Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Tony Cartalucci
Image: US-proxy Anwar Ibrahim leads a Bersih rally in Malaysia. While Bersih
has attempted to claim it is "independent" and simply pursusing
"fair and clean elections," it is clearly a vehicle for returning
Anwar Ibrahim back into power. Additionally, Bersih shares the same ties to the
US State Department's National Endowment for Democracy (NED) as its
crypto-leader Anwar Ibrahim - representing a dangerous and seditious conflict
of interest.
US-funded opposition fronts have vowed to overthrow the Malaysian government
via disruptive and potentially violent street protests in the wake of general
elections that saw their leader Anwar Ibrahim soundly defeated despite massive
support from Western media, NGOs, and direct government intervention.
Pro-Pakatan Rakyat groups have vowed to overthrow the
Barisan Nasional government this year through a massive street rally.
Speakers at a forum held yesterday unanimously agreed that waiting for five
years until the next general election was too long, and vowed to overthrow BN
this year through “force”.
Electoral watchdog group
Bersih 2.0 steering committee member Hishamuddin Rais pointed out that it was
useless to take their unhappiness to the courts as he claimed the justice
system was being controlled by the government.
“That is why we must take to the streets. We have to come out. What Najib likes
is wrong, and what he doesn’t like is what we have to do,” he said.
“We will mobilise a big group and rally on the streets. This is not a threat,
this is a promise,” he stressed.
Bersih, of course, is a US State Department-funded opposition front aimed to
bolster US-proxy candidate Anwar Ibrahim, formerly of the IMF and World Bank,
and a frequent visitor to
the insidious National
Endowment for Democracy (NED) in Washington D.C. It is in fact, NED that
funds Bersih through its subsidiary, the National Democratic Institute (NDI).
...admitted to Bersih receiving some money from two US
organisations — the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and Open Society
Institute (OSI) — for other projects, which she stressed were unrelated to the
July 9 march.
A visit to the NDI website revealed indeed that funding and
training had been provided by the US organization - before NDI took down the
information and replaced it with
a more benign version purged entirely of any mention of Bersih.
For funding Ambiga claims is innocuous, the NDI's rushed obfuscation of any
ties to her organization suggests something far more sinister at play.
In addition to Bersih, other faux-electoral monitors are also directly funded
by the US government. While the Western media attempts to portray such
organizations as "independent," the Merdeka Center for Opinion
Research, for example,
likewise funded directly by the US through NED.
Anwar Ibrahim himself was Chairman of the Development
Committee of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1998, held
lecturing positions at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns
Hopkins University, was a consultant to the World Bank, and a panelist at the
Neo-Con lined National Endowment for Democracy's
Democracy Award" and a panelist
at a NED donation ceremony - the very same US
organization funding and supporting Bersih and so-called
"independent" election monitor Merdeka - paints a picture of an
opposition running for office in Malaysia, not for the Malaysian people, but
clearly for the corporate financier interests of Wall Street and London.
Without a doubt, this premeditated sedition aimed at Malaysia's ruling
government has been designed, funded, and directed from Washington on behalf of
Wall Street and London, not by the Malaysian people on behalf of Malaysia's
best interests.
The street protests conducted by Bersih have all the hallmarks of US-backed
"color revolutions," and this recent attempt to overturn election
results that do not favor an overt US-proxy, foreshadows the same destructive,
divisive, violent, and regressive unrest that has plagued Tunisia, Libya,
Egypt, and Syria after
US-engineered uprisings have left each in turn
destabilized, failed states overrun by extremists, dictators, and traitors many
times worse than the governments activists sought to overthrow.
And with Tunisia,
Libya, Egypt, and Syria in hindsight, will Malaysians fall into this same
familiar trap? Whatever discontent Malaysians may have with the current
government, it is all but assured Bersih and US-proxy candidate Anwar Ibrahim
will compound perceived injustices while compromising Malaysia's political,
social, and economic stability, and begin channeling Malaysia's resources and
energy toward foreign interests and designs,
particularly those involving the encirclement and containment
of China.
An Alternative to the Tired Ploy of "Street Protests"
For the average Malaysian seeking progress, a better bet than joining US-funded
sedition would be to turn their attention toward organizing locally and
focusing on pragmatic, rather than political, goals.
local economic development,
health, and local infrastructure are all areas Malaysians,
regardless of political affiliations, can work together on and improve
regardless of who holds public office.
And while special interests, both foreign and domestic, can indeed hinder such
progress, they do not make such progress impossible. What is certain, is that
corruption amongst Malaysia's ruling party pales in comparison to that of Wall
Street and London - and Malaysians will place themselves in the path of guaranteed
destruction by inviting in the very people who dominated them before achieving
a hard-won independence.
Democracy, in reality, is supposed to be a bottom-up exercise drawn from the
grassroots. Bersih is clearly a vehicle for Anwar Ibrahim and his political
machine - one whose message is funded, crafted, and declared from Anwar's
political advisers and foreign backers, and disseminated across the movement -
however cleverly "democratized" Bersih may attempt to appear.
Malaysians do not need a political party to improve education, to grow their
own food, to develop business locally by leveraging technology, or to improve
local infrastructure and strengthen local communities. The time being wasted to
assist Anwar Ibrahim's worming back into political power at the cost of peace,
stability, and prosperity could be better spent developing truly grassroots
pragmatic power.
Real revolutions do not happen out on the streets -
they are manifested in our schools, across industry, and within our
communities. They are marked by pragmatism and true, enduring technological and
socioeconomic progress - none of which are even promised by Bersih and Anwar
Ibrahim's "People's Alliance." If the people of Malaysia truly
want "change," they are going to have to do it themselves by building
local institutions that technologically and pragmatically solve real problems
rather than simply craft slogans and campaign promises that merely pander to
the concerns of the people. Following the flags of Bersih into the streets
will undoubtedly begin instability and division across Malaysian society
that will jeopardize, not spur, real and very necessary pragmatic progress.
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