59). 
In another tradition, Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. says: 
"Avoid the seven deadly acts which are: ascribing partners to God, magic, killing the human self which Allah prohibited except with right, eating usury, devouring the orphan's wealth, defecting from the battle-field (without a justified reason) and slandering chaste, unwary believing women. Thus Islam has closed the door for practicing magic, simply because it is against its teachings, and it is deceptive and harmful.
Let us now review some of the verses of the Holy Quran that refer to magic: 
In Chapter two verse 101-102, the Quran says:
"And when there came to them a Messenger from Allah confirming what was with them, a party of those who were given the scripture threw away the book of Allah behind their backs as if they did not know. And they followed what the devils gave out falsely of magic of the reign of Solomon; for Solomon did not disbelieve but the devils disbelieved, teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two angels Harut and Marut, but neither of these two (angles) taught anyone (such things) until they had said: we are only for trial, so don't disbelieve. And from them (magicians) people learn that through which they would cause separation between a person and his spouse, but they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's leave; and they learn that which harms them rather than profits them. And indeed they knew that its practitioner would have no share in the Hereafter. And how bad indeed was that for which they sold their own selves if they but knew" (2:101-2).

Although Solomon was the Prophet and Messenger of God, he was accused by some of his opponents to be practicing magic. Those who claimed this could not distinguish between magic and miracles. Almost all messengers of God were granted miracles as a proof of their authenticity. To name only a few: Moses was granted the staff by which he could divide the sea and make water gush from rocks. Abraham was flung in the middle of a huge raging fire, which Allah made cool and peaceful to him. Jesus Christ could heal the blind and the leper and bring back the dead to life. 
If we contemplate these acts we find that miracles are totally different from magic. While magic is always harmful, miracles are useful. Magic is from devils while miracles are from God. When these divine miracles are rejected other miracles are imposed to inflict severe punishments on rejecters. On the other hand, miracles are real while magic is sometimes deceptive. 
It may be said that the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. was himself exposed to the effect of magic. How could you explain this? This is true; but God saved him from the spell of magic through the repeated remembrance of God and the recitation of some chapters and verses of the Holy Quran. This took place to confirm the humility of Muhammad p.b.u.h. who was a human like other humans. 
This made it easier for his followers to imitate him. 
Two questions are pertinent in context: 
  • How to protect one's self from magic? 
  • And how to treat a person under the spell of magic?
Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. provided us with the recipe through which we can protect ourselves from magic. We shall be immune from magic if we recite - after the five daily prayers 
- the last three chapters of the Holy Quran which are number 112, 113 and 114 And here is their translation: 
(112) Unity

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Say: He is Allah, the One! Allah, the eternally besought of all! He begets not nor was begotten. And there is none comparable unto Him.

(113) Daybreak

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful 
Say I seek refuge in the in the Lord of daybreak From the evil of that which he created; From the evil of the darkness when it is intense, and from the evil of malignant witchcraft, And from the evil of the envious when he envies.

(114) Mankind

In the name of Allah the beneficent, the Merciful
Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, The King of mankind, The God of mankind, From the evil of the sneaking whisper, Who whispers in the hearts of mankind, Of the jinn and of mankind.

These chapters are also recommended to be recited three times after the dawn prayer and three times after the sunset prayer. Secondly Prophet Mohammed p.b.u.h. encouraged us to recite the greatest verse in the Quran called the verse of the Throne, translated as follows:

"Allah! There is no God save Him, the Alive, and the Eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. Unto Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. Who is he that intercedes with Him save by His leave? He knows that which is in front of them and that which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save what He will. His chair encompasses the heavens and the earth, and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the sublime, the Tremendous" (2:255).

