Kamis, 16 Mei 2013


Illuminati Card Game

Subtitle: In nine pertinent playing cards of the "Illuminati New World Order" Game, how did the inventor know -- in 1995 -- the three events comprising the 9/11 attacks? How did he know also the correct plan in the near future? Why do his cards predict the appearance of Antichrist and the Rapture as the last two events of the Illuminati Plan?

Subtitle: Cataclysmic Events Accurately Foretold In The 1995 Illuminati Card Game -- "Events That Have Already Occurred" 

Subtitle: Events are occurring now, weakening the Old World Order so the New can be established. You will be surprised to learn how many of the recent events of our society are designed to enhance the new global dictatorship of which Antichrist will take control. It is later than you think! Events foretold In The 1995 Illuminati Card Game -- "Stage Being Set" 

Subtitle: Events foretold in The 1995 Illuminati Card Game that are about to happen. The end goal is to stage Antichrist and his kingdom in all aspects. Remember, this card game was created from 1990-1995 so the author knew of these specific events over a decade ago. This card game reveals the final climactic steps of the Illuminist plan to produce Antichrist and his kingdom. 

Subtitle: Natural Disasters have the potential to re-draw or re-wild a nation in a hurry! Events foretold in the 1995 Illuminati Card Game seem poised to happen. The end goal is to stage Antichrist and his kingdom in all aspects. Remember, this card game was created from 1990-1995 so the author knew of these specific events over a decade ago.

New Cards of the Illuminati Card Game Depict Scenes of Major Current Events!

Subtitle: Remember, each card of this role-playing game is designed to represent an action the Illuminati is going to take to overthrow this "Old World Order" so the New World Order can be established. You will be shocked to realize that current events ARE planned by the Illuminati and are part of the prepared script.
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!
Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!
Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.
Copyright © 2009 Cutting Edge Ministries. All rights reserved. See full copyright notice below.
The Illuminati Card Game is one of the genuine "Smoking Gun Proofs " in demonstrating that the Illuminati has planned events out decades in advance and is currently causing each event to occur to advance their agenda of overthrowing this current "Old World Order" so their precious Messianic "New World Order" can be established. 
Let us quickly reexamine the history of the Illuminati Card Game.
In 1990, role-playing inventor, Steve Jackson, was planning his newest game, which he would ultimately call the "Illuminati -- New World Order" Game, or "INWO" for short. Jackson was creating a game that would hit very, very close to home, very close to the actual plan of the Illuminati to propel the world into the New World Order -- also known as the Kingdom of Antichrist. As we shall show you, Jackson issued playing cards, three of which foretold the events of 9/11, three of which correctly predict future events just ahead of us, and two that correctly foretell the last two events that the Bible foretells will occur during the final birth pangs that will produce Antichrist! 
How did Steve Jackson know the Illuminati Plan so precisely? In fact, he knew the Plan so exactly he got a surprise visit from the Secret Service, who tried their best to shut him down and prevent him from publishing his game. "On the morning of March 1, [1990] without warning, a force of armed Secret Service agents - accompanied by Austin police and at least one civilian 'expert' from the phone company - occupied the offices of Steve Jackson Games and began to search for computer equipment. The home ... the writer of GURPS Cyberpunk, was also raided. A large amount of equipment was seized, including four computers, two laser printers, some loose hard disks and a great deal of assorted hardware. One of the computers was the one running the Illuminati BBS." 
The company, "S.J. Games" fought back in court and finally won, but nearly went under financially. The investigation zeroed in on "fraud" supposedly committed by the company regarding the hacker activity and the fact that the company promoted the hacker's newsletter, "Phrack". However, this is so flimsy that it makes no common sense; in fact, the affidavit made so little sense that a Judge threw the case out, awarding S.J. Games $50,000 plus $250,000 attorney's fees. That is a lot of taxpayer's money to pay for a stupid, nonsensical case! 
But, it does highlight the fact that our Illuminist government, the Secret Service then run by President George Bush (Sr.), was worried about some project that S.J. Games was up to, and cooked up a reason to invade their offices and confiscate their materials. We think, after you review these materials, you will believe, as do I, that the real reason the Secret Service invaded S.J. Games was to shut them down so they could not produce the game "Illuminati -- New World Order (INWO) Card Game, for it revealed too much of the plan that was still many years in the future. 
In our Illuminati Card Game Section, we show the card scenes which accurately foretold events which did eventually occur, even though some of them took place over a decade after the card game was released to retail shelves. When you examine these cards, you will be amazed at how Steve Jackson had such detailed knowledge of events the Illuminati had planned. In fact, Cutting Edge was taught in 1992 from a former occultist -- a former member of the House of Theosophy in Boston -- said that the plan to produce Antichrist was very well known to members of the occult. Since Steve Jackson Games was a producer of the type of occult role-playing games known as "Dungeon's & Dragons", it is a safe bet that he knew the insider plan very well. This intimate knowledge is truly revealed by these individual cards. 
We encourage you to read the articles we have posted in our Illuminati Card Game Section, for you will be amazed at how accurately this role-playing game predicted events from 1996-Today. 
But, now, let us examine NEW cards which depict current events. 
New Illuminati Cards Depicting Current Events

