Jumat, 10 Mei 2013


(Left- Rothschild lackeys swear allegiance) 

According to Rabbi Higger, in Jewish tradition Jews are destined to govern mankind.  The "non-righteous," i.e. everyone who resists Jewish domination, shall perish. 

Recent Israeli attacks on Syria can be seen in this light.
Ordinary Jews have a choice: Disown this demented ideology or take the blame. 

by Michael Collins Piper 
(Excerpt from The New Babylon, edited by henrymakow.com) 
In 1932, [Rabbi] Michael Higger, Ph.D., [1898-1952] published a book entitled The Jewish Utopia, ...[based on] "the sum total of the prophecies, teachings and plans and interpretations of the foremost Jewish rabbis and tribal leaders over a period of some 2,500 years..." 
The books talked of "the righteous" and "the non-righteous." In the end, according to Higger, the "non-righteous" shall perish... 
And it is clear, throughout Higger's writings that the "righteous" shall be the Jews and the servants of the Jews; and the "wicked" will be those who are perceived by the Jews to be standing in opposition to their interests!
The words of Isaiah will be fulfilled: "Behold, My servants shall eat, but ye shall be hungry. Behold, My servants shall drink, but ye shall be thirsty; Behold, My servants shall rejoice, but ye shall be ashamed." ...

(This article is an excerpt from this book.)
Higger continues: "All the treasures and natural resources of the world will eventually come in possession of the righteous." This, he said, would be in keeping, with thy prophecy of Isaiah: "In her gain and her hire shall be holiness to the Lord; it shall be not treasured nor laid out, for her gain shall be for them that dwell before the Lord, to eat their fill and for stately clothing." ...
In short, this is the massive extermination of those who stand up to the Jewish Utopia -- the New World Order. It continues:
"All of these unrighteous nations shall be called to judgment before they are punished and doomed. The severe sentence of their doom will be pronounced upon them only after they have been given a fair trial when it will become evident that their existence would hinder the advent of the ideal era. 
"Thus, at the coming of the Messiah, when all righteous nations will pay homage to the ideal righteous leader and offer gifts to him, the wicked and corrupt nations, by realizing the approach of their doom, will bring similar presents to the Messiah. Their gifts and pretended acknowledgment of the new era will be blunted rejected, for the really wicked nations, like the really wicked individuals must disappear from the earth before an ideal human society of righteous nations can be established."
And when one considers the fact that the Jewish concept of the Messiah is often reckoned to be that the Jewish people themselves, what Higger has described takes on even more consequence.  
 Armageddon, in Jewish tradition, is the final battle in which the Jews will once and for all establish their absolute rule over the earth. 

(left. Meanwhile Illuminati Jewish-controlled DHS stocks up on guns and ammo)
According to Higger, "Israel and the other righteous nations shall combat the combined forces of the wicked, unrighteous nations under the leadership of Gog and Magog.  Assembled for an attack on the righteous nations in Palestine near Jerusalem, the unrighteous will suffer a crushing defeat and Zion will thenceforth remain the center of the kingdom of God. The defeat of the unrighteous will mark the annihilation of the power of the wicked who oppose the Kingdom of God, an establishment of the new ideal era." ...
There will be no room for the unrighteous whether Jewish or non-Jewish in the Kingdom of God. All of them will have disappeared before the advent of the ideal era on this earth. Unrighteous Israelites will be punished equally with the wicked of other nations. All the righteous, on the other hand, whether Hebrew or Gentile, will share equally in the happiness and abundance of the ideal era.
In contrast to what the average American Christian would think, or perceive in the context of his Christian faith, which looks forward to a universal kingdom of God in Heaven, the paradise referred to throughout The Jewish Utopia describing the "new ideal era" -- the New World Order -- is "a universal paradise of mankind ... established in this world," with no reference to the future world whatever. 
Who will rule this New World Order? According to Higger's assessment of the Jewish tradition: "He will be a descendant of the House of David." 
Talmudic tradition says that "a descendant of the House of David will appear as the head of the 'ideal era' only after the whole world will have suffered, for a continuous period of nine months, from a wicked, corrupt government like the historically traditionally wicked Edom."
(Note: Today there is a formally organized international Jewish organization, Davidic Dynasty, openly working to track down and reunite all of the descendants of the House of David. This is no "conspiracy theory." It is fact. Knowing what the Talmud teaches about who shall rule the globe, we can perhaps understand the motivation of this group.)
The whole world will "gradually come to the realization that Godliness is identical with righteousness," and that God "cleaves to Israel and that Israel is the ideal righteous nation." 
According to these rabbinic teachings which are the foundation for the age-old Jewish dream of the establishment of the New World Order, the peoples of the earth will then proclaim to the Jewish rulers: "We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you." 
So it is that, as the rabbis proclaim: "The people of Israel will conquer spiritually the peoples of the earth, so that Israel will be made high above all nations in praise, in name and in glory." 
Note the concept of "conquer" -- as in battle. Note the concept of Israel raised above all others -- as in supremacy and superiority. Violence and racism toward the non-Jews: as simple as that. 
There will eventually be a global religion. This has been part of the prophecy: "The nations would first unite for the purpose of calling upon the name of the Lord to serve him." 
In other words, there would be a world government and one global religion, and as Higger and others have noted, that international religion would be Judaism. That would be the "spiritual conquest" of the world...