This verse should be recited after each and every one of the five daily prayers and before going to bed. 
The Prophet p.b.u.h. also encouraged us Muslims to recite the last two verses of Chapter two at the beginning of every night whose translation is as follows:
"The Messenger believes in that which has been revealed unto him from his Lord and (so do) the believers. Each one believes in Allah and His angles and His scriptures and His messengers and they say: We hear, and we obey. (Grant us) Your forgiveness, our Lord. Unto you is the journeying" (2:285).
"Allah tasks not a soul beyond its scope. For it (is only) that which it has earned, and against it (only) that which it has deserved. Our Lord! Condemn us not if we forget, or miss the mark! Our Lord! Lay not on us such a burden as you did lay on those before us! Our Lord! Impose not on us that which we have not the strength to bear! Pardon us, absolve us and have mercy on us. You are our Patron; so grant us victory over the disbelieving folk" (2:286).

Prophet Mohammed p.b.u.h. said: (whoever recites the last two verses of the chapter called the Cow, they will suffice him). This means that they will protect him from every evil. Again seeking refuge in Allah and remembering his name is an effective protection against all evils including magic. 

Two main supplications are recommended in this respect. They are:

  1. I seek refuge in the complete words of Allah from the evils of what He created;
  2. In the name of Allah through whose name nothing on earth or in heaven can cause any harm.
If these two prayers are recited three times in the beginning of the day and in the beginning of the night, then no harm or evil will approach the reciter by the grace of Allah (S.W.T). 
It remains to mention how we can treat a person under the spell of magic. It is possible, on the one hand, to learn magic so that one can use the same tactics. All in all, the best cure is to recite the Quran and seek God's help. | SOURCE : HERE

The Key of Solomon 
The Key Of Solomon

(in Latin: Clavis Salomonis, Hebrew: Mafteah Shelomoh [מפתח שלמה]) 
is a grimoire incorrectly attributed to King Solomon. It probably dates back to the 14th or 15th century Italian Renaissance. It presents a typical example of Renaissance magic. 
It is possible that the Key of Solomon inspired later works, particularly the 17th-century grimoire also known as Clavicula Salomonis Regis, The Lesser Key of Solomon or Lemegeton, although there are many differences between the books. | READ MORE : Key of Solomon 

(sometimes spelled Bael, Baël (French), Baell) 
is in 17th Century goetic occult writings one of the seven princes of Hell. The name is drawn from the Canaanite deity Baal mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as the primary god of the Phoenicians. 
While his Semitic predecessor was depicted as a man or a bull, the demon Baal was in grimoire tradition said to appear in the forms of a man, cat, toad, or combinations thereof. An illustration in Collin de Plancy's 1818 book Dictionnaire Infernal rather curiously placed the heads of the three creatures onto a set of spider legs. - Read MORE : BAAL (DEMON) 
The Lesser Key of Solomon or Clavicula Salomonis Regis 
(the Clavicula Salomonis, or Key of Solomon  )
is an earlier text referring to different material), is an anonymous 17th-century grimoire, and one of the most popular books of demonology. It has also long been widely known as the Lemegeton. 
It appeared in the 17th century, but much was taken from texts of the 16th century, including the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, by Johann Weyer, and late-medieval grimoires. Some of the material in the first section, concerning the summoning of demons, dates to the 14th century or earlier. 
The book claims that it was originally written by King Solomon, although this is certainly incorrect. The titles of nobility (such as the French Marquis or Germanic Earl) assigned to the demons were not in use in his time, nor were the prayers to Jesus and the ChristianTrinity included in the text (Solomon's birth predated Jesus Christ's birth by more than 900 years). 
The Lesser Key of Solomon contains detailed descriptions of spirits and the conjurations needed to evoke and oblige them to do the will of the conjurer (referred to as the "exorcist"). It details the protective signs and rituals to be performed, the actions necessary to prevent the spirits from gaining control, the preparations prior to the invocations, and instructions on how to make the necessary instruments for the execution of these rituals 
The several original copies extant vary considerably in detail and in the spellings of the spirits' names. Modern editions are widely available in print and on the Internet. 
The Goetia: 
The Lesser Key of Solomon the King 
(Clavicula Salomonis Regis)  
is a 1904 translation of the text by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers. It is essentially a manual that purports to give instructions for summoning 72 different spirits.
Ars Goetia
Further information: Goetia