This card shows a young, good-looking black man standing behind a speaking platform. He is obviously well connected, for he is wearing a very nice looking business suit. As he stands behind the podium to speak, paint is being shot in his direction, even hitting him directly in his face and on his body. The term, "backlash" is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary:
"... a sudden violent backward movement or reaction ... a strong adverse reaction (as to a recent political or social development)"
Almost always, the word "backlash" is used in a political or social setting. Therefore, we can safely assume that this man is a political figure of some sort and that he is under political attack for something he has said or for some accomplishment he has made. In the light of events on the PresidentIAL scene during these past 20 months, could this card be Barack Obama?
I think it is highly likely that President Obama is the black politician standing behind the speaking platform.
While he has not initiated any significant backlash as of yet, the policies he is unfolding now are very controversial and could result in a significant "backlash".

"Getting Organized"
This card is not new, but is one of the original in the 1995 deck. However, I had totally forgotten about it until a friend pointed it out to me recently. Clearly, the black man in the forefront is sophisticated and very sure of himself. He is also wealthy and simply exudes power. To his left is a plain-looking blonde woman. He seems to be instructing the blonde woman as he is looking in her direction and pointing her way with his left hand. In other words, the picture clearly paints this successful looking black man as a superior to the woman.
I find it highly interesting that President Obama fits this description exactly and he does have Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State. Hillary is a blonde and she is most definitely a "plain Jane" type of woman.
Furthermore, during the transition time, President-elect Obama showed more organization skills than any President-elect in memory. He had his Cabinet members picked out very early and began to move on his major programs immediately. Obama clearly demonstrated his organization skills during this transition period.

"Currency Speculation"
This card shows currency being initiated by a hand which has just flipped three coins into the air. Note that the top coin has the favorite symbols of the Illuminati imprinted on it, i.e., a pyramid with an All-Seeing Eye at the inside top. Clearly, the current economic crisis seems to be comprised of actions on the part of banks and insurers that seem so nonsensical as to be akin to someone just flipping coins into the air.
Notice, also, that the wall of gold behind the coins is stacked up solidly and seems to indicate stability and order. The Plan of the Illuminati most definitely foresees a return to stability and order once this current crisis has achieved its purpose of overthrowing the old system called Capitalism so that the new planned economy known as Fascism could be installed.
Once this transition is finished, the stability and order so important to a modern economy will return -- with the government clearly in control of key industries and with the economy of the developed nations clearly operating so completely in sync that the system will be a Global Economy - an economy in search of a global currency.
Speaking of the function of gold in a future global economy, let us quickly review a most interesting news story.
ci9, 2009
"When the dollar collapses, digital gold as a private bank-managed currency may replace it for international transactions ... Digital gold is a form of electronic market backed by gold storage. Private clients deposit gold or buy gold reserves from the digital gold bank. Private clients then utilize digital gold accounts to make or receive international payments. Payment values are determined by the price of gold backing transactions."
"Globalists are now promoting digital gold as a private-bank solution to the potential devaluation of fiat currencies ... Private-bank digital gold is a move away from traditional fiat currencies issued by nation-states, such as the dollar, where there is no backing by gold or silver, and the currency has a floating value determined by world currency exchanges.
The idea surfaced in a January 2007 article in the London Financial Times by Benn Steil, a senior fellow and director of International Economics at the Council of Foreign Relations."
When the CFR is behind something new, you can bet your bottom dollar that the chances are good that the new plan will be implemented.
Steil has consistently argued that the dollar as a nation-state currency is outmoded, and that a regional currency should replace the dollar on the way to a one-world currency. 'Gold banks already exist that allow clients to make and receive digital gold payments – a form of electronic money, backed by gold in storage – around the globe', Steil wrote."
Could it be that this Illuminati Card Game -- "Currency Speculation" will lead to this type of a Digital Gold economic currency? After all, nearly every single change which the Illuminati has envisioned has been enacted only after a scripted crisis has erupted which has paved the way to the new system. Digital Gold may very well be the plan which is in view from this new card.