(Is this too harsh condemnation of a man who serves the NWO & covers for 9-11, Newtown and numerous other false flag attacks?) 
Indeed, it will be the Jewish power, seated in Jerusalem, headed by a descendant of the House of David-referred to as "the Holy One" -- who will divide up the property of the world. 
Who will get this property?"To the righteous will belong all the wealth, treasures and industrial gains and other resources of the world. To the unrighteous will belong nothing." 
The unrighteous nations "will not share in the ideal era." Their rule will be destroyed and disappear before the ushering in of the New World Order. The "wickedness" of these nations will consist mainly in accumulating money belonging to "the people" and of oppressing and robbing "the poor."
Although Higger does not state this emphatically, those familiar with Talmudic tradition, the "people" and the "poor" are the Jews: The Talmud teaches that only Jews are humanity and all others are animals, thus, of course, only Jews can be "people." The "poor" are -- of course -- the Jews who have forever painted themselves as the victims and the oppressed -- as in "the poor, persecuted Jews." 
Also by Michael Collins Piper on this website:  Illuminati Bankers Controlled McCarthy 
- See more at: HERE

Christeros - Armed Resistance to Judeo Masonic Tyranny
May 15, 2013

Was the murder of priests and destruction of churches confined to Judeo Masonic (Bolshevik) Russia?   No.
In the 1920's, hundreds of priests were tortured and murdered in Mexico when the Freemason President Plutarco Elias Calles ordered the suppression of the Catholic Church. "For Greater Glory" a superb film released last year, now available on Netflix, documents the Cristeros uprising where thousands of Christians took up arms against the Government of Mexico and forced it to compromise. The rebellion, from 1926-1929, claimed  57,000 government soldiers and 30,000 Cristeros "insurgents" plus civilians. 

Never heard of this rebellion? Neither have Mexicans.  Freemasons, who espouse freedom and tolerance (for their own evil), don't want you to know about armed resistance to their tyranny. According to historian Ruben Quezada, "As recently as the 1980s it was difficult to find a single book that mentioned anything substantive about the Cristiada. If it was mentioned, it usually was no more than a single sentence in President Calles' biography.  School systems did not include the Cristiada as part of its history so that future generations would soon lose any knowledge of it... There is more freedom of the press today, and a large volume of untold stories about the Cristiada -- testimonies and images that were illegal to print or publish for many years -- are finally emerging. There are literally thousands of testimonies coming to light that reveal an inspiring history that has been hidden for decades under a dark shadow of fear and denial."
American Christians are facing persecution from the Judeo Masonic (Illuminati) government of Barack Obama. They may get inspiration from this story which defines the true occult nature of the tyranny enslaving mankind. 
--- --- ---

by Olivier Lelibre
(Abridged by henrymakow.com) 

In 1924, Plutarco Elias Calles became President. For this descendant of Spanish Jews, a 33rd degree Mason, "the Church is the unique cause of all Mexico's misfortunes." For him, too, she had to disappear. [He was a tool of the Illuminati bankers, the masters of the Mexican economy in 1914: Rockefeller (rubber), Goblentz (textiles), Guggenheim (mines), Hearst (alias Hirsch) who owned 3 million metric acres, and the Kuhn-Loeb bank, which financed Lenin.]