The first section, called Ars Goetia, contains descriptions of the seventy-two demons that Solomon is said to have evoked and confined in a brass vessel sealed by magic symbols, and that he obliged to work for him. It gives instructions on constructing a similar brass vessel, and using the proper magic formulae to safely call up those demons. 
It deals with the evocation of all classes of spirits, evil, indifferent and good; its opening Rites are those of Paimon, Orias, Astaroth and the whole cohort of Infernus. The second part, orTheurgia Goëtia, deals with the spirits of the cardinal points and their inferiors. These are mixed natures, some good and some evil. 
The Ars Goetia assigns a rank and a title of nobility to each member of the infernal hierarchy, and gives the demons' "signs they have to pay allegiance to", or seals. The lists of entities in the Ars Goetia correspond (to high but varying degree, often according to edition) with those inJohann Weyer's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, an appendix appearing in later editions of hisDe Praestigiis Daemonum, of 1563. 
A revised English edition of the Ars Goetia was published in 1904 by magician Aleister Crowley, as The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King. It serves as a key component of his popular and highly influential system of magick.
The 72 Demons
Further information: List of demons in the Ars Goetia
The demons' names (given below) are taken from the Ars Goetia, which differs in terms of number and ranking from the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum of Weyer. As a result of multiple translations, there are multiple spellings for some of the names, which are given in the articles concerning them.
Ars Theurgia Goetia
The Ars Theurgia Goetia ("the art of goetic theurgy") is the second section of The Lesser Key of Solomon. It explains the names, characteristics and seals of the 31 aerial spirits (called chiefs, emperors, kings and princes) that King Solomon invoked and confined. It also explains the protections against them, the names of their servant spirits, the conjurations to invoke them, and their nature, that is both good and evil. The spirits in this section and the next, Ars Paulina, correspond to the names given in Steganographia of Trithemius. 
Their sole objective is to discover and show hidden things, the secrets of any person, and obtain, carry and do anything asked to them meanwhile they are contained in any of the four elements (Earth, Fire, Air and Water). These spirits are given in a complex order in the book, and some of them have spelling variations according to the different editions.
Ars Paulina
The Ars Paulina (The Art of Paul) is the third part of The Lesser Key of Solomon. According to the legend, this art was discovered by the Apostle Paul, but in the book is mentioned as the Pauline Art of King Solomon. The Ars Paulina was already known since the Middle Ages. It is divided in two chapters in this book. 
The first chapter refers on how to deal with the angels of the several hours of the day (meaning day and night), to their seals, their nature, their servants (called Dukes), the relation of these angels with the seven planets known at that time, the proper astrological aspects to invoke them, their names (in a couple of cases coinciding with two of the seventy-two demons mentioned in the Ars Goetia), the conjuration and the invocation to call them, the Table of practice. 
The second chapter concerns the angels that rule over the zodiacal signs and each degree of every sign, their relation with the four elements, Fire, Earth, Water and Air, their names, and their seals. These are called here the angels of men, because all persons are born under a zodiacal sign, with the Sun at a specific degree of it.
Ars Almadel
The Ars Almadel (The Art of the Almadel) is the fourth part of The Lesser Key of Solomon. It tells how to make the almadel, which is a wax tablet with protective symbols drawn on it. On it are placed four candles. This chapter has the instructions concerning the colours, materials and rituals necessary for the construction of the almadel and the candles. 
The Ars Almadel also tells about the angels that are to be invoked, and explains that only reasonable and just things that are needed must be asked to them, and how the conjuration has to be made. It also mentions twelve princes ruling with them. The dates and astrological aspects that have to be considered most convenient to invoke the angels are detailed but briefly.
The author asserts to have experimented with what is explained in this chapter.
Ars Notoria
The Ars Notoria (The Notable Art) is the fifth and last part of The Lesser Key of Solomon.