Now that government bailout monies are flowing to the key companies which are most in need of an infusion of cash and which the government has most targeted as the companies to be controlled in the first wave of Fascism, the word "nationalization" is in the air. True Fascism allows private individuals to retain ownership of all "Means of Production", i.e., factories, mines and the distribution network required to sell the products manufactured.
However, the Socialist type of nationalization can prove to be a useful tool along the way to the Fascist Economy. If a company or a group of companies, provide resistance to the plan outlined by their new government masters, the government might have no choice but to nationalize the company, fire the current ownership, reorganize the company and then resell the company to private investors. You can bet the new private investors will thoroughly understand their expected role in complying closely with the new government edicts.
The details provided on this card are very instructive, so let us examine them.
* "Play this card any time" -- the government always has this nationalization "ace in the hole" when dealing with recalcitrant company executives who are reluctant to cooperate. This threat does loom huge in the background at all times.
* "It requires action(s) by either the Illuminati or Government (groups) ..." -- notice that a Corporate entity cannot initiate action. Only the Illuminati or the Government can begin the action to nationalize a company
* "The target group becomes permanently Government. If it was Corporate, that alignment is lost." -- In Nationalization, the government becomes the permanent power in the boardroom. Even if the government spins the nationalized company back to private ownership, the former free-wheeling days of the Corporation is permanently lost. Already, President Obama has announced a top limit on the pay of the executives whose government received bailout funds.
The Corporation is permanently eclipsed by the Government.

The word, "Czar" in this picture tells us all we need to know. The automakers were to have a "Czar" as were other parts of the economy in this "Brave New World" of the Fascist Economy.
This card gives power to the people and takes it away from government.
By playing this card, a person can even overthrow a dictatorship.
Since none of these actions are consistent with the plan as I understand it, the only part of this card which makes sense is the picture which states, "Czar". That portion of this card is even now being activated.

"Sucked Dry And Cast Aside"
Untold tens of thousands of people feel this way right now.
And, notice that the poor man who has had the life sucked right out of him is lying in the street within a triangle, the favorite symbol of the Global Illuminati. But, there is more! At the top of the pyramid is a blob located exactly where the Third Eye in a Witchcraft pyramid is located. The Third Eye is most important in pyramid symbolism in the New Age Movement. 
In fact, Dr. Cathy Burns reveals in her book, "Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated", that the Third Eye and the All-Seeing Eye are used interchangeably with the same meaning (Page 373). Listen:
"... this all-seeing eye represents the third eye of occultists and New Agers, as well as Masons."
Therefore, this poor man just had the life sucked out of him by some Illuminati action. This card is deemed powerful as it has a destructive power of '4', except when directed toward the Illuminati itself. But, we should not be too surprised by the power given this card, because the pyramid shape is considered to be highly regarded by occutlists.
"The pyramids symbolize the revival of knowledge once held sacred in Ancient Egyptian times. The secret processes of awakening your soul!" (Ibid, Page 217)
"We can see that the triangle represents the pagan gods and has a sexual connotation. When the upward triangle and the downward triangle are conjoined, it forms the hexagram, or the six-pointed star." (Ibid., page 37)
This card is the most revealing of the new cards, because it is so relevant to today's events. Deliberately triggered disasters in the financial market have left many, many people feeling exactly like this poor fellow! They feel that their life-flow has been sucked completely out of them. They feel that they are literally laying on a street strewn with garbage and refuse. 
Upon this type of despair, the Illuminati is building its mighty economic empire known as Fascism. This is the planned economy of the Masonic Christ (Antichrist). 

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