In 1926, the president (left) and his clique launched a new offensive which they hoped to be definitive: "Now there must be a psychological revolution," Calles declared. "We must penetrate and take hold of the minds of the children and the youth because they must belong to the revolution."

The Catholic schools were shut down, the congregations expelled, Christian trade unions forbidden, numerous churches confiscated and profaned (turned into stables or halls) or destroyed. Public school attendance became mandatory, atheism was officially taught, and religious insignia (medals, crucifixes, statues, and pictures) were forbidden, even at home. God was even chased from the language! The use of such expressions as Adios, "If God wills," or "God forbid," was subject to a fine.

Lastly, the priests were "registered": some states (Mexico is a federal republic) required them to swear not to proselytize, others tried to command them to marry if they wished to continue in their function! Msgr. Carvana, the Apostolic Nuncio, protested; on May 12, 1926, he was expelled.Throughout the country, Catholic public figures were assassinated, girls coming out of church were kidnapped, imprisoned, raped. Msgr. Curley, the Archbishop of Baltimore, vented his indignation: "Calles persecutes the church because he knows that he has Rome's approval. Our government has armed Calles's killers. Our friendship has encouraged him in his abominable enterprise: to destroy the idea of God in the minds and hearts of millions of Mexicans."17

On May 28, Calles received the Masonic medal of merit from the hands of the Great Commander of the Scottish rite in Mexico. On July 12, the following communique appeared in the press: "International Masonry accepts responsibility for everything that is happening in Mexico, and is preparing to mobilize all its forces for the methodic, integral application of the agreed upon program for this country."18

On July 26, an elderly shopkeeper was coldly struck down by two policemen in civilian clothes. His crime? In his shop he had posted a sign reading Viva Cristo Rey! Long live Christ the King! The Mexicans peacefully reacted to the persecution: they boycotted state-owned enterprises (tobacco purchases and railroad traffic were reduced by 74%, and in just a few weeks, the national bank suffered a 7 million peso loss), and they also circulated a protest petition signed by 2 million (out of a population of 15 million).

But Christians have something even better than that, they have prayer, and the country was crisscrossed by gigantic penitential processions: 10,000, 15,000 faithful, barefooted, crowned with thorns, implored God for their country. The powers that be could not tolerate that; their heavy machine guns dispersed the processions, and the first martyrs fell, singing.

("FOR GREATER GLORY" - A rare, frankly pro-Catholic film has excellent production values. It was a success in Mexico but had a muted reception in the US)


In January 1927, Catholic Mexico rose: 20,000 combatants (30,000 by the end of the year, and 50,000 in 1929); few arms (a few rifles and carbines, but mostly hatchets, machetes, and sometimes simply sticks); few horses; but all the people supporting them, offering them their money, and necessaries. A Cristero peasant recounted how they set out with songs and prayers on their lips: "We were 1,000, then 5,000, then more! Everyone set out as if to go to the harvest....We firmly intended to die, angry or not, but to die for Christ."

 Against them were 100 mobile columns of 1,000 men each, veritable "infernal columns" financed by the US (light armored cars, tractor-drawn artillery, combat aircraft...). The first clashes were bloody massacres. An officer of Calles wrote: "They are more like pilgrims than soldiers. This isn't a military campaign, it's a hunting party!" The president himself predicted: "It will be wrapped up in less than two months."

But when a pilgrimage takes up arms, it becomes a crusade! The Cristeros were able to equip themselves from the adversary, profiting from their cowardice or their corruption. The "Federales" were more like pillagers, drunk on tequila and marijuana, rather than soldiers worthy of the name. On March 15, 1927, they were defeated at San Julian; at Puerto Obristo, they left 600 dead. In November, the military attache of the US began to worry about the success of the "fanatics," 40% of whose troops were now equipped with excellent Mausers recuperated from the enemy. How was it possible?