It contains a collection of prayers (some of them divided in several parts) mixed with kabbalistic and magical words in several languages (i.e. Hebrew, Greek, etc.), how the prayers must be said, and the relation that these rituals have to the understanding of all sciences. It mentions the aspects of the Moon in relation with the prayers. It also says that the prayers act as an invocation to God's angels. According to the book, the correct spelling of the prayers gives the knowledge of the science related to each one and also a good memory, stability of mind, and eloquence. This chapter presents the precepts that have to be observed to obtain a good result. 
Finally, it tells how King Solomon received the revelation from the angel. | The Lesser Key of Solomon

also rendered Baʿal (Biblical Hebrew בעל, pronounced [ˈbaʕal]), is a Northwest Semitictitle and honorific meaning "master" or "lord" that is used for various gods who were patrons of cities in the Levant and Asia Minor, cognate to Akkadian Bēlu. A Baalist orBaalite means a worshipper of Baal. 
can refer to any god and even to human officials. In some texts it is used for Hadad, a god of the rain, thunder, fertility and agriculture, and the lord of Heaven. Since only priests were allowed to utter his divine name, Hadad, Ba‛al was commonly used. Nevertheless, few if any Biblical uses of "Baʿal" refer to Hadad, the lord over the assembly of gods on the holy mount of Heaven, but rather refer to any number of local spirit-deities worshipped as cult images, each called baʿal and regarded in the Hebrew Bible in that context as a "false god". 
The Baal cult provided the greatest and most enduring threat to the exclusive worship of Yahweh among ancient Israelites. HERE 
(sometimes spelled Bael, Baël (French), Baell) is in 17th Century goetic occult writings one of the seven princes of Hell. The name is drawn from the Canaanite deity Baal mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as the primary god of the Phoenicians. 
While his Semitic predecessor was depicted as a man or a bull, the demon Baal was in grimoire tradition said to appear in the forms of a man, cat, toad, or combinations thereof. An illustration in Collin de Plancy's 1818 book Dictionnaire Infernal rather curiously placed the heads of the three creatures onto a set of spider legs. - BAAL (DEMON) 

The Canaanite god Baal in the Hebrew Bible is referenced in popular culture. 
Some influences in popular culture derive not from the Baal in the Hebrew Bible, but from Baal (demon) in 17th Century occult grimoires. Also Baal, through the New Testament Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies, is linked to devil in popular culture.| Baal in popular culture

Apr 18th, 2013 
The End of April: A Time of Human Sacrifice

Why do we often witness tragedy and senseless deaths during the second half of April? The list of violent events that occurr during this time period is simply staggering. 
Here are some of them:

  • April 19, 1993 – Waco Massacre: An FBI assault lead to the burning down of the compound of a sect named Branch Davidians, killing 76 men, women and children.
  • April 19, 1995 -  Oklahoma City bombing – 168 people killed.
  • April 20,  1999 – Columbine High School Massacre - 13 people murdered, 21 injured.
  • April 16, 2007 – Virginia Tech Massacre – 32 killed; 17 injured.
  • April 16, 2013 – Boston Marathon Explosions – 3 killed; 107 injured.
  • April 18, 2013 – Fertilizer plant explosion, Texas – 5-15 killed 
(Notice that this event occurred almost exactly 20 years after the Waco Massacre, which is in the same area. Also, on April 16, 1947, a ship loaded with ammonium nitrate docked at the Port of Texas City and erupted in flames, causing a massive explosion that killed approximately 576 people). 

1993: WACO, TX -- Tanks roll towards the Branch Davidian community during a 50 day standoff between the federal government and the occupants. These tanks would later be used to pierce the walls of the compound and start the building on fire, burning dozens of men, women, and children alive. 

4/19/1993: WACO, TX -- The day of the massacre, a Bradley tank was used to create enormous 20' holes in the walls of the building on every side. Every room in the house was pumped with flammable aerosols and covered with CS dust for 6 straight hours. At one point (before the fire) the tank appears to have gotten a body caught in its treads as it drove through the building. The holes created by the tank would form a perfect configuration for a stove that would burn fast & hot, due to the vacuum pressure and high winds. Later, witnesses stated that they saw "fireballs" shot through the hallways that rapidly ignited the building. All of the 76 men, women, and children were burned alive (or shot). Many more details in WACO: RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: | HERE