The year 1928 was terrible: the infernal columns had received the order to deport the rural population to "concentration camps"26 where famine and epidemics decimated them. At the least show of resistance, the Federates would massacre them. Harvests and flocks were seized, grazing land burned, and villages destroyed by the thousands. Despite this scorched earth policy, the Cristeros stood fast like latter-day Machabees.

In 1929, the government renounced its policy of governing the countryside. Three-fourths of inhabitable Mexico was in the hands of the troops of Christ the King, victory was in reach especially as the riffraff in Mexico were fighting each other, and in the United States Hoover, who was not a Mason, was elected! Then they learned that the secret negotiations between the Mexican government and the Vatican had resulted in an accord. On June 21, the Mexican episcopate (except for one of its members, His Excellency Jose de Jesus Manriquez y Zarate) signed a "resolution" of the conflict with the ruling power on bases "negotiated" by a US Jesuit, a Fr. Walsh. The accord provided for: (1) immediate, unconditional cease fire; (2) the resumption of public worship beginning the next day (June 22).

That was all. It restored them to the same situation that prevailed in 1926 with all the anti-Catholic laws then in effect, including the registration of priests! In the text, the Cristeros are called fanatics directed by a few third-rate priests; their revolt was an error, an imprudence, even a sin: they must lay down their arms under pain of excommunication...


Jésus Degollado, commander in chief of the Cristeros, addressed his troops, his voice breaking from sorrow:

"His Holiness the Pope, by the intermediary of the most excellent Apostolic Nuncio, has decided, for reasons which are unknown to us but which, as Catholics, we accept, that public worship will be resumed tomorrow without the law being changed...This arrangement...has wrested from us that which is most noble and most holy on our flag, at the moment when the Church has declared that she will resign herself to what she has obtained...Consequently, the National Guard assumes responsibility for the conflict....As for ourselves as men, we have a satisfaction that no one can take from us: the National Guard does not disappear defeated by its enemies, but rather abandoned by the very ones who were to be the first to receive the fruit of our sacrifices and abnegation! Ave, Christ! Those who for You are going to humiliation, to exile, and, perhaps, to an unglorious death,...with the most fervent love salute You, and once more proclaim You as King of our country."

Six thousand Cristeros obeyed, and were immediately massacred. In three years, they had only lost 5,000 men in combat! The Mexican episcopate decreed the excommunication of the Cristero priests, but those who had not been killed during the war (180) had already been martyred...All was lost.

The new president, the Masonic lawyer Fortes Gil, rejoiced. At the summer solstice banquet, he acknowledged his astonishment at the unconditional capitulation of a victorious army, and his intention to continue the fight: "The fight did not begin yesterday. The fight is eternal. The fight began 20 centuries ago." Indeed, but the novelty was that the Vatican was not on the right side. 

Freemasonry, condemned by all the popes from the 18th century (Clement XII, in 1738) to the end of the 19th (in 1892, Leo XIII equated Freemasonry with Satanism), had infiltrated the Church at the highest levels of the hierarchy: Were not G. della Chiesa (the future Benedict XV) and A. Ratti (the future Pius XI) the "proteges" of Cardinal Rampolla? In 1926, was it not Pius XI who condemned Action Frangaise in accordance with the sect's desires. In 1928, was not Fr. Vallet expelled from Spain and his work suppressed by a hierarchy that preferred to favor the Opus Dei.28

When, from 1934 to 1937, a new Cristiada was launched, Pius XI let the Mexican episcopate excommunicate the Cristeros and then waited until they were all dead before daring to write (in his Letter to the Mexican Episcopate, 1937):

When power rises against justice and truth,...one cannot see how one could condemn the citizens who unite to defend the nation and themselves-even by the use of arms-against those who, by means of the state's power, devise their misfortune.

The same year, in Divini Redemptoris, he blamed Communism for the atrocities perpetrated against the Christians of Mexico...but he did not mention Freemasonry.  (Complete article) 

Calles was a Communist pawn like Fidel Castro later was, at the the same time as he served the Illuminati bankers in Wall Street. They are identical.

"Under Calles, Mexico became the first country in the world to recognize the new Soviet Union, and the Soviet embassy that was established in Mexico City grew to be one of Moscow's largest in the world and a key center for NKVD/KGB subversion, espionage, and terrorism throughout the Americas. However, even before Calles came to power in 1924, the new Communist regime in Moscow had begun exercising its influence in Mexico. Soviet dictator Lenin sent top Comintern (Communist International) agent Mikhail Borodin to Mexico in 1919 to coordinate a growing Communist-Socialist movement that was heavily larded with foreign elements, mostly American and European intellectuals. --- Movie Exposes Mexican Gov't Anti-Christian Campaign
Examples of Masonic attack on religion- forcing gay sex on children.       Gay Marriage 
First Comment from Henrique -
It's beautiful indeed, but don't forget that this movie was produced by the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic para-masonic organization that works for the same agenda and carries the same symbols as all the other Orders and factions. 
It's one same group, with many factions, out to capture the affection of all sorts of people. Their aim is to control the whole of Mankind, and more, to get people to AGREE to their dominance. What better way to win hearts and minds than through these beautiful and tear-jerking stories of heroism and sacrifice in the name of what one believes? I pity the peasants, and admit it's quite moving, but let's never put reason aside. The Catholic Church is controlled opposition to radical/materialistic Jewish sects; if not, why the hell would it ever charter Orders like "Priory of Zion" and sponsor so many Crusades to "take back the Holy Land" ( a facade to ferment rancor against Islam )?
The whole of history is a con game, Alan Watt calls it "Conology", I use a more specific term: "Piety Manipulation".
Notice how they always organize some kind of opposition/conflict between their puppets, like the KKK opposing the KofC's efforts to gain sympathy for the cause in America - two supposedly Christian groups.
Check the main symbol of the Knights, with the Fascio, representing the union of the Elite ( one stick is easy to break, but not a whole bunch together ), plus the typical crossing of objects in an "x", also very common; many other details a better trained eye would find, I've no doubt about it.
Thanks Henrique- but the rebellion wasn't sponsored by the Knights as well, was it? 

"Just five years after the first Knights of Columbus council was established in Mexico in 1905, the country was catapulted into a long period of armed conflict, now called the Mexican Revolution."
Coincidence?  Maybe.
"Despite these challenges, the Order in Mexico not only survived this period; it thrived. Membership grew from 400 Knights in 1918 to almost 6,000 in 51 councils just six years later."
Martyrdom has certain appeal, one would say, especially among humble folk. But what raised my eyebrow was this:
"The Caballeros, as the Knights are known in Spanish-speaking countries, "attracted leaders in society, including doctors, lawyers and businessmen, bringing a new dimension, energy and vision to combating the persecution."
Why would "leaders in society", in a time of Civil War, join a quasi-clandestine Order, declared enemy of the establishment? And why didn't the State forces attack THEM directly, instead of wasting time with insignificant country hicks?
"Likewise, hundreds of thousands of Mexicans immigrated to Texas, and the Knights' Mexican Fund provided direct assistance to many of the refugees."
Great opportunity to flood the US with immigrants too, and who would be cold-hearted enough to deny them refuge?
"Although the Knights as an organization did not provide support to the Cristeros' military efforts, it remained a target"
Rally the peasants, but don't risk your own skin, or the soft skin of those "leaders in society".
Obviously none of this proves anything, just data to consider before choosing the good guy.
The peasants were obviously fighting to mantain their traditions ( whichever they were ) and way of life from intrusive government, they would never think about all-encompassing, mind-blowing conspiracies. To them, all we're doing here is idle speculation - the conspirators always count on that. 
Once one of their fronts has captured the simpletons' sympathy ( even if the opposing front is demonized ), they've succeeded. The human mind works in dialectics, and unfortunately they know that.