There were many other violent occurrences that happened during that time period. In fact, CNN published an article in 2011 titled What is it about mid-April and violence in America?, discussing the events that occur in Mid-April. Sadly, the article only bashed “conspiracy theorists” and basically said “If you look for answers further than mass media, you are crazy and potentially dangerous”. However, two years later, the violent trend continues. 
Is it all a coincidence? 
For those in the know, there are no such thing as coincidences. In 2011, I wrote an article about the death of Bin Laden, announced between April 30th and May 1st (see Why the Death of the Man Who Was Not Behind 9/11 Was Announced on May 1st).  
It is in times like these that a line is drawn between critical thinkers and those who get swiped by media crap-storms; Between those who understand the complexity of a situation and those who’d rather not know; Between those who comprehend the underlying motives of the elite and those who go outside chanting “USA! USA!”.
On the evening of May 1st 2011, Barak Obama’s statement was one of triumph and celebration. He claimed that, with the death of Osama Bin Laden, “justice was served”. 
The media spin following the announcement was equally as celebratory: 
“It is a great day for America and the world”…”The biggest piece of news since 9/11″…”We’ll all remember where we were when we’ve heard this news”…The entire “event” was artificially inflated, exaggerated and glorified. 
Should the death of a man cause happiness and celebrations? 
Since when have we devolved into such a barbaric state? 
Because he perpetrated 9/11? 
Did he also cause the Building 7 to implode?  
Damn you Osama and your team of engineers! 
I’ll spare you the entire “9/11 was an inside job” speech, as I know most of this site’s readers are all too aware of it. 
  • In this case, why should we care if Ben Laden is dead or not? 
  • Is he really dead? Did he die nine years ago? 
  • Who really knows? 
  • We’re living in an era of artificial, fully staged, media-generated events. Why was Bin Laden’s death announced on the evening of May 1st?  
Because it was the required sacrifice of the “most magical time of the year”, which was launched with the Royal Wedding.