Comments for "Christeros- Armed Resistance to Judeo Masonic Tyranny "
Richard said (May 16, 2013):
Henrique is correct to look at who produced the movie. The timing of that movie, I think, was meant to drive Hispanic Catholic, and Catholic voters to the polls to vote for Romney's "Catholic" running mate, Ryan.
Ryan - like all "Catholic" politicians puts on religion like Obama puts on race. Like a stage prop. Just a few weeks ago, Ryan says he's changed his mind about "gay marriage". Now he 's for it.
There's also a Jesuit 'Liberation Theology' meme here.. Liberation Theology = "salvation as seen through the scope of a rifle" . Still, it's hard not admire the Christeros. 
There have been many bloody pogroms against Catholics in the world since the Masonic French Revolution, but I think the Christeros were the only ones to fight back "eye for an eye".
The Pope was Pius XI (11th). He had his hands full with Mussolini, which wasn't resolved till the Lateran Treaty of 1929. Also massive Communist persecutions were going on in the Soviet Union, and Spain and Portugal, in what was called the Terrible Triangle - an international wave of terrorism bent on wiping out Catholic institutions and people in those countries. He issued an Encyclical - 'Iniquis Afflictisque'- "On the Persecution of the Church in Mexico", an appeal to governments of the world to put pressure on the Masonic Mexican regime, but nobody did, so the Pope coined the term "Conspiracy of Silence". This soon applied to the Nazi concentration camps of the 1930's too. But yes, obviously Pius XI hung Mexico's 4,500 priests and Christeros out to dry. Suffice it to say the Vatican's never considered canonizing that pope, and avoid speaking of him today.
Today Masonry runs the Federal Dept. of Education, and their happy to teach that when the Church was armed and dangerous they call it hypocrisy. But when the Church stopped supporting anybody but martyrs, they call it cowardice. 

Marcos (Brazil) said (May 15, 2013):
We have to remember this is also a spiritual war.
Jean Wyllys, the leader of the gay lobby in Congress in Brazil, was recently videotaped in an interview where he says that he was elected by his "orixas", (demonic African spirits) and that he is there to do their mission. This is the same man who fights for a "secular State", against all kinds of Christian influence in government and law making. It seems African religions are OK in government, but Christianity isn't.
The result is that we have now our Marxist government distributing in schools condoms for 12 year-olds, small mirrors for 10 year-old girl to check themselves and find the G spot, and gay propaganda for three year olds. Amazon Indians are still burying alive small children born with minor defects, twins and children of unwed mothers, because the UN says we have to respect their "culture".
Extreme evil is most of the times a combination of the corruption of men with the help from evil spirits. We can fight the former with words, but battle with the latter require prayer.

FG from Spain said (May 15, 2013):
We should note the similarity that the Mexican Cristiada has with the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), where a lot of Catholics were assassinated by the "Frente Popular", a coalition of the Communists, Socialists, Anarchists and other left-wing parties.
As you probably know, some years before the uprising of this war in Spain, a lot of churches were fired, many priests, nuns and monks were expelled from the country or simply assassinated and the home offices of right-wing or Catholic parties were attacked.
The fact that in this war a lot of Soviet agents were organizing the famous "Chekas" (groups of civil persons, priests, soldiers, politicians, etc. that were murdered, though "officially" were changed of jail as prisoners, makes me think that Masonry, Communism and Jewish were behind all this scenario, trying to destroy Catholic Spain and West Civilization.
Once again, congratulations for your website and your marvelous articles and links that offer us, because they are full not only of interesting information, but also of vital ethics, something that gives you the warranty of truth and honor.
Thanks for this reminder FG,
I forgot about the Spanish Civil War!

JG said (May 15, 2013):
Thank you for this enlightening article. This story is a great example of true Christian Faith in action. Unfortunately, in America, Communism's history of tyranny against the Christian Faith is not taught in the schools or propagated through the mainstream media. NO SURPRISE THERE! I would love to purchase this movie.

Dan said (May 15, 2013):
On October 27th, 1941, in a radio speech six weeks before the attack on Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt claimed to have before him a secret "document made in Germany by Hitler's government. It is a detailed plan to abolish all existing religions -- Catholic, Protestant, Mohammedan, Hindu, Buddhist, and Jewish alike" which Germany will impose "on a dominated world, if Hitler wins."
"The property of all churches will be seized by the Reich and its puppets," he continued. "The cross and all other symbols of religion are to be forbidden. The clergy are to be forever silenced under penalty of the concentration camps."
Whether Roosevelt had such a document or not, these actions were borne out against Catholic clergy that opposed Nazi amorality during the war.
Aren't things going the same direction anyway in the Oval Office where Roosevelt used to sit? This news just last week:
Massachusetts city orders removal of Virgin Mary statue
This is a laugh coming from FDR, a Mason. Shows what liars and hypocrites they are.
May 14, 2013
"The Jewish Question" No Longer Asked

 (left. Goldwin Smith, 1823-1920, Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford University.  Many incorrectly identify him as a contemporary Jewish supremacist for saying 'The Jew alone regards his race as superior to humanity, and looks forward not to its ultimate union with other races, but to its triumph over them all and to its final ascendancy under the leadership of a tribal Messiah.' )   

Mark Weber Introduction"The recurring friction between Jews and non-Jews through the ages, Smith persuasively argues, is due primarily not to the defects or iniquities of non-Jews, but rather is an... understandable reaction to Jewish behavior. The most galling features of this behavior, he contends, are rooted in the distinctively tribalistic character of the Jewish religion as laid out in the Talmud and the Old Testament.
As a solution to this seemingly interminable problem, Smith proposes that Jews should "de-nationalize" themselves by renouncing Jewish tribalism and particularism. In other words, he urges comprehensive Jewish assimilation into society -- a "solution" to the "Jewish question" that is also implicit in traditional American liberalism." 

MakowTo be acceptable today, you must collude in the central banker fraud, i.e. Illuminati Jewish ownership of the national currency & the money supply. Our politicians are all fronts for this "Money Power." Jews are not going to "de-nationalize" as Goldwin Smith recommended in 1891 because Organized Jewry (as well as Freemasonry) are the main levers in the bankers' long term agenda, i.e. to translate their credit monopoly into a world monopoly over everything, (i.e. power, wealth, culture and especially information & thought.)  Those who challenge this thought monopoly have committed thought crimes, (i.e. "hate crimes.") The West is a pathetic, hypocritical, morally bankrupt hand puppet of Illuminati Satanists. 

By Goldwin Smith
(Excerpt by henrymakow.com) 