A Wicker Man burnt during the Beltane Festival 2004 

May 1st, or May Day, was considered by several cultures to be an important holiday, especially in occult circles due to celestial alignments. In Illuminati lore, it is regarded as the second most important day of the year. In fact, the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati was founded on May 1st 1776
In Europe, it is called the Beltane festival, an ancient Gaelic celebration of sexuality, fertility…and blood sacrifices. 
“Supposedly, animal sacrifices would be made each Beltane to ensure the fertility of their crops, however, every five years the Highland Celts would sacrifice humans, the numbers being made up of convicted criminals and prisoners of war. They would be sacrificed by the Druids, though the manner of their death would vary. Many were supposedly shot with arrows, but descriptions of Gaulish Celt ceremonies have them being burnt alive in huge wicker men.”- Source 
The origins of the Beltane festival can be traced back to the celebration of the Sumerian God Enlil – who is known to us as Baal. The name Beltane (pronounced “B’yal-t’n”) is said to originate from the word Baal. Celebrations of the Beltane festival are very similar to ancient rituals celebrating the ancient god. The mysterious similarities between these seemingly distant cultures could be the subject of an entire article. 
One thing is for sure: Baal is an important figure in Illuminati lore. 
“In Middle-Eastern lore, Baal was killed and descended into the underworld, whereupon he was returned to life by the powers of his sister-lover, Anat. Baal is thus associated with the seasonal cycles and the coming of spring and crops. This was reflected in Beltane festivals, which culminated with the symbolic marriage of the Winter God and Spring Goddess (or King Winter and Queen May). Queen May, in the festivals, was a mother earth figure. The word Baal means lord or husband. In the mating of King Winter and Queen May, earth and sky were joined, and fertility and life were symbolically rekindled in animals, people, and nature.”- Jane Adams, The Selected Papers of Jane Adams 
“Through analogy and through the belief that one can control or aid the powers of nature by the practice of magic, particularly sympathetic magic, sexuality might characterize part of the cult of the Baʿals and ʿAshtarts. Post-Exilic allusions to the cult of Baʿal Pe’or suggest that orgies prevailed. On the summits of hills and mountains flourished the cult of the givers of increase, and “under every green tree” was practised the licentiousness which was held to secure abundance of crops. Human sacrifice, the burning of incense, violent and ecstatic exercises, ceremonial acts of bowing and kissing, the preparing of sacred cakes (see also Asherah), appear among the offences denounced by the post-Exilic prophets; and show that the cult of Baʿal (and ʿAshtart) included characteristic features of worship which recur in various parts of the Semitic (and non-Semitic) world, although attached to other names.”- W. Robertson Smith and George F. Moore, Baal 
Ancient beliefs and rituals are an intricate part of today’s Illuminati’s occult practices. As their symbolism and modus-operandi are slowly infused into society, their previously secret rituals are now conducted on a mass scale. The masses become clueless participants of their occult festivities, not knowing they actually adding their potency. 
In Conclusion 
The Mujahideen were recruited and formed in the late 70′s by Zbigniew Brzezinski, the United States National Security Advisor of Jimmy Carter (Brzezinski is today Obama’s main policy advisor). The military group was trained by the United States in order to repel Russian forces from Afghanistan. Bin Laden was trained by the CIA to fight the Communists and the Taliban are a by-product of this US created movement. 
Since the fall of the USSR, Bin Laden and his Taliban served a new agenda: providing an excuse for the invasion of key middle-eastern countries under the guise of a “war on terror”. In 2001, about 15 minutes after the second plane hit the WTC, the image of Bin Laden was shown on television. He was the ideal patsy on who to blame the attacks and the perfect boogey-man to scare the American people. This scapegoat allowed the unquestioned invasion of Afghanistan, of Iraq. He even facilitated the enactment of the aberration called the Patriot Act. 
In 2011, Bin Laden’s usefulness to the Agenda has ran its course. Furthermore, the Obama administration needed an exploit to boost its poll ratings until the next elections. Consequently, in a classic combination of occult rituals with pragmatic politics, the death of Bin Laden was announced on May 1st 2011 with triumph and jubilation. 
Through CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX, millions of viewers rejoiced at the death of man in the same matter ancient peasants rejoiced at the offering of human sacrifices to Baal. In a dumbed-down, politicized and “Illuminati-sed” version of the Beltane Festival, the masses have celebrated the ritual sacrifice of a man and, without even realizing it, partook in one of the Illuminati’s most important holidays.
In that article, I briefly described the ritualistic significance of May 1st (May Day) and its relation to a god that is still important for to the occult elite: Baal. 
The Cult of Baal Never Disappeared