Mr. Laurence Oliphant, in his book The Land of Gilead (1880), dwells more than once on the great advantages which any European government might gain over its rivals by an alliance with the Jews. He writes:
"It is evident that the policy which I proposed to the Turkish government [that is, the restoration of Palestine] might be adopted with equal advantage by England or any other European Power. The nation that espoused the cause of the Jews and their restoration to Palestine, would be able to rely on their support in financial operations on the largest scale, upon the powerful influence which they wield in the press of many countries, and upon their political co-operation in those countries, which would of necessity tend to paralyze the diplomatic and even hostile action of Powers antagonistic to the one with which they were allied. Owing to the financial, political, and commercial importance to which the Jews have now attained, there is probably no one Power in Europe that would prove so valuable an ally to a nation likely to be engaged in a European war, as this wealthy, powerful, and cosmopolitan race." (p. 503)
Perhaps the writer of these words hardly realized the state of things which they present to our minds. We see the governments of Europe bidding against each other for the favor and support of an anti-national money power, which would itself be morally unfettered by any allegiance, would be ever ready to betray and secretly paralyze for its own objects the governments under the protection of which its members were living, and of course would be always gaining strength and predominance at the expense of a divided and subservient world. 
The allusion to the influence wielded by the Jews in the European press has a particularly sinister sound. In the social as in the physical sphere new diseases are continually making their appearance. One of the new social diseases of the present day, and certainly not the least deadly, is the perversion of public opinion in the interest of private or sectional objects, by the clandestine manipulation of the press. 
Such a relation as that in which Judaism has placed itself to the people of each country, forming everywhere a nation within the nation, cherishing the pride of a Chosen People, regarding those among whom it dwelt as Gentiles and unclean, shrinking from social intercourse with them, engrossing their wealth by financial skill, but not adding to it by labor, plying at the same time a trade which, however legitimate, is always unpopular and makes many victims, could not possibly fail to lead, as it has led, to mutual hatred and the troubles which ensue. Certain as may be the gradual prevalence of good over evil, it is a futile optimism which denies that there have been calamities in history. One of them has been the dispersion of the Jews.
As was said before, it is incredible that all the nations should have mistaken a power of good for a power of evil, or have been unanimous in ingratitude to a power of good. 
None of them want to hurt the Jew or to interfere with his religious belief; what they all want is that if possible he should go to his own land. As it is, Western Europe and the western hemisphere are threatened with a fresh invasion on the largest scale by the departure of Jews from Russia. 
American politics are already beginning to feel the influence. A party, to catch the Jewish vote, puts into its platform a denunciation of Russia, the best friend of the American Republic in its day of trial. Jews are becoming strong in the British House of Commons and one of them the other day appealed to his compatriots to combine their forces against the political party which had been opposed to Jewish interests.
That the Jew should be de-rabbinized and de-nationalized, in other words that he should renounce the Talmud, the tribal parts of the Mosaic law, and circumcision, is the remedy proposed by M. Leroy-Beaulieu, a writer by no means unfavorable to Israel. 
There seems to be no other way of putting an end to a conflict which is gradually enveloping all nations. This being done, whatever gifts and graces may belong to the race of Moses, David, and Isaiah, of the writers of the Book of Job and of the Psalms, of Judas Maccabaeus and Hillel, will have free course and be glorified.
 If Israel has any message for humanity, as he seems to think, it will he heard. Jewish merit will no longer be viewed with jealousy and distrust as having a sinister confederation at its back; and no man need fear in the present age that in any highly civilized community he will suffer persecution or disparagement of any sort on account of his religion. But the present relation is untenable. The Jew will have either to return to Jerusalem or to forget it, give his heart to the land of his birth and mingle with humanity. 
 From The Journal of Historical Review, Jan.-Feb. 1998 (Vol. 17, No. 1), pp. 16-37. 

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Comments for " "The Jewish Question" No Longer Asked "
Gordon said (May 15, 2013): 
You are correct when referring to Zionist elites, many which comprise the Illuminati. Alex Jones immediately comes to mind, but many in MSM & Alternative Media fear them, and with good reason. Those who skulk in the shadows don't like public exposure and they can bring their collective influence in media, law enforcement, & the courts to bear in a heartbeat. I know this first hand and so do you.
Yet asking pointed questions is exactly what we must do, for not all Jews are Illuminati and not all Illuminati are Jews. We must draw them out into the open by drawing attention to their illegal, immoral and unethical deeds. It is only then that our unseen enemies reveal themselves and they must be reckoned with, regardless of the consequences.
Ron Paul's R3volution failed because he repeatedly refused to directly confront his enemies, the Zionist elites and the Illuminati. Anyone who still believes 9/11 was an act of terror by the "O-Team" is drinking White House kool-aid.
CIA & Mossad are rogue because no one was brave enough to confront them with the overwhelming evidence of an inside job. Ignorance isn't bliss; it's just ignorance.

Mike said (May 14, 2013):
Something not generally explored in any depth is the part played by the collective population in its own disempowerment. The Rothschild group, which has fueled the systemic satanic power, has always relied on financial bribery and intimidation. Each tier under them works by the same principal. The collective population itself is complicit in the NWO plans, which i think constitutes the real underlying problem.
The modus operandi of the powers-that-be, aside from their money power, seems to be their cultivation of political leaders who can be controlled. Dupes rather than shills. This can be surmised by looking at a long line of American Presidents and their administrations. I think Woodrow Wilson and Harry Truman particularly stand out as people whose egos lusted for the job, and were of a common breed who would follow orders in order to get ahead.
Much can be written about the US public and others allowing themselves to be manipulated, and conveniently turning away from inconvenient truths. It is possible that a superficial and sociopath government is what best corresponds to and represents us.
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