Throughout many centuries and across many civilizations, the second half of April has always been a time of blood sacrifice. The worship of Baal took many names (Enlil, Molech, etc.) and spread across several civilizations. Being a sun god and a god of fertility, rituals celebrating Baal took place after the vernal equinox (a time of rebirth) and often involved human sacrifice.
“The cult of Baal celebrated annually his death and resurrection as a part of the Canaanite fertility rituals. These ceremonies often included human sacrifice and temple prostitution.”
- Baal, Encyclopedia Mythica
Although the observance of these rituals was sometimes condemned by religious movements, it never truly disappeared. 
“The religion of the god Baal was widely accepted among the ancient Jews, and although it was put down at times, it was never permanently stamped out. Kings and other royalty of the ten Biblical tribes worshiped the god. The ordinary people ardently worshiped this sun god too because their prosperity depended on the productivity of their crops and livestock. The god’s images were erected on many buildings. Within the religion there appeared to be numerous priests and various classes of devotees. During the ceremonies they wore appropriate robes. The ceremonies included burning incense, and offering burnt sacrifices, occasionally consisting of human victims. The officiating priests danced around the altars, chanting frantically and cutting themselves with knives to inspire the attention and compassion of the god.”- Ibid.
As a sun god, Baal’s worship involved human sacrifice and fire. Today, in the occult-elite ruled America, this time period often equals fire (or gun fire) and death. 
These rites were even mentioned in the Bible:
“They have built the high places of Baal to burn their children in the fire as offerings to Baal–something I did not command or mention, nor did it enter my mind.” - Jeremiah 19:5
From the Babylonian, Assyrian and Phoenician civilizations of the Middle-East (their Mystery religions come from the same point origin), the cult of Baal spread to distant civilizations, such as the Celts, who observed Beltane rituals on May 1st (Beltane originates from the word “Baal”). While the observance of Baal rituals differed from one civilization to another, they were nevertheless grounded in the same occult concepts of numerology and sacrifice. In other words, they were all tapping into the same magical knowledge. 
Today’s occult elite still observes these rites, but with one major difference: They are now carried out on unsuspecting civilians and spread across the world through mass media. Fed and amplified by the fear and trauma of the masses, these mega-rituals are seen by all, but only celebrated by the occult elite. More than ever, we are dealing with Black Magic. 
Other sites dedicated to occult numerology have published information emphasizing the importance of this time period. 
“April 19 – May 1 – Blood Sacrifice To The Beast, a most critical 13-day period. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19. April 19 is the first day of the 13-day Satanic ritual day relating to fire – the fire god, Baal, or Molech/Nimrod (the Sun God), also known as the Roman god, Saturn (Satan/Devil). This day is a major human sacrifice day, demanding fire sacrifice with an emphasis on children. This day is one of the most important human sacrifice days, and as such, has had some very important historic events occur on this day.”
- Occult Holidays and Sabbaths, Cutting Edge
Another article briefly describes the elements required to carry out the elite’s mega-rituals.
The human sacrifice required during many of these occult dates needs to contain the following elements, each one of which is exaggerated to the highest possible degree:
1. Trauma, stress, and mental anguish, sheer terror
2. The final act in the drama should be destruction by a fire; preferably a conflagration.
3. People must die as human sacrifices, especially children, since The Darkness views younger human sacrifice as most desirable” | - Advent of Deception
Of course, not every event that occurs during that time period is related to Illuminati human sacrifice. However, most of the events mentioned above fit right in the mega-ritual “criteria” checklists. If you look carefully at the facts surrounding each one of these events, you might conclude that they were either carried out by government officials or blamed on mind-controlled patsies. 

  • Most of these events are absurdly gratuitous, generating even more trauma and causing people to wonder “what kind of evil people would do such a thing?” 
  • Unfortunately, these evil people rule us, and the same events are then used to further extremist political agendas. 
  • The powers that be have become masters at combining pragmatic politics with occult rituals.
In Conclusion 
Those who know about occult calendars enter the second half of April wondering if something horrific is about to happen. Sadly, every few years, it does, and the public is traumatized with a senseless and violent event. Almost every time, a closer look at the event leads to strange and suspicious facts, and, more often than not, hints towards an inside job. 
While many will ascribe the occurrence of these events during the end of April to coincidence, the fact remains:  
Mass violent events involving death and fire happen regularly during the same time period that is occultly dedicated to Baal, who is worshipped through fire and human sacrifice. Whether this is all done on purpose or just the result of some crazy universal synchronicity, the fact is still there and cannot be disputed. 
Incidentally, the compound that was burned down in the 1993 Waco Massacre was named Mount Carmel Center. In the Bible, Mount Carmel was where Elijah defied the prophets of Baal, challenging them to pray to Baal until he lit a fire in front of them. 
No fire was lit. 
Was the fire at Mount Carmel Center a symbolic revenge of Baal? 
West Texas Explosion Might Have Been Triggered by Militarized Blast, Eyewitness Says ‘It Was a Plane’

by Shepard Ambellas 
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Independent video of the tragic explosion that devastated the small town of West shows that the plant was likely detonated from an outside source, and/or a possible bomb or missile.

WEST — A massive blast that measured 2.1 on the Richter scale hit the small Texas town on Wednesday leveling buildings and other structures, killing and injuring a number of civilians in what most local witnesses could only describe as a “bomb blast”. In fact, some witnesses have even stated on video when asked that, “It was a plane”.

Although it has been reported as a fertilizer plant fire explosion by the entire mainstream media and government sources, there could be more to the story as local reports suggest otherwise. While it is important to note that the factory did have a history of safety problems, audio and video analysis from the explosion suggests the possibility of something else.

Good people in the area are questioning the events that took place on that grim day, and for good reason.

Intellihub.com reporter Matthew Short’s investigation concludes with video evidence that emergency response vehicles were in the area before the explosion at the fertilizer plant in West and drills were being ran as stated by the hospital’s CEO in an interview.

This is the same fingerprint we have seen during events such as the attacks on September 11, 2001, the London bombings in July of 2005, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, and even the Patriot’s Day bombing in Boston most recently.

These examples show the classic layout of an advanced governmental sponsored false flag event, which in turn is used to further subject the populace to surveillance and the removal of our god given rights and freedoms by a government which now seems to be overran by a tyrannical force.

FEMA sets up in Waco the day before | HERE

Information also exists the suggest nuclear preparedness mass casualty drills were being ran in the area. According to the North Central Texas Trama Regional Advisory Council’s official website the regional full scale exercise took place on the dates of April 17th and 18th, 2013; | HERE
Regional Full Scale EMTF Exercise – Black Rain Start Date/Time: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 9:00 AM End Date/Time: Thursday, April 18, 2013 5:00 PM Recurring Event: One time event Importance: Normal Priority Category: Exercises Location: NCTTRAC Offices Description: Regional Full Scale EMTF Exercise – Black Rain

The North Central Texas region is impacted by a radiological catastrophe at Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant. The blast and residual fallout results in many injuries and fatalities within the immediate hazard area and the densely populated DFW Metroplex area is affected by blackouts and rolling brownouts due to loss of power generation. Blast and fallout damage results in a critical taxing of the medical community and generates a potential need for medical evacuation and vast number of worried well within the metropolitan population. Region 2 of the Texas Emergency Medical Task Force (EMTF) must activate and deploy its Ambulance, AMBUS and MMU Strike Teams to assist with the first response and contamination monitoring efforts of the medical community. 

The NCTTRA also released this announcement after the explosion;

NCTTRAC Statement – West, TX

The North Central Texas Trauma Regional Advisory Council (NCTTRAC) wants to extend its heartfelt condolences and prayers to the victims and their families, the first responders, and the community of West, Texas for their unspeakable loss. West, Texas is a community familiar and dear to many of us in the emergency medical management and response community, and we’re only beginning this morning to assess the devastation of that community. 


Because of the sensitivity to the ongoing event, the response from many north central Texas assets including components of Emergency Medical Task Force (EMTF) -2 , and the potential for additional asset requests today, NCTTRAC is scaling back the remainder of the exercise we have in progress today to support activity onsite of the mobile medical units and the clinical teams in a more limited role. However, we will not have any of today’s planned EMS activities using the ambulance strike teams or the ambulance buses (AMBUSes). 
The VIP tours scheduled this afternoon from noon until 3:00 pm will still take place as scheduled during this time for the mobile medical units; however we will not have any of the AMBUSes or ambulance strike teams available for touring. 
NCTTRAC appreciates the support received in this event, which has provided an opportunity to highlight the excellent work accomplished in north central Texas in emergency medical planning and response. The tragedies this week are exactly why this community prepares, supports, and responds and will continue to do so.
And if that information is chilling to you, you might want to sit down to read the rest of this article.
Information has been brought to light that the explosion was triggered by another source rather from the fertilizer plant fire itself. The videos display the lack of chemical reaction, ignition from an internal point in the plant, but rather from an outside point, possibly from the sky.


At (06:49) into the next video an eyewitness states, “It was a plane”.


You can also see by the damage to the building in the video that it was a massive blast, reminiscent of some militarized technology. 
According to Matthew Short, reporter for Intellihub.com (as stated during a radio interview) people in the area are now coming to him for answers, demonstrating the need for information as locals are not buying the official story either.
Another key piece of evidence is an actual emergency transmission from that day. In the audio to disbatch the firefighter states, “We need every ambulance we can get this way. A bomb just went off inside here, it’s pretty bad. We got allot of firemen down.” (See video below).


Sources: / HERE / HERE / HERE

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Shepard Ambellas is the founder & director of Intellihub.com (a popular alternative news website), researcher, investigative journalist, radio talk show host, and filmmaker. | HERE

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